Top 20 Donald Cerrone Quotes

#1. Why aren't more gems from our great authors scattered over the country? Great books aren't within everybody's reach.

Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Donald Cerrone Quotes #734676
#2. We see portability in electronics being a continuing requirement, higher functionality, better battery life, requiring lower power for the actual electronics.

David Milne

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1873097
#3. God's never as nervous about our future, or as concerned about our past, as we are.

Bob Goff

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1857718
#4. The gifts we are given in life require the best of us, not merely our best intentions.

Les Brown

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1449212
#5. A writer has many tools: eyes, ears, nose, sensations, thoughts feelings and imagination. The tools can construct a house of stories.

Mark Rubinstein

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1431776
#6. There are moments when great music can be the greatest service and charity.

Michael Leunig

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1352874
#7. How you, a weak boy caught in the middle of a storm, both in reality and metaphorically, would risk your life to save some girl - some girl who tortured you, ignored you, destroyed you.

J.X. Burros

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1311126
#8. I want to be read, and I certainly want to sell, but I also see my father's eye from Heaven: 'Always write quality. It doesn't matter if you sell; if it's good, it's good - if you capture the complexity of life.'

David Lagercrantz

Donald Cerrone Quotes #1101955
#9. Corporate greed is killing America, and that's what we battling at Boeing.

Bill Johnson

Donald Cerrone Quotes #785623
#10. Because things are the way they are, things will not stay the way they are.

Bertolt Brecht

Donald Cerrone Quotes #739935
#11. My grandma would quote Abraham Lincoln all the time: "Whatever you do in life, be a good one."

Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone Quotes #81540
#12. The pride in finishing a marathon is much greater than all the pain endured during the marathon.

Hal Higdon

Donald Cerrone Quotes #703242
#13. Just do whatever you want to in life. One day tomorrow won't be there.

Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone Quotes #693117
#14. My injuries are a long way from my heart.

Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone Quotes #666847
#15. Something like 'Much Ado' happens, and even 'Avengers' happens because of the years of building connections and doing the work and proving yourself.

Joss Whedon

Donald Cerrone Quotes #617922
#16. Live the life you're living and try and stay who you are

Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone Quotes #531730
#17. Perfection is the key to success".

Abdulazeez Henry Musa

Donald Cerrone Quotes #510447
#18. I use memories but I will not allow memories to use me.

Deepak Chopra

Donald Cerrone Quotes #364281
#19. Doubt is something that should be entertained privately.

Jude Watson

Donald Cerrone Quotes #351343
#20. It's all about being happy with your life and having fun. At least that's what works for me.

Donald Cerrone

Donald Cerrone Quotes #162326

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