Top 10 Framm Quotes

#1. Some mate," Karl Framm said with contempt. "Hell, that little stern-wheeler we're chasin' don't draw nothin'. After a good rain, she could steam halfway across the city of N'Orleans without ever noticin' that she'd left the river.

George R R Martin

Framm Quotes #1183423
#2. It is a sin not to do what one is capable of doing.

Jose Marti

Framm Quotes #17907
#3. This mission was about as stealthy as Godzilla at a petting zoo.

Michelle Muto

Framm Quotes #40338
#4. Effort is grossly underrated.

Gary Vaynerchuk

Framm Quotes #228148
#5. But be careful about the parts you agree to play ... You never know when one is going to stick.

Edward Bloor

Framm Quotes #229753
#6. You have to make the decision to lose weight in your head, not your stomach.

Jean Nidetch

Framm Quotes #458177
#7. I really love voice over work, because it lets you go crazy and have fun. You literally can go anywhere with it!

Maxim Knight

Framm Quotes #1162200
#8. Only merchants have money to waste, and what are they but parasites who create nothing, grow nothing, make nothing but feed off another's labor?

James Clavell

Framm Quotes #1358077
#9. Training to become champion is the toughest thing. The fight itself is just a test.

Georges St-Pierre

Framm Quotes #1372774
#10. She's a serial kisser. I think her parents are French.

C.C. Hunter

Framm Quotes #1869382

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