Top 55 Faris Quotes
#1. I can still impress my family, yeah. In fact, I always text my family when I meet someone famous. I ran into Anna Faris and I texted my niece, and I said "Just hugged it out with Anna Faris," and she was like, "Oh my God! OMG! OMG!" She got a big kick out of it.
Jane Lynch
#2. Allison Janney is amazing, and Anna Faris was a revelation to me.
Mimi Kennedy
#3. One of the things that comedy has given me over the years is a really good ability to laugh at myself and to not take things that don't matter too much too seriously. I feel that very little offends me anymore and I'm really grateful for that because I think I was a pretty uptight little kid.
Anna Faris
#4. In every career, you are balancing or negotiating tricky waters. But, I think that's been something nice that comedy has been able to give me a little bit more. I have the ability to laugh at myself and hopefully not take all of this whole world too seriously.
Anna Faris
#5. I try not to read newspapers when I have a movie coming out, but I guess I'm not immune to public opinion. I'm hurt by it.
Anna Faris
#6. I never really thought I wanted to become a movie star.
Anna Faris
#7. I've never wanted to be a cage fighter myself, but I definitely do enjoy the entertainment of it.
Sean Faris
#8. If we return to the roots of planning we see at its heart a desire to understand human behaviour and provide a robust model for influencing it. Rather than dismantling strategy into endless experimentation, we need a new way of understanding the world, a modern philosophy.
Faris Yakob
#9. I see so many people in the gym just slinging weight around. You can accomplish more if you squeeze the reps out in perfect form, instead of going big and trying to kill it every time.
Sean Faris
#10. I really love comedy and weirdly enough, I love how my journey has ended up. I get to laugh all day long.
Anna Faris
#11. I never imagined being able to make money from acting - and now I can.
Anna Faris
#12. You know, right now, they say - I don't know who says this, but somebody told me - there's three male roles to every female role. And I guess I'd work on evening that up. Making great roles for women. It's just such a huge challenge.
Anna Faris
#13. I wish to become so mature that I would only make new mistakes.
Faris Nejad
#14. Sometimes it feels weird being an actor surrounded by all these real fighters and you gotta keep your confidence high and do your best to learn it as quickly as possible.
Sean Faris
#15. When faced with a situation, the confidence you stand up to that situation with usually pushes the other person to back down because the guy that is trying to start the fight doesn't really want to fight. He just wants a scene.
Sean Faris
#16. I hate junk food. It depresses me.
Sean Faris
#17. Yet as a distinction, citizenship is entirely artificial. An accident of birth, a quirk in the law, or the whim of a bureaucrat can mean the difference between a life of comfort or a life of struggle.
Stephan Faris
#18. I grew out my armpit hair for the summer. It turns out my natural hair colour isn't blonde.
Anna Faris
#19. The hardest thing in my industry is longevity, getting your next job. It's hard to get the first job, but it's so much harder to get the sixth or seventh as a woman.
Anna Faris
#20. I feel like all comedy does require a lack of vanity, but multi-cam, especially.
Anna Faris
#21. I was never the class clown or anything like that. When I was growing up and doing theatre in Seattle I was always doing very dramatic work. Now I can't get a dramatic role to save my life!
Anna Faris
#22. I know I looked skinnier in The House Bunny, but thanks to my diet of beer and doughnuts, I'm back to my fightin' weight!'
Anna Faris
#23. You have to create your own stuff. It's really exciting to create something, sell it, and feel like I'm not just a pawn waiting to be cast.
Anna Faris
#24. I know a lot of actors talk about the importance of wardrobe, and it always seems like it's kind of a cop-out, maybe, because it seems like a minor detail to some people. But I think it's hugely important.
Anna Faris
#25. Lemons, lemonade! It all depends who's squeezing!
Karen Faris
#26. I don't know about you, but I love showing my ass to a crew of 300 that I've been working with.
Anna Faris
#27. You have to be willing to accept the idea that people may think you're stupid.
Anna Faris
#28. I think it is optimistic and positive - it's quite contradictory in that sense - from the lyrics. Until you actually read them, maybe they can seem contradictory.
Faris Badwan
#29. I've dealt with many challenges in my life, with my family.
Sean Faris
#30. Anybody can be fit. But you have to be patient. Give your body some time to adjust.
Sean Faris
#31. I feel really grateful that I am in comedy, and I love doing it.
Anna Faris
#32. Working with Michael Chiklis is a lesson in professionalism and staying focused. That's what Chiklis brings all day long.
Sean Faris
#33. I don't really like to go out to clubs or anything. It's just not my style. I'd much rather go to a dive bar or a local place.
Anna Faris
#34. I don't know what I'm doing as a parent at all.
Anna Faris
#35. The eyes are the nipples of the face
Anna Faris
#36. I don't want a girl who's high-maintenance and wants to go shopping ... I like a girl who doesn't wear make-up and is naturally beautiful.
Sean Faris
#37. I'm not a very good lover. I'm so nervous about my sexuality.
Anna Faris
#38. I did come to realize that getting your first job is hard, but it's not nearly as hard as getting your seventh job. That is hard. That's when you really have to prove it to people.
Anna Faris
#39. Hollywood studio executives don't recognize the value of female performers as much as male performers.
Anna Faris
#40. If you don't believe in a line, then you come off as the loser.
Anna Faris
#41. I hope people remember me for the kind of person that I am, not because of what I do.
Sean Faris
#42. Fanzines are very important for sharing stuff that you're in to, with the readers and listeners. We met through the love of discovering music and it makes sense, to want to share that music with other people.
Faris Badwan
#43. I have a ridiculous amount of confidence of protecting myself, but along with that confidence comes the ability that you don't need to fight.
Sean Faris
#44. I try to keep my head on straight and take nothing for granted.
Anna Faris
#45. Years ago, I was thinking about this type of character and what happens when you've lived in this sort of strange, surreal world where it's parties all the time and then you don't get to live there anymore. What do you do with the rest of your life?
Anna Faris
#46. Blythe Danner is somebody whose career I admire. She's a great actress and does good work, but also has a life of her own. I love my job but, at the end of the day, I want to come home and watch a movie and drink a bottle of wine with my husband.
Anna Faris
#47. Instead of the mahi mahi, may I just get the one mahi because I'm not that hungry.
Anna Faris
#48. I used to feel this need to prove to people that I can do something dramatic. But, the truth is that I don't know if I can. I don't think I have it in my skill set. It would be great, but I do love making comedies. It's been so much fun for me, and I hope that I can continue to do it.
Anna Faris
#49. It's just what we love doing. I don't feel like we have some kind of obligation to ... It's really just a natural thing.
Faris Badwan
#50. It's always exciting to be a part of the development and creative process, and I hope to continue to do it. I feel like, especially in the comedic world, it's how things have to be done. You have to be a part of the motivating factor of getting the movie made. It's so hard.
Anna Faris
#51. Especially in the world of comedy, it feels like you have to be proactive, in terms of pitching and trying to sell and being a part of the creation of the stuff that you do.
Anna Faris
#52. My wedding will be a great party where I can get drunk and have a good time.
Anna Faris
#53. My mom actually didn't let me read any women's magazines growing up. She also didn't let me see Pretty Woman. She thought that I was going to want to be a hooker. So, instead, I just got cast in Scary Movie.
Anna Faris
#55. My comedy does not come from a place of deep cynicism, and I tend to play characters who are naive in some way.
Anna Faris
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