Top 100 Felicia Day Quotes

#1. Comic-Con has become more of a pop cultural festival, and to not be included feels like you're missing the biggest celebration of the year.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #668707
#2. FYI, it isn't how I suspected. If you eat enough Cheetos you will NOT actually poop an extra-large Cheeto.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #787875
#3. 'TableTop' is packed with gaming celebrities and independent game creators. This is a huge subculture that really doesn't have a vehicle to rally around or educate people with.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #787389
#4. Sign up for the daily work, not the payoff.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #755009
#5. Being a leader was nerve-wracking, but with responsibility comes great admiration.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #751357
#6. I have dozens of loyal fans! Baker's dozens! ... they come in thirteens.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #745815
#7. At no point am I ever threatened by people who question who I am, or why I like the things I do, or my legitimacy. Because I know who I am very strongly, and I think that's what geek culture can reinforce.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #742353
#8. But I AM saying don't chase perfection for perfection's sake, or for anyone else's sake at all. If you strive for something, make sure it's for the right reasons. And if you fail, that will be a better lesson for you than any success you'll ever have. Because you learn a lot from screwing up.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #740488
#9. Your qualification for finding a place to belong is enthusiasm and passion, and I think that's a beautiful thing. No one should feel lonely or embarrassed about liking something.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #733087
#10. I actually did go through severe depression and anxiety attacks where I couldn't sleep for weeks. It was definitely several months of being not myself.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #706145
#11. People don't teach you how to handle the workload that comes from a little bit of success, and it's something I'd never had to handle, because I'd been rejected for so long.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #703171
#12. Basically, my socialization as a child didn't come from any schooling; it came from being in theater and meeting people online.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #677129
#13. I feel like maybe I'm part of that generation that became more of a gamer than a video consumer. It's always been something I've done with my spare time. If I had three hours on a Friday night, I'm not out partying. I'm probably playing video games.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #669865
#14. But it's the science of the stars!"
"She thinks it's Satanic. You gave her daughter a pentagram."
"It's a natal chart, duh. You can't let ignorance trump science here, Miss Mary!

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #802171
#15. Folding Ideas put it best: The use of fear tactics, even if only by a minority, creates an environment of fear that all members enjoy the privilege of, whether they engage in them or not.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #644267
#16. The spirit is the thing I most love about my kind of geekdom.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #642335
#17. my personal life philosophy is always to assume the worst, then you're never disappointed.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #640164
#18. I came from a dance background, so that's what I did my whole teenage years. I was at the dance studio a lot. It just becomes your social scene and part of your life.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #630462
#19. We're all a garbage dump of dysfunction, but if you get in there and churn the problems, they turn to mulch faster so new things can grow out of them.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #627797
#20. I'm a big champion of people doing things outside the system.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #616395
#21. On Tumblr, I'm really careful about not following too many things. I enjoy going on there to discover new things more than anywhere else now.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #606216
#22. We need the world to hear more opinions, give glimpses into more diverse subcultures.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #595057
#23. In my childhood world, the sound of a modem dialing up to connect with another computer was the sound of freedom. I

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #576873
#24. No matter how lonely and isolated and starved for connection you are, there's always the possibility in the online world that you can find a place to be accepted, or discover a friendship that's started with the smallest of interests but could last a lifetime.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #568603
#25. Typecasting is something I have to be careful with, since I play myself on Geek & Sundry so much on my weekly show 'The Flog.' That's why I did 'Dragon Age: Redemption' last year, so I could do something a little more dramatic and hard-edged.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #559099
#26. Yeah, yeah, success is a ladder, a marathon instead of a sprint and all that crap. Everyone can TELL you stuff like that, but you really have to understand advice in relation to YOURSELF, or it's all just nice intellectual theory.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #963420
#27. I do not sleep, but it's totally fine, because I love what I do.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1181523
#28. I'm very persistent; I know the Internet very well, because I grew up on the Internet. I had Internet when there was just dial-up, and the Internet was my social outlet.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1164646
#29. I'll be in a series for three or four episodes, but then I'll be off the series, and downtime, as an actor, is a little more than most people understand. Most of the time you're just sitting around taking coffee with friends.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1144835
#30. Every single job is a challenge. You are walking into a new set, a new character, creating a world and trying to get comfortable to do your best work.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1113643
#31. I never noticed at the time. But the fun we had making it blasts away the imperfections. Kim, Jane, the cast and crew, and I created something together that didn't exist before. Without permission. Without regrets. Hell, yeah.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1105349
#32. I don't appeal to everyone well. I appeal to fewer people in a much stronger way. That's what fandom is to me, and what creates fans for everything I make.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1074259
#33. The more mistakes, the better the story afterwards. Especially if there's a happy ending.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1056680
#34. I'm warning you, if you say something right now, you might accidentally say "Star Wars" instead of "Star Trek" and then you'll have to commit hari-kari, right here, right now in this hallway,

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1044996
#35. Before you say, "Wow, this chick is on a nerd plane of existence I can't relate to"

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1044252
#36. I have a little obsessive-compulsive personality. You can tell because I played online games for eight hours a day.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #1029857
#37. I'm a huge fan of BioWare games. I think they do some of the best character-building. I mean, I have a relationship with Thane from 'Mass Effect' that is as vivid as any crush that I've had on a TV-show character.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #986150
#38. I think Hollywood has seen what fandom can do for a project. You can definitely see that when you go to Comic-con.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #970780
#39. A lot of people mock fandom and fan fiction, like it's lazy to base your own creativity and passion on someone else's work. But some of us need a stepping-stone to start. What's wrong with finding joy in making something, regardless of the inspiration?

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #544179
#40. If you wanna survive, stay close to the redhead.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #937920
#41. I would never let somebody say that they're me. That would be the ultimate betrayal of what I stand for.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #929476
#42. My goal with every show we put on Geek & Sundry is to make it that big of a success, not just within the video but within fandom itself.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #911587
#43. Now that we've transitioned to more Smart TVs, where people are broadcasting their cable box, I hope that Geek & Sundry is something that people will click on in the future, knowing that they're going to get content that they love.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #884059
#44. That's what I love about the Internet. Even if it's small-scale and you're just posting on a forum, that's an uncensored expression. That's what I love.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #877385
#45. I think the whole definition of a geek is somebody being passionate and focused, and being proud of saying that they're passionate and focused, on a narrow range of subjects.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #865896
#46. Sustaining an audience with a web series is an impossible task.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #841590
#47. Knowing yourself is life's eternal homework

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #835190
#48. When we graduate from childhood into adulthood, we're thrown into this confusing, Cthulhu-like miasma of life, filled with social and career problems, all with branching choices and no correct answers.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #830722
#49. I think fan conventions are the epitome of what is fantastic about the internet. And probably why they've become so much more popular in the last several years. You're never weird when you're surrounded by people who are weird like you, right?

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #816863
#50. Quote of the Day: "I don't WANT a Goodreads quote of the day showing up in my email. Every. Single. Day. Annoying....

Felicia A. Sullivan

Felicia Day Quotes #809649
#51. I'd been on 'Buffy' - that is an amazing community, the Joss Whedon fans.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #204668
#52. Nobody should feel lonely or embarrassed about liking something. Except for illegal sex picture stuff. And murder and dogfighting ...

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #302046
#53. I love crafting. Knitting, decoupage, scrapbooking, any "lady-ish" art form, I'm a fan. For about six months each. Then I shove all the supplies in a closet, alongside the skeletons of long dead New Year's resolutions, like saber fencing, playing the ukulele, and Japanese brush painting.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #294740
#54. No problem is insurmountable if you're willing to be creative and bat your eyelashes a little! (Not sexist, guys have eyelashes, too.)

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #281482
#55. Have you ever thrown a party and tried to get EXACTLY three dozen specifically qualified people to attend?

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #266765
#56. The substance of what it means to be a geek is essentially someone who's brave enough to love something against judgment. The heart of being a geek is a little bit of rejection.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #266750
#57. Social media is an amazing tool, but it's really the face-to-face interaction that makes a long-term impact.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #266024
#58. Each one of us is finite, and if we can spread ourselves out in a way to inspire and help other people to be all they can be, I think that's so much more important than one person's glory.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #253524
#59. We have to dig and experiment and figure out who the hell we are from birth to death, which is super inconvenient, right?

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #244500
#60. I was trained to get an A in life from everyone, so I never learned how to take care of myself even if I had a right to.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #243211
#61. It's so much easier to measure life in experience points.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #242797
#62. The creative process isn't easy, even for chocolate-fountain people. It's more like a wobbly, drunken journey down a very steep and scary hill, not knowing if there's a sheer cliff at the end of it all. But it's worth the journey, I promise.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #235737
#63. Once you tell people exactly what you will and won't do, it's amazing how they'll adjust. Or they won't. And then an opportunity or relationship goes away. And that's okay.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #220272
#64. I could type to other people with a keyboard for free about anything I wanted! This browser was ... and then it had ... and I could ... what?!?!?!?!? My world wastransformed.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #309403
#65. I know I shouldn't introduce my own memoir with this amount of insecurity, but my personal life philosophy is always to assume the worst, then you're never disappointed. BAM! Highlight that previous sentence, baby!

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #194508
#66. I'd been in Hollywood for five years before I started writing 'The Guild.' I worked enough to pay all my bills. So I was very lucky in that respect. Most people don't make a living acting.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #191366
#67. And Kim could sense that I was freaking out. Because I said, looking freaked out, The idea of doing that freaks me out.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #181364
#68. I dug in my heels and was unreasonable, and got rewarded for it. (Definitely adding that to the coffee mug slogan bin.)

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #175061
#69. Just because you have star power and a huge marketing budget, you can see from some professional web series, it doesn't equal views.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #134391
#70. I love sitcoms, and I grew up on sitcoms. That's my tasty junk food.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #131597
#71. Surprisingly, I think if you're known on the Internet, you're probably an introvert.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #116935
#72. My goal in creating Geek & Sundry was to create a community based around web video, and we've accomplished that, especially on our budget.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #88632
#73. TV and comics and movies are what you think about when you think about geek, but people can be a geek about anything.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #64438
#74. That's the great thing about incubating something on the web: you have the potential to go to other platforms. Every single platform has a different audience that you find.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #42029
#75. I could go off into the wilderness and write fantasy novels for the rest of my life and probably be happy; but I always want to challenge myself.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #36686
#76. I'm definitely more of a 'think game' kind of girl. I'll read every single dialogue and codex entry and lore entry. I really do love projecting myself and creating my character.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #427551
#77. I'm much more interested in shows that maybe not everybody loves, but a lot of people REALLY love. That's how I am as a person. I'm as extreme as the roles in the shows that I like to be on.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #525393
#78. You never know how people are gonna receive you and especially a character that's so close to the fans in type.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #520506
#79. My dreams about finding a place to create true, meaningful friendships around my fake video game world had come true.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #515581
#80. But I hung on, like a tiny four-year-old grasping the curved bars of a playground merry-go-round when someone's older cousin spins it too fast. YAY, THIS IS FUN, KINDA!

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #514025
#81. I learned that lack of budget can be overcome by fan passion if you can get your content to the people who like what you do.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #510500
#82. I do get offered a lot more roles than I choose to do. I'm very busy as a producer and a writer, especially with my Internet stuff, and I tend to only accept the roles that I know will have an impact and has a fanbase.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #509764
#83. They focused a large amount of their wrath on people trying to add dialogue about feminism and diversity in gaming, condemning them as "Social Justice Warriors." (That label was always so weird to me, because how is that an insult? "Social Justice Warrior" actually sounds pretty badass.)

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #470583
#84. Every quirky girl doesn't have to be the best-friend character. It's a very limiting and self-fulfilling prophecy. People only write things that will get green-lit, so they write to those stereotypes.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #465559
#85. I still do commercial work as an actor, which I love, because it's very quick, and it definitely pays my bills.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #461119
#86. I am excited for the future of the industry, because we're at that point now where digital is becoming pertinent to release and distribution strategy versus releasing on cable or anywhere else.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #460683
#87. In life they're not going to serve you lemons, they're going to serve you lemonade; and I don't really like lemonade because I've got a really bad acid reflux.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #443883
#88. Make sure if you're working hard at something it's in a subject you actually want to remember something about ten years later.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #438720
#89. Whoever these "John," "Matthew," and "Judas" people were, they were NOT HAVING A GOOD TIME.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #10500
#90. He's flying through Norway. Notice the fjords I created with hundreds of individually cut-out gray mosaic pieces? It's daylight there in the winter, it would be untruthful to have the night sky be so dark.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #420056
#91. I fantasized bout how I'd use my free hour at school. Organize my sticker album or tend to my vast My Little Pony herd. You know, things that would contribute to my future.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #415166
#92. I think the more web video there is, the more press you'll get, as well as all the people who want to tell stories that haven't been told before but can't do that on TV because different stories are a risk.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #409337
#93. Whether you're a Twitter follower, a YouTube subscriber or a Facebook friend, natural social instinct is to collect people and to not kind of see them later. But unfortunately, with social media, you collect them and they're in your life, whether you really want them or not.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #405088
#94. My percussionist boyfriend graduated and went away to grad school a few semesters later, but not before he introduced me to the most amazing thing I'd ever experienced. No, not sex (I'm a lady; I don't write about that) but something just as good: the World Wide Web. It

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #387583
#95. The world opened up for me once I decided to embrace who I am - unapologetically

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #378197
#96. Finishing games has been something I'm really proud of, seeing something through to the end.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #369647
#97. It's either perfect, or it's the worst thing ever made and everyone is an artistic failure, including myself. (Yay, emotional extremes!)

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #350576
#98. We all have periods of our life where we're trapped, doing something we hate, and we develop habits that have nothing to do with our long-term goals to fill the downtime.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #345444
#99. Felicia's place is always off the edge of the map, where dragons wait, and this story is more than a memoir. It's a quest. If you wanna survive, stay close to the redhead.
She knows her way.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #322599
#100. I think every role is always exciting and intimidating. I've never had a role where I wasn't intimidated by it.

Felicia Day

Felicia Day Quotes #309572

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