Top 13 Duermen Quotes

#1. I used to get so upset with my father. I'd ask him, 'Why do I have to be around all these women all the time?' But in time, I learned that was an advantage.

George Tillman Jr.

Duermen Quotes #286018
#2. To most mortals there is a stupidity which is unendurable and a stupidity which is altogether acceptable - else, indeed, what would become of social bonds?

George Eliot

Duermen Quotes #631826
#3. Being a dramatic character was more difficult for me. It was a new thing that I explored because it was challenging. But I love to challenge myself and different things.

Omar Sy

Duermen Quotes #763619
#4. The balance in your life is more important than the balance in your checking account.

Chris Gardner

Duermen Quotes #908036
#5. Yr crown has been bought and paid for. All you have to do is put it on yr head

James Baldwin

Duermen Quotes #919284
#6. Asking Wall Street to provide financial education is the same as asking a fox to raise your chickens.

Robert Kiyosaki

Duermen Quotes #1088811
#7. Jane remained in her chair thinking about justice, about how the dead never benefited from it. For them it always comes too late.

Tess Gerritsen

Duermen Quotes #1133807
#8. Love keeps no record of wrongs, but bitterness keeps detailed accounts.

Craig Groeschel

Duermen Quotes #1239847
#9. In the course of time, Michael Strogoff reached a high station in the Empire. But it is not the history of his success, but the history of his trials, which deserves to be related.

Jules Verne

Duermen Quotes #1250971
#10. His stomach tried to propel itself out of his throat. His mouth hinged open all by itself - the better to upchuck you with, my dear - and shot out five gods, a very slimy rock, quite a lot of nectar, some biscuits, and a chariot license plate. (No, I don't know how all that got in there.)

Rick Riordan

Duermen Quotes #1306971
#11. When I create characters, I create a world to inhabit and they begin to feel very real for me. I don't belong in a psych ward, I don't think, but they become very real, like my own family, and then I have to say goodbye, close the door, and work on other things.

Lois Lowry

Duermen Quotes #1403775
#12. I believe we are shown the path that is right as soon as we ask for it. Then we must live in the world and in some way express what we have learned.

Marianne Williamson

Duermen Quotes #1445836
#13. Lead me, Lord, to the Rock that is higher than I. Let me hear your word, give me grace to obey, to build steadily, stone upon stone, day by day, to do what You say. Establish my heart where floods have no power to overwhelm, for Christ's sake. Amen.

Elisabeth Elliot

Duermen Quotes #1679326

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