Top 33 Environmental Values Quotes
#1. When people align around shared political, social, economic or environmental values, and take collective action, thinking and behavior that compromises the lives of millions of people around the world can truly change.
Simon Mainwaring
#2. I am a socialist and at the same time clear about a certain number of values ... family values, environmental values, the value of succeeding at school, the value of merit and respect for work. To me these are not incompatible with being of the left.
Segolene Royal
#3. Lady Bird Johnson did more than plant flowers in public places. She served the country superbly by planting environmental values in the minds of the nation's leaders and citizens.
Stewart Udall
#4. Successfully reframing the climate debate in the United States from one based on environmental values to one based on health values ... holds great promise to help American society better understand and appreciate the risks of climate change ...
George Mason
#5. If ordinary people really knew that consciousness and not matter is the link that connects us with each other and the world, then their views about war and peace, environmental pollution, social justice, religous values, and all other human endeavors would change radically.
Amit Goswami
#6. There's a myth out there that you have to genuflect at the altar of quarterly earnings. But it's a false choice that you can either be a good fiduciary or promote values such as environmental sustainability.
Thomas Perez
#7. Sometimes a line enters your head, and you're so grateful for it. You go online to check to see if anyone wrote it before you. You must have stolen it.
Lin-Manuel Miranda
#8. Without the physical world, Ideas will not exist.
Joey Lawsin
#9. To Jane Jacob's three traditional urban values of civic space, human scale and diversity, the current environmental imperative adds two more: conservation and regionalism.
Peter Calthorpe
#10. Every time you see your belly button, remember that your life is connected with the life of the planet,
Ilchi Lee
#11. A different world can be created or re-created-but not until we stop enshrining the economic values of invisible labor, infinite and obsessive growth, and a slow environmental suicide.
Gloria Steinem
#12. Humans cannot create what Nature can create and Nature cannot create what Humans can create.
Joey Lawsin
#13. Earth Citizens recognize themselves as members of a planetary community, instead of as members of a single nation, religion, or organization. And, most importantly, they live that awareness.
Ilchi Lee
#14. Through our belly buttons, not only can we connect with ourselves, but we also gain the wisdom to see the earth as an extension of ourselves.
Ilchi Lee
#15. To the extent people prioritize values and goals such as achievement, money, power, status and image, they tend to hold more negative attitudes towards the environment, are less likely to engage in positive environmental behaviors, and are more likely to use natural resources unsustainably,
Naomi Klein
#16. There is nothing more foreign to a civilised and democratic system than preventive detention.
Robert Bourassa
#17. Earth Citizens are people who care for the earth as they care for their own bodies.
Ilchi Lee
#18. In fact, the environmental crisis is related to the crisis of aesthetics, crisis of social cohesion and the crisis of spiritual values.
Satish Kumar
#19. When things are running perfectly smoothly, with people and boxes on charts enjoying a one-to-one relationship, then the processes and infrastructure have caught up to the business.
Eric Schmidt
#20. Businesses can lead with their values and make money, too. You don't have to simply be purely profit-driven. You can integrate social and environmental concerns into a business, be a caring business, be a generous business and still do very well financially.
Jerry Greenfield
#21. Composition for me is, externally at least, scarcely distinguishable from catatonia.
Richard Wilbur
#22. It will be impossible for us to maintain the health of the organism called the earth unless we feel and care for other organisms as we do for ourselves - and unless we take action.
Ilchi Lee
#23. Veganism isn't just a strict vegetarian diet; it is a complete philosophical viewpoint. It is practical in outlook, simple to understand and aspires to the highest environmental and spiritual values. I am sure it holds the key to a future lifestyle for a humane planetary guardianship.
Howard Lyman
#24. Today, the UK must be the pioneer of a new model of economic change, that integrates social and environmental consideration. This is not just a question of values and moral duty. It is about our economy's capacity to sustain itself
David Miliband
#25. Global markets must be balanced by global values such as respect for human rights and international law, democracy, security and sustainable economic and environmental development.
Anna Lindh
#27. To cite my own alma mater, it's shocking to me that Yale University can teach what it teaches at the Yale School of Environmental Studies and utterly fail to mirror those values in any way in its investment practices.
Edward Norton
#28. The panoplied warrior of truth and nonviolence is ever and incessantly active.
Mahatma Gandhi
#30. Earth Citizens have minds and hearts that know the Earth is the foundation of everything they do.
Ilchi Lee
#31. Try seeing, feeling, and tasting the water you swim in the way a land animal might perceive it. You may find the experience fascinating -- and mind-expanding.
Erin Meyer
#32. It is about time that the religious and environmental faithful joined forces. No one wins when divisive politics pits the right to human life against the sanctity of biodiversity, or family values against ecosystem services. There are infinite compatible reasons to love, cherish and steward Earth.
Alex Bruce
#33. You are an indispensable and irreplaceable asset to the human family.
Ilchi Lee
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