Top 33 Expression Photography Quotes

#1. Like every other means of expression, photography, if it is to be utterly honest and direct, should be related to the life of the times - the pulse of today.

Berenice Abbott

Expression Photography Quotes #1870811
#2. The simultaneous recognition, in a fraction of a second, of the significance of an event as well as the precise organization of forms which gives that event its proper expression ... In photography, the smallest thing can be a great subject. The little human detail can become a leitmotif.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Expression Photography Quotes #1407062
#3. As sounds in a musical composition can be used not to express physical objects but ideas, emotions, harmonies, rhythmic orders and most any expression of the human mind and spirit, so light can be used visually to express the mind and spirit.

Wynn Bullock

Expression Photography Quotes #1140315
#4. Your eye must see a composition or an expression that life itself offers you, and you must know with intuition when to click the camera.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Expression Photography Quotes #1169441
#5. I hope that my work will encourage self expression in others and stimulate the search for beauty and creative excitement in the great world around us.

Ansel Adams

Expression Photography Quotes #1245852
#6. The artistic methods of poetry, painting, photography, and writing share certain commonalities of deep composition: spirit, rhythm, thought, and scenery.

Kilroy J. Oldster

Expression Photography Quotes #1272293
#7. Photography was the first foreign language of my artistic expression.

Jerzy Kosinski

Expression Photography Quotes #1273833
#8. It was around the age of 18 when I started to feel like I had learned everything I could learn from being a model - modeling is a really incredible form of expression, but I got into modeling because I loved fashion so much and I really loved photography.

Jaime King

Expression Photography Quotes #1311285
#9. Image quality is not the product of a machine, but of the person who directs the machine, and there are no limits to imagination and expression.

Ansel Adams

Expression Photography Quotes #1365312
#10. Anyone interested in design must be interested in other fields of expression - theater, ballet, photography, literature, music.

Lester Beall

Expression Photography Quotes #1032573
#11. I was given a small camera as a wedding gift from a very dear friend. My first pictures were taken on my honeymoon. As soon as I became familiar with the camera, I was intrigued with the possibilities of expression it offered. It was like a discovery for me.

Aaron Siskind

Expression Photography Quotes #1414990
#12. My programme, The Art of Creative Expression, empowers young people with tools to express themselves. We teach photography, art and drama, but it's not just the medium that's important, it's about what you are trying to say.

Dawud Wharnsby Ali

Expression Photography Quotes #1526702
#13. In every photographer there was a painter, a true artist, awaiting expression.

Pablo Picasso

Expression Photography Quotes #1527016
#14. As far as I am concerned, taking photographs is a means of understanding which cannot be separated from other means of visual expression. It is a way of shouting, of freeing oneself, not of proving or asserting one's own originality. It is a way of life.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Expression Photography Quotes #1779153
#15. I started photography more or less by accident when I was already 27. I was taken on as an assistant by a photographer who was a friend of a friend and I very quickly understood the potential of expression in photography.

Peter Lindbergh

Expression Photography Quotes #1791115
#16. The arts equally have distinct departments, and unless photography has its own possibilities of expression, separate from those of the other arts, it is merely a process, not an art.

Alfred Stieglitz

Expression Photography Quotes #1864787
#17. Photography, as a powerful medium of expression and communications, offers an infinite variety of perception, interpretation and execution.

Ansel Adams

Expression Photography Quotes #1868988
#18. I realize that we all do express ourselves, but those who express that which is always being done are those whose thinking is almost in every way in accord with everyone else. Expression on this basis has become dull to those who wish to think for themselves.

Harry Callahan

Expression Photography Quotes #1082947
#19. We used the camera only as a means of expression and as a visual medium that offers possibilities found in no other artistic technique, possibilities that the eye cannot catch in their totality. We tried to establish a characteristic vision of photography.

Piet Zwart

Expression Photography Quotes #981743
#20. A great photograph is a full expression of what one feels about what is being photographed in the deepest sense and is thereby a true expression of what one feels about life in its entirety.

Ansel Adams

Expression Photography Quotes #960555
#21. Photography ... is either an expression of a cosmic vision, an embodiment of a life movement or it is nothing - to me. (1919)

Paul Strand

Expression Photography Quotes #904603
#22. If the photographer isn't going to pay attention to the picture he is making, that if he thinks the camera is just a machine and not an avenue of expression, then he has no business asking anyone for anything, let alone their time and interest. Don't show the world, he said, invent the world.

Whitney Otto

Expression Photography Quotes #889172
#23. In photography we must learn to seek, not the 'picture,' not the aesthetic of tradition, but the ideal instrument of expression, the self-sufficient vehicle for education.

Laszlo Moholy-Nagy

Expression Photography Quotes #813478
#24. Photography is one of the most authentic and integral modes of expression possible in this world in which we live.

Clarence John Laughlin

Expression Photography Quotes #523808
#25. When words become unclear, I shall focus with photographs. When images become inadequate, I shall be content with silence.

Ansel Adams

Expression Photography Quotes #469399
#26. To me photography can be simultaneously both a record and a mirror or window of self-expression the camera is generally assumed to be unable to depict that which is not visible to the eye and yet, the photographer who wields it well can depict what lies unseen in his memory.

Eikoh Hosoe

Expression Photography Quotes #451657
#27. ( ... ) photography opened up quite a little Pandora's box, kiddies. ( ... ) Once we no longer had to depend on drawing and painting to record our existence - once they became an option - they mutated ... into a form of expression. And Art for its own sake, God help us, was born.

Chip Kidd

Expression Photography Quotes #341458
#28. The beauty of women was the first expression of my photography.

Alberto Korda

Expression Photography Quotes #206259
#29. They say a picture is worth 1,000 words. I say its closer to 675 or 700.

A.E. Samaan

Expression Photography Quotes #157210
#30. Photography has fooled the world. There's no more convincing fraud. Its images are nothing but the expression of the invisible man working behind the camera. They are not reality, they form part of the language of culture.

Edmundo Desnoes

Expression Photography Quotes #154962
#31. Photoghraphic projects can be as short as an afternoon or as long as a lifetime.

George Barr

Expression Photography Quotes #125810
#32. I know the expression love bloomed is metaphorical, but in my heart in this moment, there is one badass flower, captured in time-lapse photography, going from bud to wild radiant blossom in ten seconds flat.

Jandy Nelson

Expression Photography Quotes #112370
#33. My focus is anything that allows me to express myself. Rap, dance, photography. Those are my forms of expression.

Keith Stanfield

Expression Photography Quotes #19888

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