Top 8 Fingal County Quotes

#1. The consciousness in you and the consciousness in me, apparently two, really one, seek unity and that is love.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

Fingal County Quotes #100288
#2. This cat-and-mouse could not last forever, and he also knew that when you are the mouse you don't have much to say about it to the cat.

Robert Olmstead

Fingal County Quotes #138000
#3. The biggest lesson that I've learned is that fashion is this tightrope where you have to be consistent but inconsistent. You need the connective thread but at the same time you need a sense of surprise.

Michael Kors

Fingal County Quotes #145358
#4. No man can have much kindness for him by whom he does not believe himself esteemed, and nothing so evidently proves esteem as imitation.

Samuel Johnson

Fingal County Quotes #237754
#5. I soon learned to separate theological from moral prejudices, and I gave up looking for a supernatural origin of evil. A

Friedrich Nietzsche

Fingal County Quotes #346534
#6. Audiences like to be challenged and to be actively involved and try to guess an outcome.

Andrew Scott

Fingal County Quotes #999171
#7. A kingdom man understands that God never said a godly life would be easy; He just said it would be worth it.

Tony Evans

Fingal County Quotes #1376091
#8. For me there is a reluctance to be in front of cameras. I love making music but with that comes a lot of responsibility and you have to put yourself out there more.

Daniel Powter

Fingal County Quotes #1802377

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