Top 18 Dither Quotes

#1. Imagine a giant asteroid on a direct collision course with Earth. That is the equivalent of what we face now [with climate change], yet we dither.

James Hansen

Dither Quotes #319989
#2. Your generation has no sense of responsibility to a group, a calling higher than your own. You treat random friends like family and family like strangers. You want to dither your life away, pursuing one pleasure after another. That is not a path; that is a waste of life.

Liz Braswell

Dither Quotes #936865
#3. Anyone who still wants to experience fairytales these days can't afford to dither when it comes to using their brains.

Robert Musil

Dither Quotes #1380159
#4. Now she understood that someone had to end the council by declaring specifically what had been decided and what must happen next. Without absolute clarity, people would go off and dither, especially if they had doubts about the decision.

Orson Scott Card

Dither Quotes #1701367
#5. I love Prada. Not so much the clothes, which are for malnourished thirteen-year-olds, but I covet, with covety covetousness, the shoes and handbags. Like, I LOVE them. If I was given a choice between world peace and a Prada handbag, I'd dither. (I'm not proud of this, I'm only saying.)

Marian Keyes

Dither Quotes #317407
#6. have faith that healing is a process. I have faith that God cares about me. I have faith in my own power.

Lia Mack

Dither Quotes #1747633
#7. I'm sad to report that in the past few years, ever since uncertainty became our insistent 21st century companion, leadership has taken a great leap backwards to the familiar territory of command and control.

Margaret J. Wheatley

Dither Quotes #1495483
#8. Pakistani politics is complicated, and I think it's not something a foreigner can easily assimilate and understand.

Richard Holbrooke

Dither Quotes #1092012
#9. Life is about opportunities, creating them and embracing them, and for me, that was the Olympic dream. That's what defined me. That was my bliss.

Janine Shepherd

Dither Quotes #1076840
#10. At art college, I started to do music and then painting and drawing - and that would have been my ideal life, to be an artist and be paid for it, to be able to create stuff. I realized it was difficult, but I don't know if I had the application for it.

Sean Bean

Dither Quotes #1011447
#11. While I have no empirical evidence to back this up, I bet that the number of homosexual people per thousand has not fluctuated all that much over the centuries. I do not believe the dented wisdom my father used to extol, that homosexuality was a sure sign of a civilization in decline.

Henry Rollins

Dither Quotes #835833
#12. A "godly" person is one who ceases to be self-centered in order to become God-centered.

Charles R. Swindoll

Dither Quotes #689092
#13. The Free Hawks is fighters, I says.
Warriors, she says, like you. An occasional highway robbers.

Moira Young

Dither Quotes #677917
#14. Remember how you used to be able to feel your bed breathing and the walls spinning when you were a kid?

Lynda Barry

Dither Quotes #626061
#15. wakened by pain
from a dream of pain
I wipe the sweat
and rose petals

Shiki Masaoka

Dither Quotes #489761
#16. One of our top objectives is to find and destroy the WMD. There are a number of sites.

Victoria Clark

Dither Quotes #302242
#17. All my life I'd woken up to tennis, tennis, tennis. Even if I don't go to practise, I'm thinking about it all day.

Serena Williams

Dither Quotes #190644
#18. You gotta learn that if you're gonna take the last shot of the game, it's either gonna go in, or it's not gonna go in, and you're either gonna be the hero or the goat.

Tom Heinsohn

Dither Quotes #161079

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