Top 100 Embrace Your Life Quotes

#1. Don't ignore the past, but deal with it, on your own pace. Once you deal with it, you are free of it; and you are free to embrace your life and be a happy loving person because if you don't, the past will come back to haunt and keep coming back to haunt you.

Boris Kodjoe

Embrace Your Life Quotes #705899
#2. Embrace your life, count your blessings, and don't complain about what you don't have.

Joyce Meyer

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1250710
#3. The point of creativity is to express and challenge yourself, to make meaning, to embrace your life.

Peggy Orenstein

Embrace Your Life Quotes #449867
#4. This mindset will eliminate any excuse and illuminate all possibilities. In the end, you will be liberated from fear and enthusiastically embrace a new form of living that will carry you to your goals.

Farshad Asl

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1332486
#5. Embrace struggle ... It is your greatest teacher.

Russell Simmons

Embrace Your Life Quotes #995854
#6. If you spend your entire life trying to cheat death, there's no time left over to embrace life.

Steven Rowley

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1286615
#7. By choosing to embrace and practice good values every day, you choose the higher course in life. And your life goes in a direction that you will always feel good about. You may not always get what you desire, but you will always be the person you desire to be.

John C. Maxwell

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1276844
#8. You have to be really willing to embrace life and life's turns, and play that for your audience, because there is value in every moment of that journey.

Lesley Ann Warren

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1241999
#9. Resist men who tell you your dreams are impossible; embrace those who, even though they do not believe in them, encourage you.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1241076
#10. The limitations you embrace become your life. Choose to be limitless!

Jo Ana Starr

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1240477
#11. Sweetheart, when you walk my way,
Be it dark or be it day;
Dreary winter, fairy May,
I shall know and greet you.
For each day of grief or grace
Brings you nearer my embrace;
Love hath fashioned your dear face,
I shall know you when I meet you.

Frank Lebby Stanton

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1222224
#12. Do not let your divorce define you and the rest of your life. Let go of anger and embrace the future possibilities of infinitesimal happiness

Divorce Goddess

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1203085
#13. Passionately embrace your sacred existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1201630
#14. Embrace your sacred existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1196693
#15. When you make yourself a better you, you inevitably make a better life for your family. That's the thing I'll always embrace and you should too. Better yourself. Enjoy your life.

Bobby F. Kimbrough Jr.

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1194456
#16. Embrace the path your loved one's story has taken, and be part of the culture shift that acknowledges dying as part of living.

Carrie Chavez Hansen

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1167258
#17. May there never be a haze over your eyes, and allow you to look at your life just the way you planned it. Through the bumps, twist and turns in your journey, let it make you wiser. Embrace life's lessons with gratitude and appreciation, and then move forward with an open heart and mind.

Ron Baratono

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1105662
#18. Embrace the magical gift of serenity in your daily life. Nothing beats patience, humility, honesty and tranquility.

Angelica Hopes

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1090910
#19. Change isn't a choice; it's already happening. You are atoms and molecules in motion ... you can't avoid change; you ARE change. The question is whether you will EMBRACE the power of change to enhance your life or continue to exhaust yourself in the pointless endeavor to halt it.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1082473
#20. Embrace your beautiful mess of a life with your child. No matter how hard it gets, do not disengage ... Do something - anything - to connect with and guide your child today. Parenting is an adventure of the greatest significance. It is your legacy. - Andy Kerckhoff, from Critical Connection

Andy Kerckhoff

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1080847
#21. Embrace love; it's the best gift you'll ever find in life. Lift your joy off the ground by loving what you do and doing what you love.

Israelmore Ayivor

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1073879
#22. Embrace your struggles. They are making you the person you were meant to be.

Avijeet Das

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1038967
#23. Choosing to break up your family is one of the most difficult decisions you will make in a lifetime. But once you have come to it; it will be with certainty. Certainty that you are ready to embrace the changes, the challenges and the joys of starting a new life.

Lisa Thomson

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1037000
#24. Run towards your fears. Embrace them. On the other side of your greatest fears lives your greatest life.

Robin Sharma

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1032894
#25. Stop thinking about your life in increments. Seconds. Minutes. Days. Look at the bigger picture and embrace whatever time you have. Don't look constantly toward the end. Enjoy the right now.

A Meredith Walters

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1009413
#26. Embrace those parts of yourself that you've skillfully avoided until now. That's your true adventure.

Gina Greenlee

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1000202
#27. Truly give your all to passionately walking the path of life your soul and conscience have chosen, and boldly embrace all worries coming to you on that path.

Ilchi Lee

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1876458
#28. Maybe this is the point: to embrace the core sadness of life without toppling headlong into it, or assuming it will define your days.

Gail Caldwell

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1676175
#29. I think that life is a paradox and you have to embrace that in your work and your belief systems ... You can't be a literalist, and that's the trouble that people always find themselves in. That's why people always hit a wall with any of my stuff, because you can't take it literally.

Madonna Ciccone

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1860844
#30. Politics, kinship, and craft also happen to embrace some of the most important things in life: caring about your influence on the world, connecting meaningfully with others, and working hard to create something worthwhile.

Sarah Thornton

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1854579
#31. Groom yourself and your life like a shrub. Trim off the edges and you'll be stronger in the broken places. Embrace the new growth and blossom at the tips.

D'Andre Lampkin

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1854238
#32. 'Be passionate about your work and your life' was instilled in me by my mother Dada, who was a potter. She also introduced me to the arts and encouraged me to embrace the new.

Richard Rogers

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1853826
#33. Let today be the day you embrace your beautiful spirit and shine light for those living in the dark. Light their path so the road traveled will be seen more clearly. You never know how much a simple act of kindness is appreciated if you never try. Be that candle for someone today and shine bright.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1852115
#34. When you enter the House of God, you leave your ego at the door and embrace purity as if your life depended on it.

Sufian Chaudhary

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1835428
#35. Embrace nothing:
If you meet the Buddha, kill the Buddha.
If you meet your father, kill your father.
Only live your life as it is,
Not bound to anything.

Gautama Siddharta

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1758349
#36. Embrace love and compassion with all your spirit. Understand that they never hurt or offend, they just heal and empower.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1738694
#37. Embrace each challenge in your life as an opportunity for self-transformation.

Bernie S. Siegel

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1732055
#38. You don't understand what makes you understand what makes your life better until you take something that makes it so much worse and you embrace that.

Adam Duritz

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1730951
#39. Unconditional love is the energy of life and the fire of passion. Let it fuel your days and spark your purpose. This is our one precious life in these particular bodies. Be open. Be fierce. Embrace. Enjoy. Experience. Express. And let love be your guiding light.

Camille Lucy

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1701628
#40. The world of light and starry grace;
within your mind I live to trace.
Your thought's speed in thunder's glory,
lightening my being with dream's story.
I embrace the tree carrying your name
Your unspoken wish : the heart of fame.

Munia Khan

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1356590
#41. What we desire in our hearts, Arathan, and what must be ... well, that is a rare embrace, so rare you're likely to never know it. You have lived that truth. I have no promises to make you. I cannot say what awaits you, but you are now in your year and the time has come for you to make your life.

Steven Erikson

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1620929
#42. Welcome your problems with open arms! Like any other game, the game of life is played as per your aptitude; the more expert you are, the more difficult it gets. Embrace the problems and hardships that come your way, for you are the ones chosen to handle them.


Embrace Your Life Quotes #1588464
#43. Sometimes It feels like time is an evil clown that we always imagine. It gives you everything you ask for, and when you are about to happily embrace every gift that you have received it snatches away everything laughing and clapping at you, watching you fall on your knees and break into pieces.

Akshay Vasu

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1586235
#44. When you invite Jesus Christ into your life and embrace his command, Satan receives an eviction notice. Romans 10:9

Felix Wantang

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1562775
#45. Release the story and the truth will be revealed.
Release the past and the present will reveal itself.
Embrace the future and walk through your fears.
Dig out the weeds and the flowers will blossom.
Speak your Truth and your life will become manifest.

Miranda J. Barrett

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1554373
#46. Let go of all your anxiety.
Embrace the peace of God.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1517952
#47. When you are all wasted
by the battles of life
And finally,
given up on ideologies
An embalming hand comes out of Grace
Race towards it
Hold it
Embrace it
Cut off your garments
Expose your wounds
Bare your heart

Gabriel Iqbal

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1514679
#48. Release your past into the universe and embrace your future with opened arms.

Delma Pryce

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1465817
#49. I encourage you to commit to making your life the life you want to live and embrace it!

Deborah Day

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1455819
#50. Can you dissolve your ego? Can you abandon the idea of self and other? Can you relinquish the notions of male and female, short and long, life and death? Can you let go of all these dualities and embrace the Tao without skepticism or panic? If so, you can reach the heart of the Integral Oneness.


Embrace Your Life Quotes #1379512
#51. Dr. Lipsenthal is a profound explorer of our inner and outer worlds. Enjoy Every Sandwich will help you heal your fear of death and embrace the true joy of life's extraordinary journey.

Edgar Mitchell

Embrace Your Life Quotes #1378071
#52. You are worthy of love and you deserve to be happy. You have these beautiful qualities and many more because you are living the gift of a human incarnation. My hope is that you will embrace these truths and your birthright to live a life abundant in love, joy, and celebration.

David Simon

Embrace Your Life Quotes #237921
#53. Don't wait for a genie to grant your wishes. That power is yours.

Gina Greenlee

Embrace Your Life Quotes #439570
#54. When you move to a new environment with cultural and social characteristics different from your own, it is only logical, that you loosen some of the knots of your religious doctrines, to embrace the new and vivid environment as much as you wish to be embraced by the environment.

Abhijit Naskar

Embrace Your Life Quotes #427032
#55. You have to let it all hang out, let go of the ideas that were more comfortable and embrace some of the sadness in your life.

Madeleine Peyroux

Embrace Your Life Quotes #424955
#56. As you embrace Christmas, you embrace the magnitude of your life's journey & purpose.


Embrace Your Life Quotes #362208
#57. I got desire to be alive when i got believe in your embrace i will die.
Believe had Broken and desire Lost

Mohammed Zaki Ansari

Embrace Your Life Quotes #345782
#58. It is amazing how your life changes when you embrace the reality that you're better than the life you've settled for.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #345056
#59. Don't blame your parents, don't blame your boyfriend, don't blame the weather. Accept the reality, embrace the challenge, and deal with it. Be in charge of your own life. Turn negatives into positives and be proud to be a woman.

Diane Von Furstenberg

Embrace Your Life Quotes #345030
#60. Just imagine that the purpose of life is happinesss only-
then life becomes a cruel and senseless thing.You have to embrace what the wisdom of humanity,your intellect and your heart tell you: that the meaning of life is to serve the force that sent you into the world.Then life becomes a joy

Leo Tolstoy

Embrace Your Life Quotes #324697
#61. Make the choice to embrace this day. Do not let your TODAY be stolen by the ghost of yesterday or the "To-Do" list of tomorrow! It's inspiring to see all the wonderfully amazing things that can happen in a day in which you participate.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #307068
#62. Embrace your responsibility to dream big.

Kevin Michel

Embrace Your Life Quotes #293761
#63. Embrace your uniqueness. Time is much too short to be living someone else's life.

Kobi Yamada

Embrace Your Life Quotes #269952
#64. Be true to yourself and follow your heart. Never bury yourself in disappointments or mistakes but learn from them and simply don't give it your energy. Focus on the positive and embrace the miracles life gives you. It's call the gift of HOPE.

Jes Fuhrmann

Embrace Your Life Quotes #244713
#65. Embrace your imperfections.
Fancy your flaws.
Flaunt your blemishes.
Adore your birthmarks.
Laugh off glitches.
Discuss your setbacks.

Don't call your mistakes 'Regrets'
Call them 'Lessons

Jasleen Kaur Gumber

Embrace Your Life Quotes #448286
#66. The secret to happiness is to embrace the humility to accept what comes and the courage to continue on your life's path with an open heart.

Mary Alice Monroe

Embrace Your Life Quotes #228640
#67. Live your life. Take risks. Embrace change. Be happy.

Nina Lane

Embrace Your Life Quotes #211468
#68. A great future awaits you. However, you have to divorce your past and get hooked for a better life. Embrace the great future ahead with all optimism!

Israelmore Ayivor

Embrace Your Life Quotes #209173
#69. A belief is nothing more than a repeated thought which you have chosen to embrace and implement in your life.

Stephen Lovegrove

Embrace Your Life Quotes #178612
#70. Verily all things move within your being in constant half embrace, the desired and the dreaded, the repugnant and the cherished, the pursued and that which you would escape.

Khalil Gibran

Embrace Your Life Quotes #170666
#71. Remember this, - where there is life there is hope. You're alive. Embrace this, because YOU CAN DO ANYTHING while there is breath in your body.

Lola Jaye

Embrace Your Life Quotes #124193
#72. Pushing your limits is what allows you to grow stronger, so if you find yourself feeling passive, it can make sense to dial it up a little. Get moving. Accomplish something small. Do something you enjoy. Embrace what moves you. And start again.

Max McKeown

Embrace Your Life Quotes #85363
#73. Life is a gift, so appreciate it.
Love is abundant, so share it.
Enthusiasm is infectious, so spread it.
Kindness is divine, so embody it.
Peace is the only way, so embrace it.
The earth is your home, so take care of it.
Life is for happiness, so enjoy it.

Debasish Mridha

Embrace Your Life Quotes #69509
#74. Live in the present moment, you can't go back to yesterday, you can't leap into tomorrow, Today is your second, minute, hour! Embrace It!

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Embrace Your Life Quotes #45070
#75. Your greatest self is never caused by a product; it is revealed by a choice to embrace your truth.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #32370
#76. Sacred blessings and divine opportunities appear in your life disguised as unforeseen changes and challenging circumstances.

Miya Yamanouchi

Embrace Your Life Quotes #20089
#77. It doesn't matter how many friends I have because my best friend is God. And, he is a Super Friend. People come and people go, but God's love for you will remain the same. Embrace it, Cherish it, and Spread it everywhere you go. Let your light shine brightly for all the world to see.

Amaka Imani Nkosazana

Embrace Your Life Quotes #743424
#78. Just let go. Let go of how you thought your life should be, and embrace the life that is trying to work its way into your consciousness.

Caroline Myss

Embrace Your Life Quotes #984680
#79. Growing up is, at heart, the process of learning to take responsibility for whatever happens in your life. To choose growth is to embrace a love that heals.

Bell Hooks

Embrace Your Life Quotes #984066
#80. Embrace your past. It's your greatest teacher. When you learn and apply those lessons than it no longer defines your future.

Sarah Centrella

Embrace Your Life Quotes #951704
#81. The difference between your crazy and my crazy is that you don't think you're crazy.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #918463
#82. Get rid of pride; it'll only ride you to the wrong side of life. May God's words guide your faith to abide in true humility. Kick off pride; embrace humility!

Israelmore Ayivor

Embrace Your Life Quotes #860900
#83. There will be mistakes and there will be falters. There will be things that are not a part of your plan. See the challenges in your life and accept them and embrace them.

Dominique Dawes

Embrace Your Life Quotes #853457
#84. This thing that troubles you is only one small part of your life. Don't allow it to be all-consuming when there's so much more to embrace.

Richelle E. Goodrich

Embrace Your Life Quotes #831946
#85. I feel like life is really short, and it's important to enjoy yourself and embrace whatever comes your way, whether it's a challenging day or a great day, just welcome it with open arms. No matter who you are, you can't escape challenges; they are part of life.

Miranda Kerr

Embrace Your Life Quotes #813854
#86. When you truly embrace your human impermanence you connect with the power you have, and influence you have, over the time you have.

Steve Maraboli

Embrace Your Life Quotes #773385
#87. I would encourage you to embrace life in your living.

Ricky Maye

Embrace Your Life Quotes #759334
#88. Limit your life to concentration on the self and your world can only be small. Embrace interconnectedness and unity and the world becomes endlessly full of possibilities.

A.C. Ping

Embrace Your Life Quotes #750582
#89. Embrace constraint. What you get in return is the art and craft of editing your own life, weeding out what is and isn't necessary.

Biz Stone

Embrace Your Life Quotes #994503
#90. Open yourself to discomfort. Meet it with mercy, not fear. Recognize that when our pain most calls for our embrace, we are often the least present. Soften, enter, and explore, and continue softening to make room for your life.

Stephen Levine

Embrace Your Life Quotes #698117
#91. For all who see God, may God go with you. For all who embrace life, may life return your affection. For all who seek a right path, may the path be found, And the courage to take it, step by step.

Wayne Arnason

Embrace Your Life Quotes #689205
#92. Life truly is precious. Gather every moment of it into your arms & embrace it.

Paula Abdul

Embrace Your Life Quotes #672630
#93. You're probably scare, and nervous, and just about ready to pee your pants. But don't run from your fear. Embrace it! Because believe me, the best things in life are worth fighting for.

Victoria Jamieson

Embrace Your Life Quotes #649565
#94. Passionate embrace your sacred existence.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Embrace Your Life Quotes #616996
#95. Develop strength and control at an early age and embrace love coupled with a selfless heart. Only then, will you find true peace in your heart and begin the journey to the best version of yourself and the best days of your life.

Tony Gaskins

Embrace Your Life Quotes #573977
#96. Without failing at one thing, there won't be an opportunity to try again, learn and grow. Life isn't static but dynamic. Learn to embrace whatever situation you may face and strive to overcome. Believe in yourself, knowing your best is yet to come.

Kemi Sogunle

Embrace Your Life Quotes #523929
#97. New motherhood gives you an opportunity to embrace the chaos and know that you are doing the best you ca - including in your sex life.

Sarah J. Swofford

Embrace Your Life Quotes #508140
#98. Once you embrace that WHO you are defines you, you can conquer the world. What matters is what's in your heart, what your goals are and what kind of life you want to lead.

Shantel VanSanten

Embrace Your Life Quotes #477358
#99. Your past is your story. Your story is your most powerful asset. Embrace it.

Sarah Centrella

Embrace Your Life Quotes #451710
#100. It is often said that everything happens for a reason, but you must embrace the perspective that it's never a reason that is predetermined or out of your control. It is always your responsibility to choose the most empowering reasons for the occurrences of your life.

Hal Elrod

Embrace Your Life Quotes #451250

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