Top 12 Decourt 1982 Quotes

#1. I am not immersed in self-admiration.

Saul Leiter

Decourt 1982 Quotes #239097
#2. I leave you free to be yourself: to think your thoughts, indulge your tastes, follow your inclinations, behave in ways that you decide are to your liking.

Anthony De Mello

Decourt 1982 Quotes #251235
#3. I'm one of those writers who can't talk about what they're working on. The entire four years I was writing 'House of Sand and Fog,' my wife never saw a word of it. I just have to keep it in the womb, and then everyone can have a crack at it.

Andre Dubus III

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1001951
#4. Needs could not bully her.

Michel Faber

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1149348
#5. Mr. Chairman, I think the record should show that for the first time since McKinley, we have a Republican president worth shooting, and I think that's a good sign.

James Johnson

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1156768
#6. Modern war is so expensive that we feel trade to be a better avenue to plunder; but modern man inherits all the innate pugnacity and all the love of glory of his ancestors.

William James

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1167751
#7. No amount of makeup can mask an ugly heart.

Kevyn Aucoin

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1208740
#8. [The] faith spoken of in the Bible is not a matter of intellectual belief, but a matter of connecting experientially and substantively with the person of Truth, Jesus.

Karla Perry

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1230450
#9. A great poem is no finish to a man or woman but rather a beginning.

Walt Whitman

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1318714
#10. Oh, Anya! Let's have an intense spiritual relationship for no believable reason!

Vera Brosgol

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1425759
#11. Liberty is the most jealous and exacting mistress that can beguile the soul and brain of man.

Clarence Darrow

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1598529
#12. Speeches in our culture are the vacuum that fills a vacuum.

John Kenneth Galbraith

Decourt 1982 Quotes #1756233

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