Top 33 Direct Response Quotes

#1. This is not a reaction to your words or actions, rather, it is in direct response to them

Deborah Brodie

Direct Response Quotes #350218
#2. I crave the freedom of knowing that if I want to do something, I can do it. It's important that I live in such a way that I can maintain a direct response to ideas.

Errollyn Wallen

Direct Response Quotes #485010
#3. Nobody should be allowed to create general advertising until he has served his apprenticeship in direct-response

David Ogilvy

Direct Response Quotes #654429
#4. I always work directly from life, partly because I really enjoy having an interaction with the person in front of me but also because I love having a direct response to shape and color.

Mary Beth McKenzie

Direct Response Quotes #1168857
#5. To utilize social media tools effectively and properly, you must absolutely generate spontaneous communications in direct response to what others are saying or to what is happening in that moment. Be yourself. Be conversational. Be engaged.

Aliza Sherman

Direct Response Quotes #1471237
#6. My works are a direct response to the typical space opera. I grew tired of always reading about how the people with power, with agency, get involved in huge sweeping arcs of stories. I wanted stories that dealt with real people, people I could relate to.

Nathan Lowell

Direct Response Quotes #1563609
#7. Terrorism is a direct response to the crimes our government has committed against foreigners (besides which, the actual terrorists are within our own government)

Gore Vidal

Direct Response Quotes #1579745
#8. The trouble with many copywriters in general agencies are that they don't really think in terms of selling. They have never written direct-response; they have never tasted blood

David Ogilvy

Direct Response Quotes #1760367
#9. I've spent over 25 years in the television industry, the direct response industry. I met a lot of people and certainly learned the power of commercials and their brand building potential.

Kevin Harrington

Direct Response Quotes #9401
#10. I believe that ultimately the situation in Kosovo can only be resolved through self-determination.

Eliot Engel

Direct Response Quotes #808981
#11. Celebrities used to be found in clusters, like oysters - and with much the same defensive mechanisms.

Barbara Walters

Direct Response Quotes #1772348
#12. Every minute, every second, the pattern of genes being expressed in your brain changes, often in direct or indirect response to events outside the body. Genes are the mechanisms of experience.

Matt Ridley

Direct Response Quotes #955223
#13. Begging everyone's pardon," said Big Konar, "but it ain't polite to have an argument if nobody else knows what the fuck you're arguing about.

Scott Lynch

Direct Response Quotes #1012088
#14. I said hello to the poodle.

Rick Riordan

Direct Response Quotes #1061144
#15. You need philosophy. It sounds a little pompous but I think when you direct a film, the only way to find a response to the questions you keep asking yourself is to have a philosophy.

Michel Gondry

Direct Response Quotes #1075425
#16. I am profoundly uncertain how to write. I know what I love and what I like, because it's a direct passionate response. But when I write, I'm very uncertain whether it's good enough. That is, of course, the writer's agony.

Susan Sontag

Direct Response Quotes #1102302
#17. Fans these days seem to almost expect a response from band-members any time they tweet or leave a comment etc.

Beau Bokan

Direct Response Quotes #1152241
#18. An unguarded comment often proves every bit as valuable as a response to a direct question.

Jeffrey Archer

Direct Response Quotes #1173679
#19. Countless black citizens in the South couldn't vote. They were second-class citizens from cradle to grave. The discrimination was terrible, brutal.

John Doar

Direct Response Quotes #1196324
#20. The atrocities in Cambodia are a direct and understandable response to the violence of the imperial system.

Noam Chomsky

Direct Response Quotes #1706475
#21. They may direct the construction of the body and brain in the womb, but then they set about dismantling and rebuilding what they have made almost at once - in response to experience.

Matt Ridley

Direct Response Quotes #1723569
#22. Work-do plays, learn your craft, and go to school. Keep working. Nobody is going to give you jobs for going to parties or any of that nonsense. Go out, look around, do things.

James Gandolfini

Direct Response Quotes #753797
#23. Some websites are completely optimized for simple conver- sion, and it's easy to tell. The design centers on one clear call to action, a vivid lozenge labeled with a verb.

Erika Hall

Direct Response Quotes #718439
#24. Alvarenga believed he didn't need a doctor to diagnose what was wrong. He was suffering from a yearlong tortilla drought.

Jonathan Franklin

Direct Response Quotes #681702
#25. I have to believe that somebody up there thinks I've still got some work to do.

George Michael

Direct Response Quotes #634590
#26. We are not here together just to make children, Elizabeth. What we're going to do is sanctified by marriage. It's an act of love - of love. Not merely of the flesh, but of the mind and even the soul. There's nothing about it you shouldn't welcome.

Colleen McCullough

Direct Response Quotes #614110
#27. I have often had occasion to notice how, where a direct question would fail to elicit a response, a false assumption brings instant information in the form of a contradiction.

Agatha Christie

Direct Response Quotes #537515
#28. We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. - Romans 12:6a, NIV

Henry Cloud

Direct Response Quotes #475592
#29. One thing, however, I know with certainty: violence, or the direct threat of violence, of the kind we have seen in the past few days, is totally unjustified as a response to any published word or image.

Timothy Garton Ash

Direct Response Quotes #462066
#30. I think Twitter is such a cool thing because it really is a direct line to the fans and for fans back to you, and it's such a new thing. I think in the past there's been usually fan mail and that's really good, but Twitter, it gets an immediate response.

Alison Brie

Direct Response Quotes #357719
#31. Ambition and hatred are enough to bring Iraq and al Qaeda together

Colin Powell

Direct Response Quotes #260131
#32. When you love what's deeper, your response is direct. There won't be a fear in dropping directly into the deeper.

John De Ruiter

Direct Response Quotes #143963
#33. What we did, what every president since Washington has done, was provide a measured, appropriate response, in direct relation to a realistic threat assessment.

Max Brooks

Direct Response Quotes #67591

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