Top 11 Elain Quotes

#1. For a moment, I saw that set of paints Elain had once bought me with the extra money she'd saved. The red, yellow, and blue I'd savored, used to paint that dresser in our cottage. I had not painted in years at that point, had not dared spend the money on myself...But Elain had.

Sarah J. Maas

Elain Quotes #479042
#2. If Elain's mental gates were those of a sleeping garden, Nesta's...They belonged to an ancient fortress, sharp and brutal. The sort I imagined they once impaled people upon.

Sarah J. Maas

Elain Quotes #827189
#3. Elain had always been gentle and sweet - and I had considered it a different sort of strength. A better strength. To look at the hardness of the world and choose, over and over, to love, to be kind. She had been always so full of light. Perhaps

Sarah J. Maas

Elain Quotes #830599
#4. You're still lovely," Mor said a bit gently.
Elain offered a half smile. "I suppose that war makes wanting things like that unimportant."
Mor was quiet for a heartbeat. "Perhaps. But you should not let war steal it from you regardless.

Sarah J. Maas

Elain Quotes #1819423
#5. So many believe that it is love that grows, but it is the knowing that grows and love simply expands to contain it.

Wm. Paul Young

Elain Quotes #113324
#6. That's quite the specific search ... 'Sadistic Old-Bag-Murdering Witches' - I can't even begin to imagine what that involves.

Stacey T. Hunt

Elain Quotes #436695
#7. Spain is facing an economic situation of extreme difficulty, I repeat, of extreme difficulty, and anyone who doesn't understand that is fooling themselves.

Mariano Rajoy

Elain Quotes #630646
#8. It's already ended badly. Now it's just a matter of deciding how we meet the consequences.

Sarah J. Maas

Elain Quotes #977543
#9. There are a lot of people who don't think girl groups last very long, but Girls' Generation wants to break that theory.


Elain Quotes #1176724
#10. Call me old-fashioned, but I did read in Glamour that one's shorts should always be longer than one's vagina.

Helen Fielding

Elain Quotes #1381723
#11. Reduce intellectual and emotional noise
until you arrive at the silence of yourself
and listen to it.

Richard Brautigan

Elain Quotes #1653250

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