Top 18 Finnegan S Wake Quotes

#1. I don't go anywhere without a book by James Joyce called 'Finnegan's Wake.'

Johnny Depp

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1591454
#2. It was the night that the power went out in Berkeley that he'd finished Joyce's Finnegan's Wake by the light of a candle. Sometimes you need to be forced to study what's right in front of you.

Anne Rice

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1610314
#3. Great books are readable anyway. Dickens is readable. Jane Austen is readable. John Updike's readable. Hawthorne's readable. It's a meaningless term. You have to go the very extremes of literature, like Joyce's "Finnegan's Wake," before you get a literary work that literally unreadable.

Julian Barnes

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1694860
#4. If our DNA has a literary equivalent, it's Finnegan's Wake.

Jonah Lehrer

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1732443
#5. If you're going on a plane journey, you're more likely to take one of my stories than 'Finnegan's Wake.'

Maeve Binchy

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #277745
#6. The course that I have uniformly pursued, ever since I became a missionary, has been rather peculiar. In order to become an acceptable and eloquent preacher in a foreign language, I deliberately abjured my own. When I crossed the river, I burnt my ships.

Adoniram Judson

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1832894
#7. The things you can control and the things you cannot.

Tara Conklin

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1827553
#8. The point about a great story is that it's got a beginning, a middle and end.

Alan Rickman

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1720667
#9. Fear God and you need not fear anyone else.

Woodrow Wilson

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1492538
#10. You're a dirty bastard"
"Are you complaining?"

Moira Rogers

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1412711
#11. I was brought up Catholic, and I felt the power of art from a very young age - seeing the brutality of all those images of flayed apostles and tortured saints was a pretty strong introduction.

Damien Hirst

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1345208
#12. The thing was, being perfect didn't mean anything if it wasn't real.

Sara Shepard

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1216506
#13. I'm not wild about holidays. They always seem a ludicrously expensive way of proving there's no place like home.

Jilly Cooper

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #1106990
#14. No, not secrets so much as just the Secret. What he knew and had not told anybody, what he knew about his mother that had caused the divorce, what he knew, what he knew--- the Secret.

Gary Paulsen

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #752126
#15. So, take what's inside you and make big, bold choices. And for those who can't speak for themselves, use bold voices. And make friends and love well, bring art to this place. And make this world better for the whole human race.

Jamie Lee Curtis

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #703840
#16. Grace before Glutton. For what we are, gifs a gross if we are, about to believe.

James Joyce

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #487544
#17. From what I could see, men or women, children or adults, young or aged, rich or poor, war was making everyone equal.

Alephonsion Deng

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #304197
#18. I thought of Gatsby's wonder when he first picked out the green light at the end of Daisy's dock. He had come a long way to this lawn and his dream must have seemed so close that he could hardly fail to grasp it. He did not know that it was already behind him. [- Nick Carroway]

F Scott Fitzgerald

Finnegan S Wake Quotes #7321

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