Top 8 Drinking Regrets Quotes
#1. When I was really young, Dad wasn't that well known. I don't remember when I realised he was a writer, but I do remember him leaving his full-time job at the Central Electrical Generating Board to concentrate on books.
Rhianna Pratchett
#2. Bill by bill, and letter by letter, his scientific imagination was slowly choked by administrative work.
Siddhartha Mukherjee
#4. You can't have pride without humility. Aggression without tolerance. Strength without compassion. Power without restraint.
D.J. MacHale
#5. Never express anger with a friend or a subordinate in public," Vedris always said. "They might forgive a private expression of anger or a deserved scolding, but they never forget a public humiliation. It is the surest way to destroy a friendship and to create enemies.
Tamora Pierce
#7. Although I am no longer caught in the past, the future seems like a ridiculous thing to me. Try to catch it, hold it in your hand. It disappears every time.
Alice Hoffman
#8. The best way to get past something was usually to simply do something else, right?
Melody Carlson
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