Top 8 Dhwani Quotes

#1. I don't think you're happier if you're thin or beautiful or rich or married. You have to make your own happiness. My heroines do not become beautiful elegant swans, they become confident ducks and get on with life.

Maeve Binchy

Dhwani Quotes #23251
#2. I don't really think it's appropriate for me to be picking and choosing in the primaries. It's pretty dumb politics for a Republican to choose between Republicans in a contested primary because obviously you're going to be offending some people.

John Cornyn

Dhwani Quotes #35229
#3. The magic question is, 'What for?' But art is not for anything. Art is the ultimate goal.

William McDonough

Dhwani Quotes #61810
#4. I'm overwhelmed by the stunning incredibility of the truth.

Taylor Jenkins Reid

Dhwani Quotes #125550
#5. I like to plan everything out and know exactly what we're doing. It's always important to me to work with a cast and a crew that not only I respect their talent but I really like them as people.

James Gunn

Dhwani Quotes #736853
#6. I'm pretty critical of myself as far as reaching some sort of perfect bull's-eye or target that I'm aiming for.

Jeff Bridges

Dhwani Quotes #1160330
#7. I am the Lord, I do not change" (Malachi 3:6).

David Wilkerson

Dhwani Quotes #1522097
#8. The proclamation and witness of the Gospel are the first service that Christians can offer every person and the whole human race, as they are called to communicate to all the love of God, who manifested himself fully in the only Redeemer of the world, Jesus Christ.

Pope Benedict XVI

Dhwani Quotes #1864360

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