Top 20 Family Scripture Quotes

#1. There is something eternal in the very nature of writing, as is so graphically illustrated by the scriptures themselves. In a very real sense, our properly written histories are a very important part of our family scripture and become a great source of spiritual strength to us and to our posterity

John H. Groberg

Family Scripture Quotes #1861019
#2. The only things that really need to be accomplished in the home are daily scripture study and prayer and weekly family home evening.

Linda S. Reeves

Family Scripture Quotes #811421
#3. Scripture would not only solve the individual and family divisions, but it would also solve the ecclesiastical confusion.

Tony Evans

Family Scripture Quotes #1788457
#4. I hug employees all the time. I'm a huge contact person. Touch is an extremely important part of the human condition.

Carol Bartz

Family Scripture Quotes #1742256
#5. Is anyone saying same-sex couples can't love each other? I love my children. I love my friends, my brother. Heck, I even love my mother-in-law. Should we call these relationships marriage, too?

Rick Santorum

Family Scripture Quotes #1342597
#6. Remember the city, the city remember
Where treasure is hidden under the ground
The city, the city, always remember
That's where the treasure will be found.

Jeanne DuPrau

Family Scripture Quotes #1339030
#7. Hate is only a form love that hasn't found a way to express itself logically.

Lil' Wayne

Family Scripture Quotes #1274191
#8. They that pray in the family do well; they that pray and read the Scriptures do better; but they that pray, and read, and sing do best of all.

Matthew Henry

Family Scripture Quotes #1165405
#9. While the official church was moribund, the house churches kept alight the flame of Christian witness. The church survived as a lay movement, often led by poorly educated Bible women who memorized Scripture and passed on the faith to family members and (if they dared) to neighbors and friends.

Kim-Kwong Chan

Family Scripture Quotes #1074065
#10. I'd always tried to resist playing the supervirility thing. I liked showing the vulnerability of age.

Clint Eastwood

Family Scripture Quotes #1052592
#11. The only topic you could not get Andre' to budge on was whether or not wrestling was fake or rehearsed in any way. I don't know if in Andre's case it was real, considering all the severe punishment he experienced, or whether he believed in the wrestler's code of never giving away trade secrets.

Cary Elwes

Family Scripture Quotes #993286
#12. The remedy for an absence is a presence. Evil is an absence and, therefore, it cannot be healed with an absence. By hating evil, or one who is engaged in evil, you contribute to the absence of Light and not to its presence. Hatred of evil does not diminish evil, it increases it.

Gary Zukav

Family Scripture Quotes #799348
#13. For a woman to see a man beyond his bank balance, he has to be rich first. Logic.

Subhasis Das

Family Scripture Quotes #670372
#14. NVC is a reminder; to focus our attention where we are most likely to get our needs met.

Marshall B. Rosenberg

Family Scripture Quotes #654046
#15. Welcome ever smiles, and farewell goes out sighing.

William Shakespeare

Family Scripture Quotes #515049
#16. The working class had imposed upon them a sterile and authoritarian educational system which mirrored the ethos of the corporate workplace.

Anthony M. Platt

Family Scripture Quotes #484710
#17. How do I confront aging? With a wonder and a terror. Yeah, I'll say that. Wonder and terror.

Keanu Reeves

Family Scripture Quotes #468342
#18. Over the years I have discovered that ideas come through an intense desire for them; continually desiring, the mind becomes a watchtower on the lookout for incidents that may excite the imagination.

Charlie Chaplin

Family Scripture Quotes #286879
#19. There's a lot of stress involved when your house is underwater.

Scott McCallum

Family Scripture Quotes #261192
#20. If I try to make only enough money for my family' immediate needs, it may violate Scripture ... Even though earning just enough to meet the needs of my family may seem nonmaterialistic, it's actually selfish when I could earn enough to care for others as well.

Randy Alcorn

Family Scripture Quotes #192787

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