Top 14 Eifert Roto Quotes

#1. I have spent much of my adult life trying to figure out how to experience holiness, and now I know that the struggle to figure things out is antithetical to the experience. You simply relax into holiness the way you would a warm bath.

Victor Shamas

Eifert Roto Quotes #163506
#2. Every time a man puts a new idea across, he faces a dozen men who thought of it before he did. But they only thought of it.

Oren Arnold

Eifert Roto Quotes #259606
#3. It always depresses me when people moan about how commercial Christmas is. I love everything about it. The tradition of having this great big feast, slap bang in the middle of winter, is an essential thing to look forward to at the end of the year.

Richard E. Grant

Eifert Roto Quotes #352487
#4. See yourself what you would like to be known for rather than your current position.

Dhaval Gajera

Eifert Roto Quotes #513162
#5. If life is not real, life is not earnest, and the grave is its goal, perhaps it's ridiculous t otake ourselves so seriously.

Thomas Nagel

Eifert Roto Quotes #810486
#6. Independence is for the very few; it is a privilege of the strong. And whoever attempts it even with the best right but without inner constraint proves that he is probably not only strong, but also daring to the point of recklessness.

Friedrich Nietzsche

Eifert Roto Quotes #1001625
#7. I can still make a fist, and breath still burns in my chest. So look at my face. Look at my mortal soul, and remember it. You did not crush me, and you will have the rest of eternity to think on it.

Susan Dennard

Eifert Roto Quotes #1123049
#8. No matter where I am in my life, no matter what I am doing, I will never be far from you in my heart. I may be moving on, but I'm not moving away from you. You will always be in my soul, a part of my present, and a fleeting dream for my future." ~Emma Ranstein

Lindsay Detwiler

Eifert Roto Quotes #1138384
#9. Love transcends all barriers. Age, Gender, Caste et al are the diktats of society to thwart love, promote strait jacketed family life . . ."

"If love could transcend all barriers why not that of gender as well?

Jayant Swamy

Eifert Roto Quotes #1212075
#10. Rivers do all the work,
but the ocean gets all the glory.

Matshona Dhliwayo

Eifert Roto Quotes #1311920
#11. The less of one's life one must exchange for money, the more freedom one may enjoy.

Gerry Spence

Eifert Roto Quotes #1335865
#12. For someone whose goal in life was to stay unemployed, I can't imagine what I thought was going to happen. I was so terrified of everything, I just thought I'd curl up in the gutter and die, and by a complete mistake, my life turned out to be absolutely wonderful.

Deborah Eisenberg

Eifert Roto Quotes #1585324
#13. Brambleclaw turned to Squirrelflight first. "Will you fight beside me?"
Their eyes met for a long moment. "Always," she meowed.

Erin Hunter

Eifert Roto Quotes #1612658
#14. I was living alone before, Campbell, if that's what you're asking." She looks at me over the edge of her wine glass. "How about you?"
"I have six wives, fifteen children, and an assortment of sheep."
Her lips curve. "People like you always make me feel like I'm underachieving.

Jodi Picoult

Eifert Roto Quotes #1692576

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