Top 100 Fareed Quotes

#1. Americans speak few languages, know little about foreign cultures, and remain unconvinced that they need to rectify this.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1158518
#2. One of the things that has been very difficult in Libya is the sense of uncertainty - the sense that they haven't actually finished the revolution, that there was still a great deal of uncertainty. That uncertainty has made Libya harder for business in terms of oil and other things as well.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1332815
#3. The American dream seems to be thriving in Europe not at home.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1319798
#4. I'm largely in favor of financial reform.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1319683
#5. I think it is quite untrue that it is standard journalistic practice to name the interviewer when quoting from an interview.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1293592
#6. The crucial challenge is to learn how to read critically, analyze data, and formulate ideas - and most of all to enjoy the intellectual adventure enough to be able to do them easily and often.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1260499
#7. The Berlin Wall wasn't the only barrier to fall after the collapse of the Soviet Union and the end of the Cold War. Traditional barriers to the flow of money, trade, people and ideas also fell.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1243607
#8. Democracy is also a single ideology, and, like all such templates, it has its limits. what works in a legislature might not work in a corporation

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1241525
#9. Liberty came to the West centuries before democracy. Liberty led to democracy and not the other way around.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1222610
#10. But as the arms-control scholar Thomas Schelling once noted, two things are very expensive in international life: promises when they succeed and threats when they fail.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1203640
#11. The markets are much more interested in America's long-term trajectory than they are in feeling that there is an acute short-term crisis.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1198545
#12. I don't want to paint a picture of total gloom and doom.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1179427
#13. Liberal education should give people the skills that will help them get ready for their sixth job, not their first job.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1168316
#14. Being forced to write clearly means, first, you have to think clearly.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1382194
#15. Iran is a country of 80 million people, educated and dynamic. It sits astride a crucial part of the world. It cannot be sanctioned and pressed down forever. It is the last great civilization to sit outside the global order.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1142787
#16. If a senator calls me up and asks me what should we do in Iraq, I'm happy to talk to him.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1118034
#17. What happens in the media is the cult of personality. The brands who have been forced to cut their staff have been forced to take on the brands of journalists.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1091921
#18. Strip away the usual hot air, and bin Laden's audiotape is the sign of a seriously weakened man.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1086061
#19. It's really difficult to have your voice heard and feared when you both speak softly and carry a twig.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1076033
#20. The Yale report explained that the essence of liberal education was not to teach that which is peculiar to any one of the professions; but to lay the foundation which is common to them all.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #990737
#21. If there is one lesson for U.S. foreign policy from the past 10 years, it is surely that military intervention can seem simple but is in fact a complex affair with the potential for unintended consequences.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #979799
#22. I very much want to be in the business of creating content, of doing stories all over the world rather than figuring out what the business model is for 'Newsweek' on the iPad, although that's very important work as well.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #979125
#23. Eighty years ago, Woodrow Wilson took America into the twentieth century with a challenge to make the world safe for democracy. As we enter the twenty-first century, our task is to make democracy safe for the world.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #978920
#24. Intelligence is called the world's second oldest profession for a reason. Everyone does it.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #967991
#25. The people who watch Fox are not going to watch CNN. You know, let's be honest.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #933584
#26. In the Middle East today there are too many people consumed by political dreams and too few interested in practical plans. That is why, to paraphrase Winston Churchill's line about the Balkans, the region produces more history than it consumes.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1540846
#27. I enjoy writing but I much prefer the experience of having written.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1719070
#28. Things happening around the world are affecting you and me.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1718657
#29. I'd be kidding if I said that I predicted the financial collapse.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1717875
#30. Suppose the elections are free and fair and those elected are racists, fascists, separatists", said the American diplomat Richard Holbrooke about Yugoslavia in 1990s. "that is the dilemma

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1694107
#31. The education system is an increasingly powerful mechanism for the intergenerational reproduction of privilege.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1684358
#32. American influence is not what it used to be.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1675824
#33. The basic problem for American workers of all ages has been that their hours and productivity keep rising but their wages do not.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1673253

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1591051
#35. What we need in politics today is not more democracy but less.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1579769
#36. Whenever someone says the word community, I want to reach for an oxygen mask.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1574701
#37. Politics and power is a realm of relative influence.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1549193
#38. All novelists know that crisis reveals character.

Salman Rushdie

Fareed Quotes #1547425
#39. Victoria Principal - she

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #929515
#40. Walter Lippmann was once asked his views on a particular topic, he is said to have replied, I don't know what I think on that one. I haven't written about it yet.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1538369
#41. There is a huge crisis of employment in America, in the Western world in general.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1514002
#42. The situation in Syria is quite different from Libya.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1506708
#43. You know, when the cost of capital goes down, when credit becomes cheap, people start taking greater and greater risks.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1477416
#44. I should not be judged by a standard that's not applied to everyone else.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1475679
#45. The one show that I will continue to be a guest on is 'The Daily Show' with Jon Stewart, if he'll have me. It's not competitive with CNN and it's too much fun.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1474920
#46. The Romans saw loss of virtue all around them. The Victorians decried the decline in religiosity in the next generation.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1466507
#47. The problem is that Islam does not have a pope, so there's no one guy to say, 'This isn't kosher' ... Not that he would.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1464282
#48. Legitimacy is the elixir of political power. "The strongest is never strong enough to be the master", Jean-Jaques Rousseau observed, "unless he translates strength into right and obedience into duty". Only democracy has that authority in the world today.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1447018
#49. Having your fiscal house in order and having a more manageable macro-economic future is going to be very useful in creating growth.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1399606
#50. The most recent edition of the test - called the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) - was conducted in 2012, and it found that among the OECD's thirty-four members, the United States ranked twenty-seventh, twentieth, and seventeenth in math, science, and reading, respectively.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #1388152
#51. It all looks American because America, the country that invented mass capitalism and consumerism, got there first. the impact of mass capitalism is now universal.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #184476
#52. When you're failing, there's a very powerful incentive to put ideology aside and just do what seems to work.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #362197
#53. British rule meant not democracy -colonialism is almost by definition underdemocratic - but limited constitutional liberalism and capitalism

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #350655
#54. If you go to India the roads are being built almost entirely with private sector money and by the private sector. If you look at many, many countries in Europe that's how they're doing it.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #333864
#55. The real challenges that the country faces come from the winners, not the losers, of the new world.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #329360
#56. The technological revolution at home makes it much easier for computers to do our work.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #289796
#57. In a world awash in debt, power shifts to creditors.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #281546
#58. It hasn't been easy to find American citizens who are willing to pick fruit in 110 degree weather.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #259006
#59. The world is changing very profoundly.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #247407
#60. America washes its dirty linen in public. When scandals such as this one hit, they do sully America's image in the world. But what usually also gets broadcast around the world is the vivid reality that the United States forces accountability and punishes wrongdoing, even at the highest levels.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #238409
#61. Alaska itself is an unusual state.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #220010
#62. On almost every issue involving postwar Iraq, [Bush's] assumptions and policies have been wrong. This strange combination of arrogance and incompetence has not only destroyed the hopes for a new Iraq. It has had the much broader effect of turning the United States into an international outlaw.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #212592
#63. The central virtue of a liberal education is that it teaches you how to write, and writing makes you think. Whatever you do in life, the ability to write clearly, cleanly, and reasonably quickly will prove to be an invaluable skill.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #196196
#64. Street protests in Saudi Arabia might warm our hearts, but they could easily lead to $250 a barrel oil and a global recession.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #367688
#65. America's growth historically has been fueled mostly by investment, education, productivity, innovation and immigration. The one thing that doesn't seem to have anything to do with America's growth rate is a brutal work schedule.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #184100
#66. If we didn't have the rest of the world growing, the United States economy would be in much worse shape than it is today.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #133826
#67. There is very strong historical data that suggests the way societies grow is by making large, long-term investments.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #132997
#68. Mark Zuckerberg and Jeff Bezos are far more important symbols than any politician today, and they occupy the space that iconic political figures did in earlier eras.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #123109
#69. Jefferson's fear was that without such a system of public education, the country would end up being ruled by a privileged elite that would recycle itself through a network of private institutions that entrenched their advantages.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #120990
#70. My friends all say I'm going to be Secretary of State. But I don't see how that would be much different from the job I have now.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #70185
#71. I think that liberals need to grow up.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #56132
#72. Generations from now, when historians write about these times, they might note that, in the early decades of the twenty-first century, the United States succeeded in its great and historic mission
it globalized the world. But along the way, they might write, it forgot to globalize itself.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #38420
#73. The great drama of Russian history has been between its state and society. Put simply, Russia has always had too much state and not enough society.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #38046
#74. If envy were the cause of terrorism, Beverly Hills [and] Fifth Avenue ... would have become targets long ago.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #24687
#75. Whenever societies do well, they believe that there is something in their cultural DNA that made it happen.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #17788
#76. Low interest rates and cheap credit also cause people to act foolishly or greedily ...

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #652248
#77. In thirty years Iraq too has gone from being among the most modern and secular of Arab countries -with women working, artists thriving, journalists writing- into a squalid playpen for a megalomaniac.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #923722
#78. Foreign policy is a matter of costs and benefits, not theology.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #907572
#79. What we see today is an American economy that has boomed because of policies and developments of the 1950s and '60s: the interstate-highway system, massive funding for science and technology, a public-education system that was the envy of the world and generous immigration policies.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #879779
#80. Russia's fundamental problem is not that it is a poor country struggling to modernize, but rather that it is a rich country struggling to modernize. Schoolchildren in the Soviet era were taught that they lived in the richest country in the world. In this case communist propaganda was true

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #860172
#81. It is absolutely clear that government plays a key role, as a catalyst, in promoting long-run growth.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #842741
#82. We are drowning in information, while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers, people able to put together the right information at the right time, think critically about it, and make important choices wisely. - E. O. Wilson

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #826078
#83. In an almost unthinkable reversal of a global pattern, almost every Arab country today is less free than it was forty years ago. There are few places in the world about which one can say that.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #803612
#84. One of the great dilemmas for America will be that American companies will do very well while American workers might not.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #771582
#85. The Chinese economy's still not that much of a consumer economy.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #761253
#86. The American consumer, even today, the weight of the American consumer in the global economy is China plus India doubled. So, it's tough to replace that.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #747909
#87. The twentieth century was marked by two broad trends: the regulation of capitalism and the deregulation of democracy. Both experiments overreached.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #726016
#88. Americans have so far put up with inequality because they felt they could change their status. They didn't mind others being rich, as long as they had a path to move up as well. The American Dream is all about social mobility in a sense - the idea that anyone can make it.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #691641
#89. A nations path to greatness lies in its economic prowess and that militarism, empire, and aggression lead to a dead end.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #959
#90. In a very weak economy, when you say 'cut government spending,' what you mean is you're laying off school teachers and you're de-funding various programs that put money into the economy. This means you have more unemployed people that then draw unemployment benefits and don't pay taxes.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #612707
#91. If you listen to the political discourse in America today, you would think that all our problems have been caused by the Mexicans of the Chinese or the Muslims. The reality is that we have caused our own problems. Whatever has happened has been caused by isolating ourselves or blaming others.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #606396
#92. Edmund Burke once described society as a partnership between the dead, the living, and the yet unborn. It is difficult to see in the evolving system who will speak for the yet unborn, for the future.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #567159
#93. During the Cold War, we were interested because we were scared that Russia and the United States were going to go to war. We were scared that Russia was going to take over the world. Every country became a battleground.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #566569
#94. The solution is not that people need to major in marketing in college, but that their liberal education should be more structured and demanding. Majors should have some required sequence of basic courses, as in economics.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #564135
#95. I grew up in this world where everything seemed possible.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #536248
#96. In fact, some have said that the clash between Catholicism and Protestantism illustrates the old maxim that religious freedom is the product of two equally pernicious fanaticisms, each cancelling the other out

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #511382
#97. I am an American, not by accident of birth but by choice. I voted with my feet and became an American because I love this country and think it is exceptional.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #490848
#98. In the 1990s, we were certain that Saddam Hussein had a nuclear arsenal. In fact, his factories could barely make soap.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #461660
#99. But now, we are becoming suspicious of the very things we have long celebrated - free markets, trade, immigration, and technological change. And all this is happening when the tide is going our way. Just as the world is opening up, America is closing down.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #423073
#100. During the Asian financial crisis the United States and other Western countries demanded that the Asians take three steps
let bad banks fail, keep spending under control, and keep interest rates high. In it own crisis, the West did exactly the opposite on all three fronts.

Fareed Zakaria

Fareed Quotes #403109

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