Top 14 Epic Inspirational Quotes

#1. Don't cry my son
Don't cry, because life is a redeemed fight
Life is a fight that will demean the weak person
And will always exalt the strong ones

Goncalves Dias

Epic Inspirational Quotes #173056
#2. Fiction is entertaining. Nonfiction is epic.

A.D. Posey

Epic Inspirational Quotes #286877
#3. For those who dream
Life can be
An Epic Adventure!

Marilyn Churchill

Epic Inspirational Quotes #449874
#4. Maybe learning how to be out in the big world isn't the epic journey everyone thinks it is. Maybe that's actually the easy part. The hard part is what's right in front of you. The hard part is learning how to hold the title to your very existence, to own not only property, but also your life.

Meghan Daum

Epic Inspirational Quotes #515199
#5. PaTri thought I feared the darkness for it's own sake, because of what the darkness might hide. But that wasn't my problem at all. It was what the darkness revealed that terrified me.
It's not that I can't see in the dark. It's that I can.

Daniel Schwabauer

Epic Inspirational Quotes #750845
#6. In his will is our peace.

Dante The Divine Comedy

Epic Inspirational Quotes #795454
#7. Pointing to an imminent dawn he urged him: Come on! Pursue it among the ripples of sleep, where dreams go hiding, and grab it

Luca Ferrarini

Epic Inspirational Quotes #991323
#8. Milton says, that the lyric poet may drink wine and live generously, but the epic poet, he who shall sing of the gods, and their descent unto men, must drink water out of a wooden bowl. For poetry is not "Devil's wine," but God's wine.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1105718
#9. The wise will admire you. The wishful will envy you. The weak will hate you. This is the reality for those who dare to be epic.

Steve Maraboli

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1130360
#10. God, Himself, wrote the 10 into stone with his own finger. He told the epic of mankind, our origins and our future, in a book. For me, there is no more noble a cause and no more honorable a vocation than to say, like Him, I am a writer.

Gerard De Marigny

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1140811
#11. In every journey comes a moment ... one like no other. And in that moment, you must decide between who you are ... and who you want to be.

J.C. Marino

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1250448
#12. Jesus wastes none of our stories, even our tales of woe. He transforms them into epic adventures where we dare to face our past for the sake of our present.

Mary E. DeMuth

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1341263
#13. There was something severed and rough about her, something tainted and, yet, at the same time those jagged pieces were the makings of something fearsome. She'd wanted to become someone the Senate would fear, why not shatter the sky?

Elise Kova

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1434641
#14. You will not lift the veil of my body until you lift the veil over my face.

Jason Evert

Epic Inspirational Quotes #1455520

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