Top 16 Epic Theater Quotes

#1. The alienation effect in German epic theater is achieved not only through the actors, but also through music (chorus and song) andsets (transparencies, film strips, etc.). Its main purpose is to place the staged events in their historical context.

Bertolt Brecht

Epic Theater Quotes #1460766
#2. Then it was you who wounded Aravis?"
"It was I."
"But what for?"
"Child," said the Voice, "I am telling you your story, not hers. I tell no one any story but his own.

C.S. Lewis

Epic Theater Quotes #26485
#3. If I think too hard about a relationship, I'll talk myself out of it.

Taylor Swift

Epic Theater Quotes #251133
#4. A story is not finished, until it has taken the worst turn

Friedrich Durrenmatt

Epic Theater Quotes #308337
#5. Man will return to his origins. Goethe has finally become as squiggly as the city of his fathers.

Franz Grillparzer

Epic Theater Quotes #482371
#6. In order to do more. I've got to be more.

Jim Rohn

Epic Theater Quotes #569504
#7. I want to make sure everybody who has a job wants a job.

George H. W. Bush

Epic Theater Quotes #570658
#8. America acknowledged the greatness of Confucius through a trio of ancient lawgivers - Moses flanked by Confucius to his right and Solon on his left - on the monument to "Justice, the Guardian of Liberty" displayed on the eastern pediment of the U.S. Supreme Court Building in Washington, D.C.

Patrick Mendis

Epic Theater Quotes #717427
#9. Why is it that the people you care about the most end up making you feel so meaningless?

Sudeep Nagarkar

Epic Theater Quotes #786976
#10. But where the warg howls, there also the orc prowls. - Aragorn

J.R.R. Tolkien

Epic Theater Quotes #900037
#11. If everybody's thinking the same thing, then nobody's thinking.

George S. Patton

Epic Theater Quotes #938399
#12. The operation was a success, but I'm afraid the doctor is dead.

Steve Martin

Epic Theater Quotes #1211766
#13. Some people say about human beings, 'Dust to dust'.
But how can that be true of one
who changes road dust to doorway?
The crop appears to be one thing
when it is still in the field.
Then the transformation time comes,
and we see how it is: half chaff, half grain.


Epic Theater Quotes #1302229
#14. (memory is) A strange echo, which stores its replicas according to some other acoustic than consciousness or expectation.

Julio Cortazar

Epic Theater Quotes #1607007
#15. But a smooth and steadfast mind,
Gentle thoughts and calm desires,
Hearts with equal love combined,
Kindle never-dying fires: -
Where these are not, I despise
Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.

Thomas Carew

Epic Theater Quotes #1638955
#16. Building a temple atop a minehead, when the local tulpas haunted the dangerous galleries and tunnels of Below, had not been the wisest judgment ever made. I tried to remember if this had been my idea. Somehow I had the feeling that it was.

Jay Lake

Epic Theater Quotes #1763686

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