Top 18 Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes

#1. Go to the Sydney Institute Media Watch Dog website to marvel at [its] work

Mark Latham

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1272128
#2. You are amazed at all the things you know which are not on the examination paper.

Helen Keller

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1846999
#3. Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.

- Albus Dumbledore, "Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkaban" -

J.K. Rowling

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1803929
#4. But Japan drew from the challenge the opposite conclusion as China: it threw open its doors to foreign technology and overhauled its institutions in an attempt to replicate the Western powers' rise.

Henry Kissinger

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1731287
#5. We all know what we have to do what the inkling provokes us. We have to do the right thing. We have to make that extra push out of bed, or off the sofa. We must just do it.

Mark Andrew Poe

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1582685
#6. Dumbledore will only leave from Hogwarts when there are none loyal to him!

J.K. Rowling

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1517091
#7. The book is a form in which some of the greatest masterpieces that mankind has ever achieved are expressed;

David Gelernter

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1440114
#8. There's a great energy and drive that takes precedence in a lot of rock and pop. It's about making a strong visceral connection. That's something that I think great classical music can have, too.

Joshua Roman

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1373979
#9. Have to? Of course you have to! But only because of you, Harry, won't rest until Voldemort is finished! Think now, for once, if you have never heard of the prophecy! What would you do?

J.K. Rowling

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1361281
#10. You obviously don't have my soul or you wouldn't be trying to make deals.

Daniel Nayeri

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #63544
#11. Both cities had numerous tall buildings, but that was pretty much where their similarities ended. While New York appeared dirty and lived in, Chicago was spotless and trash free, newer maybe. And where New York buzzed with constant energy, Chicago exuded more of a gentle hum.

J. Sterling

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1218777
#12. Anna felt his hand linger on the small of her back as he placed her gently on the ground. His hand was so warm and reassuring. It felt almost as though it belonged there.

Walt Disney Company

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1202061
#13. I struggle to come up to people and say what I think.

Maisie Williams

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #1091939
#14. It was one of the compromises of the Constitution that the slave property in the Southern States should be recognized as property throughout the United States.

Jefferson Davis

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #893565
#15. It is always better to look at a matter positively before ruling negatively on it.

Nabil N. Jamal

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #803053
#16. For, as I said a little way back, perfect souls are in no way repelled by trials, but rather desire them and pray for them and love them. They are like soldiers: the more wars there are, the better they are pleased, because they hope to emerge from them with the greater riches.

Teresa Of Avila

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #555323
#17. security is never finished.

Darril Gibson

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #538739
#18. Don't count your owls before they are delivered.

J.K. Rowling

Dumbledore Inspirational Quotes #324278

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