Top 5 Dixmier Jacques Quotes

#1. Unsettling emotions are capable of messing up the most beautiful minds in this world.

Janvier Chouteu-Chando

Dixmier Jacques Quotes #389960
#2. The past is never where you think you left it.

Katherine Anne Porter

Dixmier Jacques Quotes #400536
#3. Falling in love could be achieved in a single word - a glance.

Ian McEwan

Dixmier Jacques Quotes #552683
#4. Well, I've never met an indexer any more than I've met a real writer. I'm impressed." Miss Finch's tone had changed, and she was suddenly leaning toward me, almost half over the counter. "Tell me, do you make any real money at this job, writing indexes for books?

Larry D. Sweazy

Dixmier Jacques Quotes #854394
#5. Angela was a knockout who would knock you out for saying so.

Sarah Rees Brennan

Dixmier Jacques Quotes #1413374

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