Top 100 Erwin Mcmanus Quotes

#1. Whether we realize it or not, everything we do is an expression of either how alive our souls are or how much we have allowed ourselves to be deadened over time.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #564831
#2. People outside of the faith really appreciate Mosaic and really love what we're doing.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #793946
#3. Most people who describe themselves as visionaries are actually saying something quite different. They are abdicating their responsibility for the details. Details matter. The more someone or something matters to us, the more the details relating to them matter to us.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #766166
#4. The future awaits those with the courage to create it.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #757304
#5. How many people just get up on Monday and do the same thing they've done every single Monday - go to work and just turn on route automatic and no longer have any meaning in their life?

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #733368
#6. The history of God's people is not a record of God searching for courageous men and women who could handle the task, but God transforming the hearts of cowards and calling them to live courageous lives.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #725592
#7. To live outside of God's will puts us in danger; to live in his will makes us dangerous.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #650836
#8. Category. A church doesn't need to pray about whether it should pray. It doesn't need to pray about whether it should serve. It doesn't need to pray about whether it should evangelize.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #647770
#9. Within a moment there is monumental potential. That is the mystery of a moment. It is small enough to ignore and big enough to change your life forever

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #613390
#10. Sin creates the illusion of freedom. In the end it fools us into seeking freedom from God rather than finding freedom in God.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #593978
#11. Los Angeles has been known as the center of creativity but has often been equally known for the absence of spirituality.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #591468
#12. The journey to freedom is paved by the substance of our character.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #582637
#13. I think that's a part of what motivates me in my teaching and writing. Once the Gospel feels mainstream and becomes a nicely organized, orchestrated belief system, frankly, I don't think there is even an attraction to the human spirit.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #566257
#14. I think the exploration and the search for who Jesus is, and that 2,000 years later we're still trying to figure out who He was, and did He really rise from the dead ... And I think for me, the answer is 'yes,' and that's why we're talking about Him today.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #799427
#15. For those of us who embrace the cause of Christ, the cost to participate in the mission of God is nothing less than everything we are and everything we have.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #551004
#16. Jesus' death wasn't to free us from dying, but to free us from the fear of death. Jesus came to liberate us so that we could die up front and then live. Jesus Christ wants to take us to places where only dead men and women can go.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #546299
#17. The most important moments rarely come at a convenient time

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #540601
#18. I hope my greatest contribution will be to try to extract principles of truth that will cause us to live our lives in a more effective way and to advance Jesus' purpose in the world.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #534030
#19. A life well lived is the most exquisite work of art.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #533982
#20. Home is ultimately not about a place to live but about the people with whom you are most fully alive. Home is about love, relationship, community, and belonging, and we are all searching for home.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #532627
#21. Is it possible that the creative act is simply the materialization of the future- making the invisible, visible?

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #532057
#22. For believers in persecuted countries. We champion their sacrifice and willingness to stand for Christ, even at the cost of their own lives. Yet we consider laying aside our traditions and cultural preferences as an unreasonable expectation.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #528568
#23. For Christians, they need to access the power of Jesus and not look at Christianity as a religion. It is our Lord Jesus that makes you change, and Christians need to actualize it and put it into practice.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #528150
#24. God clarifies in the midst of obedience, not beforehand.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #522425
#25. The Ten Commandments are the lowest possible standard of humane living.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #521950
#26. One of the things you'll discover ... as you listen to your own soul is that you spend a great amount of your life trying to bring meaning to your own life. And, by the way, most people are not going to church, so the place they're actually trying to find meaning in their life is at work.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #945552
#27. If our children are going to walk away from Christ, we need to raise them in such a way that they understand that to walk away from Jesus is to walk away from a life of faith, risk and adventure and to choose a life that boring, mundane and ordinary

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1077127
#28. If he's just watching, then we're all unwilling participants in the universe's biggest reality show - the original Survivor.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1075855
#29. The limitations you are willing to accept establish the boundaries of your existence.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1067869
#30. Whoever tells the best story shapes the culture.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1066304
#31. Religion as a whole specializes in sin management. It's all about organizing humanity in such a way that we cause as little damage as possible.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1064842
#32. The church does not exist for us. We are the church, and we exist for the world.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1048163
#33. Who do we become when we stop allowing all the voices in our head to crowd out the one voice we must hear to come to life?

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1040555
#34. When we are freed from the rules and regulations that are so often imposed on us in the name of God, we discover that creativity is the natural result of spirituality. And if this is true, then our soul is the primary material for all artistic expression.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #1015113
#35. Jesus is being lost in a religion bearing his name.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #997751
#36. We are called to fear only God. There is an important reason for this. What we fear is what we're subject to; our fears define our master. Where there is no fear, there is no control.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #982794
#37. When we are passionate about God, we can trust our passions.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #956261
#38. Our job is not to change people; our job is to connect people to Jesus, and it's Jesus' job to change people.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #948977
#39. The Bible is not an antiquated text. The scriptures are the text that will lead us into the future.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #517150
#40. Churches all over the country have decided they love their traditions more than their children.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #915013
#41. When we dwell on the past, we tend to want to live there. When we dream of the future, we want to go there. Our dreams are where God paints a picture of a life waiting to be created.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #905055
#42. Your soul craves truth, beauty, wonder, love. Your soul craves to dream, to imagine, and even simply to understand. Your soul craves to connect, to commune, to create.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #900940
#43. How in the world could you ever imagine a life of faith that does not require risk? Faith and risk are inseparable.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #889919
#44. If you look at it from just a pure economic basis, technology is replacing all of the jobs robots can do, and machinery is replacing the jobs that humans once held. If we don't train our children to imagine, to create, they're going to be unemployable.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #889252
#45. Our lives will become our greatest works of art not only when our relationships are a beautiful expression of love, acceptance, and intimacy, but when we have a deep sense of purpose that produces accomplishments that express, for us, success and significance.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #886772
#46. We focus, in some ways, on how to disengage Jesus and the Bible from everything people know about Christianity as a religion.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #885801
#47. We are all time voyagers leaving history in our wake, pioneering into the future.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #868794
#48. Faith is the determination to create with our lives what only our hearts can conceive.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #859984
#49. I think we've overstated that God is the God who wants us to obey. Obedience is not the end game. Obedience is only our calling so that we can step into our freedom.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #856869
#50. It is amazing how much we can endure when we are convinced there is a purpose to our struggle.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #819382
#51. There is something powerful about singing to God as an act of worship, but it is time to reframe our perspective and our language to genuinely encompass all of life as worship.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #171256
#52. All the evidence you need to prove God is waiting within you to be discovered.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #312428
#53. When we look at history, we see history is made up of the heroes of their times. Yet, somehow we miss this when we put on the lens of the Scriptures.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #305474
#54. Courage frees us from the fears that would rob us of life itself.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #298629
#55. Reflects who we are. Our soul is the material for all we create.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #293030
#56. When you live your life knowing the mission and calling and voice of God in your soul and you know where that compass is driving you forward, you will become a rare commodity in a world searching for direction.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #281781
#57. While never violating our uniqueness, we move together, united in heart and soul. Our greatness is unleashed in the context of community. When we move together, God is most perfectly revealed in us.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #271048
#58. All art is an expression and extension of ourselves.. Art finds its deepest value when it is the authentic expression of a deep human experience.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #261941
#59. Behind real freedom, there lies discipline.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #240982
#60. The first and most important step in the process of becoming genuinely is to be once again authenticated by the original designer.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #226333
#61. The church is not here to meet our needs. We are the church here to meet the needs of the world.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #215462
#62. The system of Christian celebrity was not a good space for me, and it was brutal on my kids - my son in college was frequently confronted by people railing against me as a heretic.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #208079
#63. We need both to aspire and accomplish. Without a vision for your life, without a sense of purpose, you will begin to die a slow death.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #193677
#64. goal of spirituality is not to extract from you all desire and passion. The call of Jesus is the exact opposite - delight

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #315165
#65. It's not your freedom to choose that makes you free. It's what you choose in that freedom that makes you free.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #161556
#66. Greatness comes with discipline.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #160179
#67. God gives God-sized dreams to people with God-shaped hearts.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #144358
#68. You are both a work of art and an artist at work.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #139195
#69. I know it sounds crazy, but as soon as Christians start telling non-Christians how to live their lives, we've lost the Christian faith.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #113749
#70. Your dreams are the product of your longings, a portrait of your potential, and a promise of your future.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #97582
#71. We may not be able to accomplish everything we can dream, but we will not accomplish anything without our dreams

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #76453
#72. When we stop believing the world can become a better place, when we stop caring about the lives and conditions of others, we lose a part of ourselves.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #67416
#73. I have come to realize, after over thirty years of studying human creativity, that the great divide is not between those who are artists and those who are not, but between those who understand that they are creative and those who have become convinced that they are not.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #54803
#74. It is insanity to run from God and search for love.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #32743
#75. Far too often, when we think we are frightened by mystery, the fact is that we are haunted by history.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #22960
#76. So much of what comes out of the faith community seems so dour and somber, and we want to say, 'Hey, we're real people. You can be a person of faith and really enjoy life and laugh.'

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #402051
#77. Our citizenship is in eternity; history is our temporary residence.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #507738
#78. The best use of technology is to enhance the power of worship that is an expression of spirit and truth.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #496797
#79. How is it, that for many of us, being a good Christian is nothing more than being a good person? The entire focus of our faith has been the elimination of sin, which is important but inadequate; rather than the unleashing of a unique, original, extraordinary, wonderfully untamed, faith.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #491842
#80. In an ideal world, the voices that teach us language teach us self-respect, self-confidence, and self-esteem. Those same voices also form in us humility and gratitude, and as those voices inform our inner voices, they also pass on wisdom.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #490814
#81. We were created to be expressions of the goodness and wholeness of God.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #485709
#82. The word 'entertain' means to hold someone's attention, and what we want is a faith that is vibrant and alive and beautiful and real.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #475743
#83. What if the creative act is not an act against God but a reflection of His image within us?

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #470396
#84. I think Christianity is the same as Buddhism and Hinduism - whenever a religion begins to say that these are the things you have to do to be loved by God, you have a religion.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #469855
#85. If you come at the Bible as if it's a document of encyclopedic information, you've pretty much killed any kind of life change in a seeker and unbeliever.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #443715
#86. I have an incredible confidence in the resilience of the human spirit and the creative ability of the Holy Spirit. So, if you can get people asking the right questions, it really will start moving in the right direction.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #440985
#87. The only art we can create is that which authentically reflects who we are. Our soul is the material for all we create. Thus, to nurture the artisan soul, essence is far more important than talent.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #435844
#88. Jesus's early followers formed a movement of dreamers and visionaries.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #426677
#89. True religion always moves us to serve others and to give our lives to see those oppressed find freedom.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #19243
#90. Promise Keepers was looking for a movement that can actualize the hope of Jesus, the hope that we see. And 'Uprising' was what they were looking for.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #396568
#91. My goal is to destroy Christianity.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #395993
#92. The real measure of our power is the freedom and opportunity we create for others.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #381652
#93. The epicenter of creativity and imagination should be the Church, reflecting the character and glory of God.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #380309
#94. The fuel of ambition is not the problem; it is the focus of ambition that frees or betrays us.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #370716
#95. Love never comes without wounds; faith never comes without failure.

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #356803
#96. We need to understand that Christianity is about changing; it is not about a religion.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #345454
#97. What is your idea of you? Who is it that you have decided to become? If your greatest work of art is the life you live, and ultimately life is a creative act, what life will you choose to leave behind as your masterpiece?

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #343556
#98. Three powerful life-changing words passed on from God to us: Now choose life! Right now, this moment, put away the baggage from the past, shake yourself free from the fear of the future unknown. Right now, choose life - seize your divine moment. A

Erwin Raphael McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #341502
#99. The reality is that every human being is placed on this planet, and one of the things that drives humans is their need for meaning, and if you can make every job meaningful, then you will guarantee that every job will be done to its highest level of excellence.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #330170
#100. My primary assessment would be because American Christians tend to be incredibly self-indulgent, so they see the church as a place there for them to meet their needs and to express faith in a way that is meaningful for them.

Erwin McManus

Erwin Mcmanus Quotes #326915

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