Top 14 First Sleepover Quotes

#1. Having sex multiple times on the first sleepover does not count as more than one "date" ...

Rowena Cherry

First Sleepover Quotes #1810026
#2. People have many ways to be lousy to one another, as you'll find out when you're older, but I think that all bad behavior stems from plain old selfishness.

Stephen King

First Sleepover Quotes #273150
#3. Arguments that explain everything ... explain nothing

Christopher Hitchens

First Sleepover Quotes #306781
#4. I think for a lot of so-called post-colonial peoples, there's a feeling of not being quite legitimate, of not being pure enough.

Jessica Hagedorn

First Sleepover Quotes #332066
#5. Seeing someone happy on set is just a very small slice of the reality of an actor's life.

Katherine Waterston

First Sleepover Quotes #486918
#6. I find the stuff that is exciting to me are the films coming out of Taiwan and Iran and France. So I have the feeling I'm not making the films that American distributors want to make.

Ira Sachs

First Sleepover Quotes #501851
#7. benedict tips out the door. the night dour and skanky with a rhumba of traffic. warily adjusting a long s/lick multicolored patch-leather jacket to cover ears. collecting himself before tilting forward/falling into rain's cool viola sting.

David N. Odhiambo

First Sleepover Quotes #608137
#8. Tomorrow we will be nothing but earth and dust.
Who will remember the love a soldier once knew?

Shan Sa

First Sleepover Quotes #818960
#9. My wife thinks a B&B is a romantic getaway. I think it's creepy, sharing coffee with strangers who were eavesdropping on you the night before.

Tom Papa

First Sleepover Quotes #909760
#10. My first memory of the Rolling Stones is listening to 'Satisfaction' at a sixth-grade slumber party at a friend's house in Ankara, Turkey, where my family was living at the time. In the middle of our sleepover, my friend's dad stopped the record when he heard the words 'girlie action!'

Gayle King

First Sleepover Quotes #1058446
#11. They fought indeed and were slain, but it was to maintain the luxury and the wealth of other men.


First Sleepover Quotes #1107882
#12. Perfect happiness is an attribute of angels; and those who have it, appear angelic

Mary Shelley

First Sleepover Quotes #1317906
#13. It was the study hour. Most of the monks were reading. A few were meditating, an activity that was suspiciously similar to dozing.

Ken Follett

First Sleepover Quotes #1433067
#14. Love requires trust, and trust requires honesty that is only got through love.

Auliq Ice

First Sleepover Quotes #1840702

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