Top 8 Dementium Rom Quotes

#1. I have two new nephews and a new niece this year, so I have plenty of kids that I can spend time with.

Anjelica Huston

Dementium Rom Quotes #102002
#2. Be an example of small acts of kindness; help someone in need.

Debasish Mridha

Dementium Rom Quotes #137480
#3. A saint abroad, and a devil at home.

John Bunyan

Dementium Rom Quotes #335602
#4. I desire so to conduct the affairs of this administration that if at the end, when I come to lay down the reins of power, I have lost every other friend on earth, I shall at least have one friend left, and that friend shall be down inside me.

Abraham Lincoln

Dementium Rom Quotes #366876
#5. Want to play some Battleship?
I wasn't leaving him alone with that thing in there.
Chad armed himself with a notebook, and we went to war. Historically, war has often been used as a distraction for problems at home.

Patricia Briggs

Dementium Rom Quotes #943500
#6. Anything is happy in life if we can enjoy it and take pleasure in it. The hardest cross is a joy if it is our delight.

A.B. Simpson

Dementium Rom Quotes #1103352
#7. Change for your own sake, if you must, not for what you imagine another will ask of you.

Emma Donoghue

Dementium Rom Quotes #1270647
#8. The promise of celebrity is a transcendental human state of existence. It's not real. We do know the fact that celebrities as mortal beings exist and if you are looking for love by being famous or being around the famous - ultimately that goes away.

George Hickenlooper

Dementium Rom Quotes #1486531

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