Top 20 Fenris Quotes

#1. I will tell you how this ends, Jarl Grimnar. It ends with you on your knees, as the first High King of Fenris to bare his throat to a foe's blade. Refuse, and suffer the excommunication of your Chapter and the Exterminatus of your miserable home world

Aaron Dembski-Bowden

Fenris Quotes #468297
#2. Fenris lunged at my face. I cleverly escaped by falling on my butt.

Rick Riordan

Fenris Quotes #1759116
#3. Care for a leg?' Mr. MacDonnell held the basket of chicken up toward Fenris Jones.
'Is that some kinda comment?' Fenris Jones demanded.
'Of course not,' Mr. MacDonnell said. 'It's an offer of dinner.

Martha Finley

Fenris Quotes #277669
#4. I think the idea of individualism has become more dominating in our society. You can even see it by our political system: how people vote, the job situation, the sociological evolution that's happening, what's happening in the Middle East and so forth.

Nicolas Winding Refn

Fenris Quotes #1875188
#5. seems that he forgot to mention using his leg to block a bullet several weeks back. He's

Morris Fenris

Fenris Quotes #1665636
#6. Time needs to be invested and managed wisely, much more seriously than money. Time is all you have, and you will realize it one day that you have less than what you think.

Manoj Arora

Fenris Quotes #1619697
#7. I hold with the old-fashioned criticism that Browning is not really a poet, that he has all the gifts but the one needful and the pearls without the string; rather one should say raw nuggets and rough diamonds.

Gerard Manley Hopkins

Fenris Quotes #1331215
#8. I'm only keeping in touch with you for the sake of the children. Way to look after our son, by the way. I let you have him for the weekend and before I know it he's chained underground, awaiting Last Times and stinking of mead.

Joanne Harris

Fenris Quotes #1091082
#9. You will find peace not by trying to escape your problems, but by confronting them courageously. You will find peace not in denial, but in victory.

J. Donald Walters

Fenris Quotes #893980
#10. For a chance with you, I can wait.

Myra McEntire

Fenris Quotes #793415
#11. You can't win a game if you don't score any points.

John Madden

Fenris Quotes #660870
#12. Don't look at me in that tone of voice, it smells a funny colour".

Alex Cotton

Fenris Quotes #587257
#13. We cannot explain the choices that history makes, but we can say something very important about them: history's choices are not made for the benefit of humans.

Yuval Noah Harari

Fenris Quotes #521368
#14. People come and go in our lives; that's as old a story as there is. But some of them the heart cries out to keep forever; and that is a fresh saga everytime.

Ivan Doig

Fenris Quotes #489349
#15. It's been nice to have a band and people I'm close to that I can get that understanding from and help me realize what I want to do in my life as a musician.

Blake Judd

Fenris Quotes #477085
#16. The world needs scientists, engineers - and if a brain is qualified to do such work, it should be encouraged, not smothered because it is a female brain.

Marguerite Rawalt

Fenris Quotes #380882
#17. Perhaps,' she said, leaning forward a little, 'you will tell me your name. If we are to be friends' - she smiled her grave smile - 'as I hope we are, we had better begin at the beginning.

Elizabeth Von Arnim

Fenris Quotes #244143
#18. In photography one should surely proceed from essence of the object and attempt to represent it with photographic terms alone.

Albert Renger-Patzsch

Fenris Quotes #161248
#19. Many people would no more think of entering journalism than the sewage business - which at least does us all some good.

Stephen Fry

Fenris Quotes #121202
#20. Puns are the droppings of soaring wits.

Victor Hugo

Fenris Quotes #61307

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