Top 8 Drinken Vertaling Quotes
#1. Virtue consisted in avoiding scandal and venereal disease.
Robert Cecil
#3. At some point we all have to move on. Im here to create some kind of legacy in Brooklyn.
Paul Pierce
#5. I see that children fill the existential hollowness many people feel; that when we have children, we know they will need us, and maybe love us, but we don't have a clue how hard it is going to be.
Anne Lamott
#6. My passion for storm chasing has always been driven by the beautiful and powerful storms displayed in the heartland each spring.
Tim Samaras
#7. I feel relieved that we discovered that Iraq did not have nuclear weapons.
Mohamed ElBaradei
#8. The best way to see a country is from the footplate of a locomotive.
George Dow