Top 12 Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes

#1. To succeed, you need to find something to hold on to, something to motivate you, something to inspire you.

Tony Dorsett

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #215279
#2. Certain of misfire, my heart threatens to stop.

Ellen Hopkins

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #376290
#3. That red carpet has to be felt to be believed.

William H. Macy

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #659698
#4. The bicycle had, and still has, a humane, almost classical moderation in the kind of pleasure it offers. It is the kind of machine that a Hellenistic Greek might have invented and ridden. It does no violence to our normal reactions: It does not pretend to free us from our normal environment.

J. B. Jackson

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #687588
#5. The toy soldiers gathered a few more flakes of dust on their shelves; the books stayed shut and squeezed together, telling their stories only to themselves between their covers.

Emma Trevayne

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #799546
#6. Not Really, he said then lit a cigarette and handed it to me. I inhaled. Coughed. Wheezed. Gasped for breath. Coughed again. Considered vomiting. Grabbed the swinging bench, head spinning, and threw the cigarette to the ground and stomped on it, convinced my Great Perhaps did not involve cigarettes.

John Green

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #820175
#7. When we yield to love, we are aiding to our own haven.

Publilius Syrus

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1243428
#8. I had a healthy curiosity and would try things on - play lots of practical jokes. But it was more in my head - fantasies of What would happen if ... ? Like what would happen in class if you took all your clothes off and you ran around the room?

Andy Griffiths

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1406033
#9. It seemed each band member was in his own world. Yet, each was in tune with the other.

Jason Medina

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1452730
#10. I think any time we lose people, it's a hard moment.

Tommy Franks

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1741811
#11. I have a worm's eye view and a bird's eye view simultaneously and it's immensely helpful to understand what is happening on the shop floor when you are harnessing many talents and telling an intimate story on a large scale.

Richard Eyre

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1827640
#12. I gave him my life, but you cannot ask me to stop living.

Victoria Schwab

Fassbinders The Bitter Quotes #1868500

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