Top 27 Farmed Animals Quotes

#1. All told, farmed animals in the United States produce 130 times as much waste as the human population -

Jonathan Safran Foer

Farmed Animals Quotes #685229
#2. Starvation does not occur because of a world food shortage. If everyone ate a vegetarian, or better still, a vegan diet there would be enough food for everyone. The only sane way forward is to grow food for humans rather than to feed it to farmed animals..

Jeremy Rifkin

Farmed Animals Quotes #264042
#3. Regarding factory-farmed animals We owe them a merciful death, and we owe them a merciful life. And when human beings cannot do something humanely, without degrading both the creatures and ourselves, then we should not do it at all.

Matthew Scully

Farmed Animals Quotes #1744897
#4. Generally I'm very supportive of farmers. I think the wider Australian population is also. The animal justice fund is focusing on factory-farmed animals and where they're being mistreated.

Jan Cameron

Farmed Animals Quotes #1632997
#5. Becoming a vegan is a sure way of completely avoiding participation in the abuse of farmed animals. Vegans are a living demonstration of the fact that we do not need to exploit animals for food.

Peter Singer

Farmed Animals Quotes #1632846
#6. The Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) calculated 24.6 million pounds of antibiotics were fed to chickens, pigs, and other farmed animals, only counting nontherapeutic uses.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Farmed Animals Quotes #1613092
#7. Farmed animals are not future Buddhas donating their flesh out of compassion for those of us who have developed a craving for it. They are victims of our greed from whom we steal the most precious gift any of us has: life.

Norm Phelps

Farmed Animals Quotes #1593532
#8. Animal agriculture takes up an incredible 70% of all agricultural land, and a whopping 30% of the land surface of the planet. As a result, farmed animals are probably the biggest cause of slashing and burning the world's forests.

Kathy Freston

Farmed Animals Quotes #1514685
#9. But unlike all farmed meat, which requires the creation and maintenance of animals, dogs are practically begging to be eaten. Three to four million dogs and cats are euthanized annually. This amounts to millions of pounds of meat now being thrown away every year.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Farmed Animals Quotes #1837804
#10. The person who loves the process has a much greater chance of success than the person who loves the outcome.

Erwin McManus

Farmed Animals Quotes #1805743
#11. I began to meet young men and women who talked about having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and while I cherish my Catholic upbringing and the foundation that it poured in my faith, that had not been a part of my experience.

Mike Pence

Farmed Animals Quotes #1689471
#12. Sometimes when I read about my rebellion in print it sounds a little overrated.

Elisabeth Shue

Farmed Animals Quotes #1633221
#13. They're not fat pigs; we're mad scientists.

Colleen Patrick-Goudreau

Farmed Animals Quotes #1499949
#14. I find that falling in love is way more fun than just having that instant attraction that you have to maintain for a relationship.

Judy Greer

Farmed Animals Quotes #1352293
#15. This ain't Halloween." he said.
"What's that mean?"
"Means I ain't sharin' my candy.

Jane Seville

Farmed Animals Quotes #1262393
#16. Where do thoughts come from, Father?"
King Mafferan looked deeply into his twelve-year-old eyes. "While I may not be sure all thoughts are my own, I am sure when I own them.

Darryl Steven Markowitz

Farmed Animals Quotes #1213460
#17. Ninety-nine percent of all land animals eaten or used to produce milk and eggs in the United States are factory farmed. So although there are important exceptions, to speak about eating animals today is to speak about factory farming.

Jonathan Safran Foer

Farmed Animals Quotes #1104212
#18. Childish behavior should only be act out by children, unless you have the mind of a child.


Farmed Animals Quotes #1060465
#19. I think it's something that needs to be said - that there are interracial marriages out there, and the couples live happy lives, and there's nothing wrong with it.

Tia Mowry

Farmed Animals Quotes #1056977
#20. I think that the book in some ways is the most interesting from our own present standpoint, particularly when we want to think about the way the internet is changing us.

Nicholas G. Carr

Farmed Animals Quotes #1042295
#21. From doing Power Station, it was like, it's the same guys, but it doesn't sound like them. When we were in Duran, the labels and management wanted more Duran stuff so they could sell it.

Andy Taylor

Farmed Animals Quotes #989668
#22. A dimly lit tavern, a willing young woman, are some of the reasons I cheat.

Randy Travis

Farmed Animals Quotes #918832
#23. Every man believes he has a greater possibility.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Farmed Animals Quotes #572921
#24. I'm from Dallas, so I totally get the whole thing. I understand the history and on how big of a scale 'Dallas' was and still is.

Josh Henderson

Farmed Animals Quotes #543632
#25. Biblical community, then, incorporates this idea of an active partnership in the promotion of the gospel and the building up of believers.

Jerry Bridges

Farmed Animals Quotes #373200
#26. There are more active volcanoes beneath the sea than on land by two orders of magnitude.

Robert Ballard

Farmed Animals Quotes #186113
#27. Ninety-five percent of the eggs produced in America come from factory-farmed birds. Even if free-range farms were hugely more humane, the sheer number of animals raised to satisfy people's desire for eggs, meat, and milk makes it impossible for us to raise them all on small, free-range farms.

Ingrid Newkirk

Farmed Animals Quotes #50328

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