Top 35 Driving Passion Quotes

#1. A dancer must listen to his body and pay homage to it. Behind the movement lies this terrible, driving passion, this necessity. I won't settle for anything less.

Martha Graham

Driving Passion Quotes #1229329
#2. Climbing's always been a massive hobby of mine up until, kind of, recent times when I've had family, but no, it's been a driving passion in my life, and, uh, I've always wanted to climb the Matterhorn. It was the mountain that, sort of, inspired me to climb, as a youngster.

Andy Serkis

Driving Passion Quotes #1488320
#3. Love is deepest driving passion of a purposeful life.

Debasish Mridha

Driving Passion Quotes #451442
#4. In the face of all this, it is your culture that will be the driving force to create the resiliency, toughness, passion, and attitude to overcome the obstacles in your way.

Jon Gordon

Driving Passion Quotes #933034
#5. I try to learn something from every character I take on. I try to better myself personally from it and Red allowed me to go ahead and accept what I did. Even though I had passion driving me, I still felt a little guilty that I gave up all the businesses in the pursuit of happiness.

Drew Waters

Driving Passion Quotes #1775057
#6. Iran is a major threat to the well-being of Europe and America just as much as it is for the state of Israel.

Ehud Olmert

Driving Passion Quotes #1005491
#7. You can't coach desire, and no matter how fancy your training plan or how high your stated goals are, it comes down to getting out the door and doing the work day after day.

Steve House

Driving Passion Quotes #1030823
#8. Every day, set your mind in the right direction. Find something to be grateful for.

Joel Osteen

Driving Passion Quotes #1103668
#9. Why is the world in need of a leader like you? You must lead for significant impact. As a leader, find the "cause" driving your leadership brand and pursue its resolution with passion and excellence.

Archibald Marwizi

Driving Passion Quotes #1125122
#10. I cannot believe that you're still a girl. Your kisses don't seem that innocent. They are driving me crazy.

Olga Goa

Driving Passion Quotes #1152270
#11. Despite the obstacle, when a strong passion within yearns for life, begs to thrive, we must find a way to release it. To set free that which creates, that which inspires, for passion is the driving force behind all that is great.

Rico Lamoureux

Driving Passion Quotes #1227209
#12. If you have no good drive in you, your life will not be steered through a good direction. It will miss its destined station. Passion or drive is what moves the vehicle of a fulfilled life.

Israelmore Ayivor

Driving Passion Quotes #1319749
#13. I have a real passion for driving. Earlier on in my life I wanted to be a race car driver. But I don't pay an extortionate amount of money for cars. I'm pretty frugal.

John Barrowman

Driving Passion Quotes #1329301
#14. You can do films for the fun of it, or the thrill of it, but certain films you can't do unless there's something driving you, something you have a passion for that will pull you through.

Truman Capote

Driving Passion Quotes #1343698
#15. The passion is my favorite part of the city [Philadelphia]. You go from 'we love you' to 'we hate you' back to 'you walk on water.' You're driving, and somebody might wave or somebody might flip you off.

Jim Thome

Driving Passion Quotes #1380576
#16. Passion is the driving element of purpose. When one is possessed with it, labor is not perceived as toil - it is revealed as love.

T.F. Hodge

Driving Passion Quotes #1509397
#17. In chains and darkness, wherefore should I stay, And mourn in prison, while I keep the key.

Laurell K. Hamilton

Driving Passion Quotes #1548519
#18. When you start photographing somebody, it's like a lustful relationship and there's all the excitement of new flesh.

Andrea Modica

Driving Passion Quotes #1674113
#19. Unlike us, cats never outgrow their delight in cat capacities, nor do they settle finally for limitations. Cats, I think, live out their lives fulfilling their expectations.

Irving Townsend

Driving Passion Quotes #1698611
#20. Don't hate the media; become the media.

Jello Biafra

Driving Passion Quotes #844173
#21. We basically ran the Henry Bellmon campaign.

James Lankford

Driving Passion Quotes #839978
#22. No doubt Western civilization has in the past been full of wars and revolutions, and the national elements in our culture, even when they were ignored, always provided an unconscious driving force of passion and aggressive self-assertion.

Christopher Dawson

Driving Passion Quotes #677016
#23. If I had to choose my driving force, it would be passion.

Anita Roddick

Driving Passion Quotes #636868
#24. You can't look outside of yourself. You must look within yourself, and address all of the things that are going on within you, and clear out the things that are not useful. Whether it's fear or anger or shame or guilt or whatever it is - clean that stuff up.

Iyanla Vanzant

Driving Passion Quotes #614203
#25. In reality there is nothing to fear in the present. Fear is projected onto the present by memory.

Deepak Chopra

Driving Passion Quotes #491316
#26. If I had to name a driving force in my life, I would name PASSION every time

Anita Roddick

Driving Passion Quotes #447351
#27. He was intensity. He was strength. He was driving will and stubborn determination. He was reckless passion and guarded distrust. He was fucking beautiful.

Carole Cummings

Driving Passion Quotes #439414
#28. I'm not going to just stop doing it because I got hurt once. People get hurt in car wrecks every day, and they don't stop driving the car the rest of their life to work. It's my passion. It's what I want to do with my life. It's a part of what I do.

Tony Stewart

Driving Passion Quotes #413223
#29. Passion
it's the driving force that you just can't ignore. It's what will make your new adventure seem more like fun, than work. It's the difference between wanting to start a business and craving it.

Mac Anderson

Driving Passion Quotes #382213
#30. The truth, it seems, is not just what you find when you open a door: it is itself a door, which the poet is always on the verge of going through.

Margaret Atwood

Driving Passion Quotes #361364
#31. But then, the flames of a fire are not made less painful by the knowledge that others are burning with you.

Karen Maitland

Driving Passion Quotes #311490
#32. When you're passionate about something, you don't need coffee or an energy drink to get you moving.

Rob Liano

Driving Passion Quotes #285810
#33. If you have a definite purpose, if you have a driving desire to achieve it and if you go with passion, then don't wait for success because you are already a success.

Debasish Mridha

Driving Passion Quotes #191931
#34. He didn't know anyone could cry like that. A wind was coming from inside her.

Benjamin Alire Saenz

Driving Passion Quotes #68267
#35. Knowledge is the driving force that puts creative passion to work.

Maurice Sendak

Driving Passion Quotes #10643

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