Top 47 Do Not Compete Quotes

#1. Do not compete with anyone.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Do Not Compete Quotes #541778
#2. The Carter Center has a policy of doing what others do not want to do. We do not compete with the World Health Organization, the United Nations or the US government.

Jimmy Carter

Do Not Compete Quotes #235202
#3. Dear Lord, I pray that my place will never be with the cold, timid souls who do not compete yet criticize, for they never know or feel success or failure.

Bob Stoops

Do Not Compete Quotes #1764150
#4. Each new day beckons you to walk on the road of self-transcendence. We transcend ourselves, we do not compete with others. We compete only with our previous achievements, and we get joy. Life is nothing but a perpetual possibility.

Sri Chinmoy

Do Not Compete Quotes #1443880
#5. Do not compete with anyone. Seek to exceed your own expectations.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Do Not Compete Quotes #1225928
#6. Lesson learned - in doing business, do not COMPETE but be COMPETITIVE.

Diana Valerio

Do Not Compete Quotes #1015091
#7. You have a real life if and only if you do not compete with anyone in any of your pursuits.

Nassim Nicholas Taleb

Do Not Compete Quotes #980702
#8. When we transcend ourselves, we do not compete with others. We do not compete with the rest of the world, but at every moment we compete with ourselves.

Sri Chinmoy

Do Not Compete Quotes #865192
#9. Do not compete with anyone in the race of life. Compete with yourself.

Lailah Gifty Akita

Do Not Compete Quotes #842201
#10. Angels light the way. Angels do not begrudge anyone anything, angels do not tear down, angels do not compete, angels do not constrict their hearts, angels do not fear. That's why they sing and that's how they fly. We, of course, are only angels in disguise.

Marianne Williamson

Do Not Compete Quotes #835298
#11. To advertisers: "Do not compete with your agency in the creative area. Why keep a dog and bark yourself?"

David Ogilvy

Do Not Compete Quotes #771174
#12. There's no way I can compete with someone who can write rap or rock and roll. Nor do I wish to. But I've always kept up to date with music changes. I worked very hard not to type myself.

Elmer Bernstein

Do Not Compete Quotes #988036
#13. The story of 'Prometheus' is the idea that if you're given a gift from the gods, do not abuse it, and do not think you can compete.

Ridley Scott

Do Not Compete Quotes #1778150
#14. YouTube clips get millions, billions of hits. Reality TV programs have their own channels. How can movies attempt to compete with these kinds of numbers? And do we even need to? Are we scaring ourselves by unnecessary comparisons, by not comparing apples with apples?

Alison Owen

Do Not Compete Quotes #1054007
#15. I swear on my children's lives that I never look at the statistics or look at beating anyone's records. All I do is look to improve but not compete against any record. I want to win trophies and score goals because that's my job as a forward.

Luis Suarez

Do Not Compete Quotes #1091339
#16. We are not going to compete for programs where we do not believe we can get a fair and sufficient return.

Phebe Novakovic

Do Not Compete Quotes #1244573
#17. I believe our basic information, our 'software', should be free and open for everyone to play with, to compete with, to try and make products from. I do not believe it should be under the control of one person.

John Sulston

Do Not Compete Quotes #1250799
#18. If you do not have the power to compete with the best believers in good deeds, then compete with the sinners in asking for Allah's forgiveness.

Ibn Rajab

Do Not Compete Quotes #1262311
#19. Privatization of the state-owned economy is not yet on the agenda. We cannot do it immediately; my colleagues would not agree to it. But we must put all forms of ownership on an equal footing immediately and let different types of ownership compete with the state firms.

Vaclav Klaus

Do Not Compete Quotes #1264039
#20. At Berkshire Hathaway we do not like to compete against Chinese manufacturers.

Charlie Munger

Do Not Compete Quotes #1291758
#21. Avoid demonizing television, computer games, and new technologies. Electronic media may compete for kids' attention, but we're not going to get kids reading by badmouthing other entertainment. Admit that TV and games can do things books can't.

Jon Scieszka

Do Not Compete Quotes #1322097
#22. Let us compete with ourselves, not with others.

Debasish Mridha

Do Not Compete Quotes #1421773
#23. Women do not avoid fighting because they are dainty or scared, but because they have a greater stake than men in staying alive to rear their offspring. Women compete with each other just as tenaciously as men, but with a stealth and subtlety that reduces their chances of being killed or injured.

Anne Campbell

Do Not Compete Quotes #1503027
#24. Greatness is defined by someone who is not simply awesome and wonderful in the sport they compete in but goes beyond that and is great in whatever they do off the track or off the court.

Marion Jones

Do Not Compete Quotes #1609801
#25. I'm not trying to set the bar high. We're just trying to compete. We want to grind. This is what we do.

Russ Rose

Do Not Compete Quotes #1620276
#26. That's not how most of Hollywood does it-which helps to explain why Pixar does so well. How are you changing the game in your field? What is your distinctive take on how your industry operates? Do you work as distinctively as you compete?

Bill Taylor

Do Not Compete Quotes #1660504
#27. Why do you wait," asks he. "Why are you idle? If you don't seize the day, it escapes." Even though you seize it, it still will flee; therefore you must compete with time's haste in the speed of using it, and, like a gush of water that blasts past and will not always flow calmly, you must drink fast.


Do Not Compete Quotes #1683151
#28. Pay-for-performance will only raise costs if providers get higher pay for process compliance but do not have to compete on results.

Michael E. Porter

Do Not Compete Quotes #1688847
#29. Boys must find ways to compete and see themselves as performing well. If they do not, if society does not provide them with these opportunities, they'll compete against society itself, abusing their community and themselves.

Michael Gurian

Do Not Compete Quotes #1743154
#30. Love your sport. Never do it to please someone else; it has to be yours. That is all that will justify the hard work. Compete against yourself, not others, for that is who is truly your best competition.

Peggy Fleming

Do Not Compete Quotes #462077
#31. I look at the deejay thing as a tier thing. If I'm not going to compete on that level, I'm just going to do it as a hobby.

Talib Kweli

Do Not Compete Quotes #102827
#32. I;m not going to compete with you. I'm better than you are at what I do. And you're better than I am at what you do.

Stieg Larsson

Do Not Compete Quotes #132797
#33. Do not sit next to my mother when she is watching one of her children compete because you will have fingernails down your back. She is a nervous wreck.

Diana Lopez

Do Not Compete Quotes #296336
#34. I do not think our successes can compete with those of Lourdes. There are so many more people who believe in the miracles of the Blessed Virgin than in the existence of the unconscious.

Sigmund Freud

Do Not Compete Quotes #319553
#35. What does it mean to delight in the Lord? Delighting in the Lord is simply having a heart motivated by the Lord. When our heart is cluttered with desires that compete with God, then our hearts is not one with God. When we delight in Him everything we do is for Him, and is encouraged by Him

Heather Bixler

Do Not Compete Quotes #335516
#36. The ultimate is not to win, but to reach within the depths of your capabilities and to compete against yourself to the greatest extent possible. When you do that, you have dignity. You have the pride. You can walk about with character and pride no matter in what place you happen to finish.

Billy Mills

Do Not Compete Quotes #353869
#37. Any definition of a culture of peace must address the problem of achieving justice for communities and individuals who do not have the means to compete or cope without structured assistance and compassionate help.

Mahnaz Afkhami

Do Not Compete Quotes #369160
#38. The champion's management says let's do this for real, for charity. Rocky says no but decides to be true to himself even though he's going to be berated by everyone. Just to compete, not to win.

Sylvester Stallone

Do Not Compete Quotes #434005
#39. It is a striving to attain the best. To throttle it would mean to stop all progress. Certain men do not need to compete. They are pioneers.

Henry Ford

Do Not Compete Quotes #847661
#40. Life is not an inconvenience to the work we dream of; it's the reason we do it in the first place. A calling does not compete with or even complement your life.

Jeff Goins

Do Not Compete Quotes #533704
#41. Until MTV, television had not been a huge influence on music. To compete with MTV, the country music moguls felt they had to appeal to the same young audience and do it the way MTV did.

Charley Pride

Do Not Compete Quotes #557688
#42. Yeah, I do feel badly sometimes, not for whose coming up and getting roles I'm not right for anymore but the people I compete with, who range from Uma Thurman on up.

Kelly Lynch

Do Not Compete Quotes #577348
#43. If I go down, it's never easy. At least my opponent knows they have to go to the end of the earth to take me out no matter what the circumstances. I do try to compete. Even if it's not your best day, I just try to walk off the court knowing I gave 100,000 percent.

Venus Williams

Do Not Compete Quotes #592056
#44. You can't compete with hip-hop. That doesn't mean I don't want to be as big as a rap star. I do - I'm always competitive. But there's this weird perception of me as someone who's sitting around plotting like a devil. It's not like that.

Brandon Flowers

Do Not Compete Quotes #598336
#45. You first compete with yourself before competing against others; if you cannot beat your last best result, do not be surprised if it seems difficult to compete against external competitors.

Archibald Marwizi

Do Not Compete Quotes #669424
#46. Good ideas may not want to be free, but they do want to connect, fuse, recombine. They want to reinvent themselves by crossing conceptual borders. They want to complete each other as much as they want to compete

Steven Johnson

Do Not Compete Quotes #704925
#47. Never stretch your neck to see who is not doing it big. Look into your bosom, and realize that you can do it bigger! Go, create a brighter picture!

Israelmore Ayivor

Do Not Compete Quotes #833114

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