Top 13 Empty Handed Crossword Quotes

#1. Poets, like fighters, both reap the benefits of roadwork.

Cameron Conaway

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #156402
#2. Coaches and ownership are just like the fans on the street. They can always do it better, and they would always have done it differently when it doesn't work out.

Billy Wagner

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #419419
#3. It is interesting to note that most kings, queens or princes/princesses of the British Empire and Europe were born either on a new moon day or a full moon day! That includes Queen Victoria and even the current Prince William and his consort Kate Middleton.

Greenstone Lobo

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #439170
#4. Distance is something you can control; meeting your soulmate in the short span of a lifetime is something you can't

Morgan Parker

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #568760
#5. One can't prescribe books, even the best books, to people unless one knows a good deal about each individual person.

Rudyard Kipling

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #688685
#6. Equality would be a heaven, if we could attain it.

Anthony Trollope

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #799486
#7. As useless as nipples on a breastplate
-Cersei Lannister

George R R Martin

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #944486
#8. A good nail does not fear being hammered.

Rita Zahara

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1076084
#9. Sure, my childhood was unusual. All these eccentric, wild people frequented our home: rock stars, drag queens, models, bikers, freaks. But I was not this little rich girl. My mom and I lived in an apartment.

Liv Tyler

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1098314
#10. Oh tragedy, oh tragedy, the boy said to himself, but he was smiling a little. Oh joy, oh joy. Hearts and stars exploded in the darkness above their heads.

Meg Wolitzer

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1444591
#11. I said nothing for a time, just ran my fingertips along the edge of the human-shaped emptiness that had been left inside me.

Haruki Murakami

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1512667
#12. Reading in bed is a self-centered act, immobile, free from ordinary social conventions, invisible to the world, and one that, because it takes place between the sheets, in the realm of lust and sinful idleness, has something of the thrill of things forbidden.

Alberto Manguel

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1538358
#13. The modern mind always tends to reduce the greater to the lesser rather than seeing the lesser as reflecting the greater.

Peter Kreeft

Empty Handed Crossword Quotes #1731510

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