Top 46 Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes

#1. Isn't that what love means, to fill ordinary, commonplace, conventional things with magic and significance, not to need the moon and white scent-heavy flowers at night?

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1516388
#2. Free love is sometimes love but never freedom.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1206961
#3. The half-hour of crowded anticipation, how fully it pays for the sterile hour that follows!

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1250772
#4. What you possess is not what you jingle in the pockets of your memory, but the imaginings with which you fill the spaces of the future.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1275393
#5. Influencing people is dangerous. Their acts and thoughts become your illegitimate children. You can't get away from them and Heaven knows what they mayn't grow up into.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1313721
#6. Oh, youth is a wicked, cruel thing - eating miracles with its breakfast and not knowing they are not porridge.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1337968
#7. Only the artists interest me whose hearts beat in unison with the poignant misery of the world. If you have not felt that, you have not lived. Pity is essential.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1346084
#8. What is it one yearns for? It is to be able to do a thing for the first time again. And that is impossible.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1354941
#9. The Ten Commandments don't tell you what you ought to do: They only put ideas into your head.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1361046
#10. Are there any punishments in life but our joys turned against us?

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1396273
#11. It is sometimes the man who opens the door who is the last to enter the room.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1439973
#12. It is better not to sit on the grass after thirty when sprawling at all is difficult, let alone sprawling gracefully.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1509066
#13. What we buy belongs to us only when the price is forgotten.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1187730
#14. To others we are not ourselves but performers in their lives cast for a part we do not even know we are playing.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1556436
#15. Temptations make one very censorious. If you are virtuous you condemn the wicked and if you are wicked, you condemn the virtuous.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1565290
#16. Perfect moments don't turn into half-hours.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1620651
#17. Seeing through is rarely seeing into.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1624001
#18. Princess Bibesco delighted in a semi-ideal world - a world which, though having a counterpart in her experience, was to a great extent brought into being by her own temperament and, one might say, flair.

Elizabeth Bowen

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1649012
#19. Entertaining is one method of avoiding people. It is very often the negation of hospitality.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1786867
#20. We learn nothing by being right.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1789560
#21. It is never good dwelling on good-byes ... it is not the being together that it prolongs, it is the parting.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1794856
#22. Happiness is the moment when you cease to make an inventory of joys; it is a glow, a brightness - never a list ...

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1827105
#23. Happiness is a light, an atmosphere, an illumination. It sets a personality. I always feel that it is a creation that is difficult for some and easy for others, but essentially an achievement, never an accident.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1829400
#24. Irony is the hygiene of the mind.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #715169
#25. Why don't people take the trouble to let you know that they are alive? It is so much more important. The whole system is wrong. No sooner do I die, than all the flowers I have ever longed for in life pour in.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #131719
#26. Passion is no respecter of persons. She hardly seems to select her victims.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #151725
#27. To some people, the impossible is impossible. One fine day, they wake up in the morning knowing that they will never hold the moon in their hands, and with the certainty, perfect peace descends on them.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #224348
#28. My soul has gained the freedom of the night

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #270946
#29. Blessed are those who give without remembering and take without forgetting.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #294398
#30. What an uncertain thing, marriage - what an elusive thing, happiness!

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #336609
#31. There is something very independent about French balloons - you feel you couldn't make a pet of one.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #493578
#32. It is harder to cut our gains than our losses.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #515200
#33. I do not know at what moment in life, if ever, we realise that we are neither George Sands nor Juliets. Of course, if we are not beautiful, we recognise early that beauty is nothing.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #613422
#34. There is nothing in the world like health. Live cleanly, and the high thinking will look after itself - or at least won't matter. Physical condition - there's nothing like it.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #617500
#35. Reticences are as revealing as avowals.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #618557
#36. Talk about the joys of the unexpected, can they compare with the joys of the expected, of finding everything delightfully and completely what you knew it was going to be?

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #17421
#37. A man who is available for lunch, has no wife, is interested in everything, and talks well is socially invaluable.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #854915
#38. Endurance is frequently a form of indecision.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #897535
#39. All my life, I have loved balloons - all balloons - the heavy English sort, immense and round, that have to be pushed about, and the gay, light, gas-filled French ones that soar into the air the moment you let go of them.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #907743
#40. We often call a certainty a hope, to bring it luck.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #921401
#41. To others we are not ourselves but a performer in their lives cast for a part we do not even know that we are playing.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #937964
#42. The image of ourselves in the minds of others is the picture of a stranger we shall never see.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #998578
#43. Of what help is anyone who can only be approached with the right words?

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1123454
#44. Friendship is a difficult, dangerous job. It is also (though we rarely admit it) extremely exhausting.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1130820
#45. He is invariably in a hurry being in a hurry is one of the tributes he pays to life.

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1164883
#46. Can one end anything? A chapter, a paragraph, a sentence even? Doesn't everything one has ever done go on living in spite of subsequent events?

Elizabeth Bibesco

Elizabeth Bibesco Quotes #1187317

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