Top 15 Emergia Intraweb Quotes

#1. More people should apologize, and more people should accept apologies when sincerely made.

Greg LeMond

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #28399
#2. The nightmare of Trump is not that he doesn't care what people think; it's that he desperately cares what people think.

Penn Jillette

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #360477
#3. When we're talking about a trillion dollars of taxpayer money, "trust me" just isn't good enough.

John McCain

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #451858
#4. Outside, the north wind, coming and passing, swelling and dying, lifts the frozen sand drives it a-rattle against the lidless windows and we may dear sit stroking the cat stroking the cat and smiling sleepily, prrrr.

William Carlos Williams

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #513328
#5. There are so many of us, so many girls. The world wants us for our wombs or our bodies, or it doesn't want us at all.

Lauren DeStefano

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #622669
#6. Whoever will not love his enemies cannot know the Lord and the sweetness of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit teaches us to love our enemies in such way that we pity their souls as if they were our own children.

Silouan The Athonite

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #643106
#7. Just as those who practice the same profession recognize each other instinctively, so do those who practice the same vice.

Marcel Proust

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #947179
#8. There's Power in the Pen!

Katavious Ellis

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1077436
#9. 9% would give up sex for the remote control. 91% has already given up sex for the remote control!

Jay Leno

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1103277
#10. The 'squaring of the circle' is one of the many archetypal motifs which form the basic patterns of our dreams and fantasies. But it is distinguished by the fact that it is one of the most important of them from the functional point of view. Indeed, it could even be called the archetype of wholeness.

Carl Jung

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1214666
#11. I give away thousands of paintings for free.


Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1218509
#12. As far as I could discover, the notion that a play could succeed without any further help from the actor than a simple impersonation of his part never occurred to Tree.

Herbert Beerbohm Tree

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1232652
#13. The Christian who loves his Master needs not fear any longer for himself. For it is then completely irrational, as it is written thus: 'Perfect love casts out fear.' However, it is very much rational for one to fear instead for the enemies of God.

Criss Jami

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1296410
#14. Your mother all but accused me of something that is, among my kind, the highest crime a man can commit. There is no trial, only punishment, because it is considered better to let an innocent man die than let a guilty one live. (Page 79.)

Amelia Atwater-Rhodes

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1361648
#15. All my kids have worked in the family business. I've been successful at that. My family knows how to work. We all started working very young.

Alex Spanos

Emergia Intraweb Quotes #1617801

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