Top 100 Eldredge Quotes

#1. I've been stuck on John Eldredge lately. He's all about being a warrior outside of the church. I hate to think about this kind of stuff - I just like to do it.

John Tesh

Eldredge Quotes #194265
#2. Michael Weiss and Todd Eldredge and I all competed against each other. Even though I'm older than them, we did cross over a little bit.

Kurt Browning

Eldredge Quotes #729187
#3. Faith looks back and draws courage; hope looks ahead and keeps desire alive. John Eldredge and Brent Curtis

Renee Swope

Eldredge Quotes #889173
#4. You can find that life - if you are willing to embark on a great adventure.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #12909
#5. 'Wild at Heart' created a set of expectations maybe, partly, on my part, certainly on my publisher's part, but also in the world out there, that my next books would be as remarkable.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #12959
#6. So if you are writing a story where love is the meaning, where love is the highest and best of all, where love is the point, then you have to allow each person a choice.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #13852
#7. We would like to picture goodness as being synonymous with safety.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #27468
#8. He woos, he confronts, he delivers, he heals, he shoots straight, and then he uses intrigue. He lives out before them the most compelling view of God, shows them an incredibly attractive holiness while shattering the religious glaze. But still, he lets them walk away if they choose.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #40892
#9. Making an album is a long process, but it's a fun process.

Brett Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #41147
#10. In one of the greatest invitations ever offered to man, Christ stood up amid the crowds in Jerusalem and said, "If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #42966
#11. It's good to dream. We can't out-give God. We can't out-love him, and we can't out-dream him.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #45295
#12. The heart and life of a woman is much more vast than that. All women are made in the image of God in that we bring forth life. When we offer our tender and strong feminine hearts to the world and to those we love, we cannot help but mother them.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #50609
#13. Corporate policies and procedures are designed with one aim: to harness a man to the plow and make him produce. But the soul refuses to be harnessed; it knows nothing of Day Timers and deadlines and P&L statements. The soul longs for passion, for freedom, for life.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #59564
#14. What man is a man who does not make the world better?

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #60176
#15. Every boy, in his journey to become a man, takes an arrow in the center of his heart, in the place of his strength. Because the wound is rarely discussed and even more rarely healed, every man carries a wound. And the wound is nearly always given by his father.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #66692
#16. This is the time for a young man to stop saying, "Why is life so hard?" He takes the hardness as the call to fight, to rise up, take it on.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #70728
#17. Confusing the weight of sins actually hurts our ability to resist temptation.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #73110
#18. Men want a battle to fight, an adventure to live, and a beauty to rescue. That is what is written in their hearts. That is what little boys play at. That is what men's movies are about. You just see it. It is undeniable.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #82132
#19. The real you is on the side of God against the false self

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #86229
#20. The glory of God is man fully alive. (Saint Irenaeus)

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #87731
#21. The word Christ uses for "life" is the word psyche - the word for our soul, our inner self, our heart. He says that the things we do to save our psyche, our self, those plans to save and protect our inner life - those are the things that will actually destroy us.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #89054
#22. If he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who have never known neither victory nor defeat.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #103666
#23. I wasn't mean; I wasn't evil. I was nice. And let me tell you, a hesitant man is the last thing in the world a woman needs. She needs a lover and a warrior, not a Really Nice Guy.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #105601
#24. Life is a hypocrite if I can't live The way it moves me!

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #112711
#25. All men die; few men ever really live.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #115187
#26. I have a call to speak, to write, to do sort of deep-heart surgery in people's lives.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #119483
#27. Without the anticipation of better things ahead, we will have no heart for the journey.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #121273
#28. He made you you - on purpose. You are the only you - ever. Becoming ourselves means we are actively cooperating with God's intention for our lives, not fighting him or ourselves.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #123248
#29. From day one when you're singing, you're dreaming about making that first album and making your break into whatever music you want to break into.

Brett Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #131663
#30. Every song you love, every memory you cherish, every moment that has moved you to holy tears has been given to you from the One who has been pursuing you from your first breath in order to win your heart.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #141736
#31. Mary had Joseph. Esther had Mordecai. Ruth had Boaz. We will not become the women God intends us to be without the guidance, counsel, wisdom, strength, and love of good men in our lives.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #144926
#32. A Perfect World. Kevin Costner

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #149184
#33. Simone Weil was absolutely right- beauty and affliction are the only two things that can pierce our hearts. Because this is so true, we must have a measure of beauty in our lives proportionate to our affliction. No more. Much more. Is this not God's prescription for us? Just take a look around.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #149383
#34. I'm so uncoordinated.

Brett Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #152633
#35. Christianity has done more to elevate the status of women than any other movement in history.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #154804
#36. He is on a mission to rescue a people who are so utterly deceived most of them don't even want to be rescued.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #159120
#37. If a man is ever to find out who he is and what he is here for, he has got to take that journey for himself. He has got to get his heart back.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #167093
#38. We can be satisfied. We are loved, wanted, seen, delighted in, provided for, cherished, chosen, known, and planned on. We are set apart, believed in, invited, valued, of immeasurable worth, and blessed.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #184646
#39. The point is the love story. We live in a love story in the midst of war.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #188841
#40. How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone and narrow to be everything to someone? No, a woman's function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. (What's Wrong with the World)

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #189606
#41. Eternal life is not primarily duration but quality of life, life to the limit.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #194766
#42. Part of me knows that prayer is essential; another part of me would rather turn on the TV and check out. And that whole bit about being long-suffering-no way. Part of me wants to just get drunk.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #204147
#43. Sex can be such a stark barometer for a marriage.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #213251
#44. God lures us into marriage through love and sex and loneliness, or simply the fact that someone finally paid attention - all those reasons that you got married in the first place. It doesn't really matter, he'll do whatever it takes. He lures us into marriage and then he uses it to transform us.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #223630
#45. Emasculation happens in marriage as well. Women are often attracted to the wilder side of a man, but once having caught him they settle down to the task of domesticating him. Ironically, if he gives in he'll resent her for it, and she in turn will wonder where the passion has gone.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #231120
#46. I shall take the heart," returned the Tin Woodman; "for brains do not make one happy, and happiness is the best thing in the world." (L. Frank Baum, The Wonderful Wizard of Oz)

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #234790
#47. The most dangerous man on earth is the man who has reckoned with his own death. All men die; few men ever really live.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #237175
#48. The masculine heart needs a place where nothing is prefabricated, modular, nonfat, zip lock, franchised, on-line, microwavable. Where there are no deadlines, cell phones, or committee meetings. Where there is room for the soul.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #239356
#49. We have a Father, and He cares about our internal world - issues of motive, issues of fear, issues of validation.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #248581
#50. We've made elevator music of Jesus Christ. We've made Him the most boring, bland, blah person; and He was the most revolutionary man.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #249660
#51. Caring for your heart is also how you protect your relationship with God ... [The heart] is where we commune with him. It is where we hear his voice. Most of the folks I know who have never heard God speak to them are the same folks who live far from their hearts.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #255578
#52. The very fact that we long for the change we do is a sign that we are meant to have it. Our very dissatisfaction with our weaknesses and struggles points to the reality that continuing to live in them is not our destiny.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #267120
#53. Most of the contexts are life and death, by the way, and God is your only hope. Your ezer. If he is not there beside you ... you are dead. A better translation therefore of ezer would be "lifesaver." Kenegdo means alongside, or opposite to, a counterpart.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #268020
#54. Eve is a life giver; she is Adam's ally. It is to both of them that the charter for adventure is given. It will take both of them to sustain life. And they will both need to fight together.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #272027
#55. Truth be told, most of us are faking our way through life. We pick only those battles we are sure to win, only those adventures we are sure to handle, only those beauties we are sure to rescue.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #278047
#56. Her soul is Alive. And we are drawn to her.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #278142
#57. Just like sunshine affects others, when the life of Jesus invades your life, you become a loving person. The effect on others is amazing.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #281473
#58. They loved God and their hearts were alive and there is nothing more gorgeous than that.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #295653
#59. A boy wants to attack something - and so does a man, even if it's only a little white ball on a tee. He wants to whack it into kingdom come.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #298703
#60. You live in a world at war. Spiritual attack must be a category you think in or you will misunderstand more than half of what happens in your marriage.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #304777
#61. The story of your life is the story of the long and brutal assault on your heart by the one who knows what you could be and fears it.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #310083
#62. The greatest human tragedy is to give up the search. Nothing is of greater importance than the life of our deep heart. To lose heart is to lose everything.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #320564
#63. Our whole journey into authentic masculinity centers around those cool-of-the-day talks with God. Simple questions change hassles to adventures; the events of our lives become opportunities for initiation.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #336692
#64. You know the phrase 'Jesus laughed' isn't ever used in the Gospels. So, most people walk away with the idea that Jesus is a pretty serious guy, pretty sour faced most of the time, pretty upset at what's going on around Him.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #339742
#65. Much of what we call our 'personalities' is actually the mosaic of our choices for self-protection plus our plan to get something out of the love we were created for.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #343012
#66. Am I really a man? Have I got what it takeswhen it counts?

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #347018
#67. Story is the language of the heart.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #347788
#68. The true test of a man, the beginning of his redemption, actually starts when he can no longer rely on what he's used all his life. The real journey begins when the false self fails.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #355219
#69. The personality of the artist leaks through their work. God included. He reveals himself through nature, as the Scriptures testify.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #369261
#70. A woman in her glory, a woman of beauty, is a woman who is not striving to become beautiful or worthy or enough. She knows in her quiet center where God dwells that he find her beautiful, has deemed her worthy, and in him, she is enough.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #382625
#71. Christianity is not a promise to enjoy a life without pain nor to be given a shortcut through it. It is a promise that pain, sorrow, sin - ours and others' - will not swallow us, destroy us, define us, or have the final word. Jesus has won the victory. And in him so have we.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #388863
#72. Frodo could not be a hero unless he was born into a story with many chapters already played out before his own. His moment derives its weight and urgency from the moments that have come before.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #393228
#73. If only Jesus' followers shared his personality. That one shift alone would correct so many of the ridiculous and horrifying things that pass for popular Christianity.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #400652
#74. When it comes to helping another human being, you can treat the symptoms or you can treat the cause. Most people dabble in symptom management, and that is why most people don't seem to be getting better.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #400664
#75. Offenses that are held on to lead to death.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #408150
#76. Every story has a villain. Every story also has a hero. The Great Love Story the Scriptures are telling us about also reveals a Lover who longs for you. The story of your life is also the story of the long and passionate pursuit of your heart by the One who knows you best and loves you most.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #411226
#77. I'm married. I have three children. I have a mortgage to pay. The plumbing breaks and the yard needs trimming. However, what my wife and children need most from me is my passion for them.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #449044
#78. There is a life you can love, but it takes courage, perseverance, and a little cunning to get there. It takes a warrior.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #451546
#79. Nothing is out of reach for Jesus.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #452025
#80. We don't see clearly because we don't see with the eyes of our heart.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #455763
#81. God does not live in a perpetual state of disappointment over who we are.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #457251
#82. The worst blows typically come from family.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #465781
#83. This is human nature: to find a morality that is comfortable and convenient and let it suffice for holiness. But it is not. So you ride your bike to work, or drive a hybrid car - but

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #469629
#84. You get guys around a campfire, and they start telling their stories. That's the fellowship that they want to be in.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #471064
#85. Fear is a wet blanket that smothers the fiery passion God deposited in your heart when he formed you. Fear freezes us into inaction. Frozen ideas, frozen souls, frozen bodies can't move, can't dream, can't risk, can't love, and can't live. Fear chains us.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #475606
#86. There is no greater place for damage (than marriage) because there is no greater place for glory.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #475810
#87. Of course our prayers are limited by our sin. If you want powerful prayers, get the sin out of your life.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #475823
#88. The warrior learns to master the art of holding fast to dreams while accepting the rigors of becoming the kind of man who can be entrusted with those dreams;

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #477952
#89. She is the crescendo, the final, astonishing work of God. Woman. In one last flourish creation comes to a finish with Eve. She is the Master's finishing touch.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #485879
#90. Now every daughter of Eve want to "control her surrounding, her relationships, her God." No longer is she vulnerable; now she will be grasping. No longer does she want simply to share in the adventure; she wants to control it.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #487633
#91. It is actually helpful to acknowledge the truth that we are just as quirky as everyone else and that God loves quirky!

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #491734
#92. No wonder when he steps into the heavens to accept the throne the cry goes up, "Worthy! Worthy! Worthy! Make him king!" This man is so worthy.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #503668
#93. We think you'll find that every woman in her heart of hearts longs for three things: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty. That's what makes a woman come alive.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #509088
#94. Here's the test - if you can't take your church culture and language and drop it in the middle of a bar or a bus, and have it make winsome sense to the people there, then it's not from Jesus. Because that is exactly what he could do. That's what made him the real deal.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #510501
#95. And it has been the paleontologist- my own breed-who have been most responsible for letting ideas dominate reality: ... We paleontologist have said that the history of life supports that interpretation [gradual adaptive change], all the while knowing that it does not.

Niles Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #512431
#96. He created Adam for adventure, battle and beauty; he created us for a unique place in his story and he is committed to bringing us back to the original design.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #517334
#97. A man does not go to a woman to get his strength; he goes to her to offer it.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #524470
#98. Adventure, with all its requisite danger and wildness, is a deeply spiritual longing written into the soul of man.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #525416
#99. A woman is a warrior too. But she is meant to be a warrior in a uniquely feminine way. Sometime before the sorrows of life did their best to kill it in us, most young women wanted to be a part of something grand, something important.

Stasi Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #527292
#100. The balancing act we parents attempt is convincing our children: 1. You are loved more than you can imagine. 2. The world does not revolve around you.

John Eldredge

Eldredge Quotes #537807

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