Top 8 Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes

#1. Play the game of life as if you have nothing to lose, no attachment.

Jay Woodman

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #226318
#2. But when the web is pulled askew, hooked up at the edge, torn in the middle, one remembers that these webs are not spun in mid-air by incorporeal creatures, but are the work of suffering human beings, and are attached to grossly material things, like health and money and the houses we live in.

Virginia Woolf

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #437844
#3. You never feel good when you lie. It doesn't matter how much you want something, if you lie to somebody you love, and they actually, sincerely believe you, you feel like a cockroach that needs some serious Raid action.

Randa Abdel-Fattah

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #575385
#4. A lean sorrow is hardest to bear.

Sarah Orne Jewett

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #641847
#5. The Good News is that when we trust God's grace to save us through what Jesus did, our sins are forgiven, we get a purpose for living, and we are promised a future home in heaven.

Rick Warren

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #1069592
#6. As far as the sovereignty of Bosnia-Hercegovina is concerned we agreed to have limited sovereignty for a limited time and that is clear from the Dayton Agreement.

Alija Izetbegovic

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #1211639
#7. Love is just like a breeze: it comes, but you should not close your doors to keep the breeze inside.


Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #1360621
#8. Next to the bestowal of life itself, the right to direct that life is God;s greatest gift to man.

David O. McKay

Deep Rooted Crossword Quotes #1786444

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