Top 21 Dominczyk Quotes

#1. Every problem gets solved with time.

Debasish Mridha

Dominczyk Quotes #913315
#2. I always write after I think for quite a long time, so the actual writing time is rather short. I think a lot of the work gets done when you have something on your mind while you're doing many other things.

Helen Vendler

Dominczyk Quotes #1827606
#3. I'm also pretty resilient and fearless, and when I want something I go for it.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #1758300
#4. Live while you live!

Jennifer Goble

Dominczyk Quotes #1687358
#5. I love being a performer. It's like a hole that never closes. It's something in you that never dies.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #1661284
#6. At the simplest level, only people who know they do not know everything will be curious enough to find things out.

Virginia Postrel

Dominczyk Quotes #1610178
#7. A life totally committed to God has nothing to fear, nothing to lose, nothing to regret.

Pandita Ramabai

Dominczyk Quotes #1459294
#8. It's the word 'artful'; it's such a great word, with its dark and its light side, its art and its cunning, the craft and the crafty of it - I've been preoccupied with the word 'artful' and the twin notions of 'cornucopia' and 'pickpocket' it suggests for quite some time.

Ali Smith

Dominczyk Quotes #1326210
#9. Eight solid light-years of lead ... is the thickness of that metal in which you would need to encase yourself if you wanted to keep from being touched by neutrinos. I guess the little fuckers are everywhere.

Michael Chabon

Dominczyk Quotes #1242444
#10. The visible mark of extraordinary wisdom and power appear so plainly in all the works of creation.

John Locke

Dominczyk Quotes #1192810
#11. The purpose of man is in action not thought.

Thomas Carlyle

Dominczyk Quotes #1107880
#12. The only reason I would stay away from a period piece is because sometimes the women are painted in a very stereotypical weakling, wallflower way - that's something I don't want to do. I want to show strength in the women I play, and a journey of some sort.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #4583
#13. So be my passing! My task accomplished and the long day done, My wages taken, and in my heart Some late lark singing, Let me be gathered in the quiet west, The sundown splendid and serene, Death.

William Ernest Henley

Dominczyk Quotes #812955
#14. I can be not showered and dressed like a slob, but my lip gloss will be on!

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #668120
#15. It is always the ones who believe that are hurt the worst when things go wrong.

David Levithan

Dominczyk Quotes #548896
#16. An employer verification system must be implemented to ensure jobs are not given to illegal immigrants.

Mitt Romney

Dominczyk Quotes #399030
#17. You know who else had a kid when she was a teenager? Holy fucking Mary, Mother of God! And that shit turned out fine, that shit saved the world, didn't it now?

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #377001
#18. My all-time favorite skin cream is from Poland. Its called Eva Natura with Polish herbs, including rosemary. It smells wonderful and is soothing and comforting.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #219195
#19. What I like about electronic music is you don't really need to be that learned or educated in any particular context. You can just make sound, noise even, whatever it may be.

Justin Broadrick

Dominczyk Quotes #162846
#20. I didn't go to the cinema a lot when I was young.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #119053
#21. I'm always keeping an eye out for a period piece. I was trained in theatre, so most of the things we did were classical - Shakespeare, Moliere, and Chekhov.

Dagmara Dominczyk

Dominczyk Quotes #25957

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