Top 31 Douglas Clegg Quotes
#2. Words could kill, sometimes, he thought then. Words could change everything. Lourdes
Douglas Clegg
#3. Besides, back to the subject of you being nuts, all writers are nuts, didn't you know that?
Douglas Clegg
#4. The happiest of people don't necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the most of everything that comes their way. Happiness only happens for those who cry and those who hurt, for only then can they appreciate the importance of people who touch their lives.
Douglas Clegg
#5. It was said that Mrs. Campusky's ovaries were like popcorn poppers and the desert heat kept her puffing up with a never-ending pregnancy.
Douglas Clegg
#6. Of the things that are man's achievements, the greatest is suffering.
Douglas Clegg
#7. She found Lucy to be about as interesting as a toothache.
Douglas Clegg
#8. Death is a gift, so long as it is nature's hand.
Douglas Clegg
#9. Death has a price, and all who bargain with the dead must pay it.
Douglas Clegg
#10. You know, my basic theory about kids: they are monsters in children ziploc suits, which they discard when they go to school each day.
Douglas Clegg
#11. There is more terror in a day of life than there is at the moment of death. It is as if a door has opened to a prison, though you do not believe it is a prison while you exist within it.
Douglas Clegg
#12. There are monsters in the world. They're called human beings. - Michael Diamond, from The Life Beyond
Douglas Clegg
#13. If Nick Clegg hadn't been sitting around the cabinet table, we wouldn't have had the bedroom tax; we wouldn't have had the rise in tuition fees. We wouldn't have had the mistakes we've seen in economic policy.
Douglas Alexander
#14. You know we got two lives, sometimes more. I don't mean like reincarnation, I mean like we have our life of innocence and then it rams right into the real life. The life where innocence is just a mirror - looks nice, reflects a lot, but it ain't the real thing. I
Douglas Clegg
#15. Nothing within the limits of the human imagination and mind is impossible. If it were, we could not imagine it or dream it.
Douglas Clegg
#16. Everything can work out fine if you just plant your feet on the ground and look straight ahead. Nothing is a tragedy unless you buy it a suit of clothes and give it a free meal.
Douglas Clegg
#17. Mommy loves me I know. Mommy loves me I know. I know Mommy loves me. I am scared of her. A
Douglas Clegg
#18. Louis Maistros has an original and dark vision, full of power.
Douglas Clegg
#19. I understood, then, where his madness had come from: He, too, had experienced the loss of the good and the victory of the evil.
Douglas Clegg
#20. God was like the phone company: You paid your bill, and sometimes you got cut off anyway.
Douglas Clegg
#21. If only ... the two most miserable words in the English language. If only.
Douglas Clegg
#22. the one of insane geometries, of orange lightning, of fire that rained from trees like leaves falling, of the birds rising from the water their impossibly pure white wings spreading across the burning sky. As
Douglas Clegg
#23. Family is putting up with each other's shit sometimes I guess.
Douglas Clegg
#24. Skinless creatures swayed in death throes from thick, silver hooks. Beneath them, on the turquoise mosaic floor, rows of buckets overflowed with clotting blood.
Douglas Clegg
#26. Do you know that when a man becomes old, he begins to remember what he believed in as a child and it all comes back to him?
Douglas Clegg
#27. What was unspeakable found voice and its bleating froze the air for a moment hacked from the fabric of time as the secret of all stabbed at his ears.
Douglas Clegg
#28. Frailty and cruelty are our gifts to the world. Who is to say that suffering is not the greatest of all gifts from the gods?
Douglas Clegg
#29. Death is not the end of things, my sister. It is the beginning of a greater adventure than this small life you cherish can hold. And beyond these shores of death, there are great ships that fly from the golden seas to the skies of pearl.
Douglas Clegg
#30. He was a golden boy in a world of brass and tin.
Douglas Clegg
#31. We kill, kill, kill. Flesh, spirit, whatever gets in our way. It's like our whole purpose is to extinguish life. And for those who live, there's memory, like a curse. We're such a mixture of frailty and cruelty.
Douglas Clegg
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