Top 14 Famous Criminal Quotes

#1. What a joke! Poor little rich girl's fallen in love with the Republic's most famous criminal.

Marie Lu

Famous Criminal Quotes #1455784
#2. I think the real needs in the country are for cultural renewal.

Sam Brownback

Famous Criminal Quotes #288474
#3. Grounded likely means no phone or computer," Jamie said. "But if I encounter an owl, I'll try to smuggle a message to the outside, okay?

Michelle Hodkin

Famous Criminal Quotes #328340
#4. Of all the criminal cases in which Philo Vance participated as unofficial investigator, the most sinister, the most bizarre, the seemingly most incomprehensible, and certainly the most terrifying was the one that followed the famous Greene murders.

S. S. Van Dine

Famous Criminal Quotes #354431
#5. I feel really lucky that I grew up pretending to be a spy for my whole childhood.

Daryl Sabara

Famous Criminal Quotes #681362
#6. I want you to take note, Commander, that turning in my badge would be like cutting off my arm. But if it comes down to a choice between the job and my marriage, then I lose the arm.

J.D. Robb

Famous Criminal Quotes #749988
#7. The best love is the kind that weakens the soul, that makes us reach for more. That plants a fire in our hearts and brings peace to our minds.

Audrey Niffenegger

Famous Criminal Quotes #751956
#8. It's my mother's engagement ring so I thought it was quite nice because obviously she's not going to be around to share any of the fun and excitement of it all - this was my way of keeping her close to it all.

Prince William

Famous Criminal Quotes #804957
#9. If you live in a dirty big city, it means that you surely need a pastoral life to make yourself clean!

Mehmet Murat Ildan

Famous Criminal Quotes #1178215
#10. Those who aren't caught up into this bigotry, this hatred, those who respect us when they see us. Then you have an obligation also, the good ones. To make sure you say to the others, that this blue wall of silence must come down and that everybody must be treated equally.

Kweisi Mfume

Famous Criminal Quotes #1303474
#11. You can get anything from Mozilla Firefox-based themes to nature themes to your own photographs.

Mitchell Baker

Famous Criminal Quotes #1462318
#12. Music, somehow, breaks through, to everybody.

Sandra Bullock

Famous Criminal Quotes #1533137
#13. If I wasn't going to be a world-famous journalist and if I didn't have such respect for truth and justice, I could be an amazing master criminal.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Famous Criminal Quotes #1729798
#14. Any blisters on your shoulder blades would weep painfully, as the weight of the pack went back on. Then somehow your mind would shut out the pain, for a while. Until, by the end of the march, your shoulders would start to wilt and cramp up as if they were on fire.

Bear Grylls

Famous Criminal Quotes #1843804

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