Top 15 Days Inn Quotes

#1. The nice thing about being detained in Canada is it's like being in a Days Inn; it's very clean and very nice.

Bill Ayers

Days Inn Quotes #530243
#2. Nothing was working, and my friend was dead, and I didn't want to look at that.

Anthony Kiedis

Days Inn Quotes #162039
#3. Certain things in Mozart will and can never be excelled.

Richard Wagner

Days Inn Quotes #326475
#4. Screw you, Moretti." Wyatt glared at him. "I ain't stupid."

Nova laughed. "You just said 'ain't.

Kele Moon

Days Inn Quotes #766287
#5. I want to show an all of us. And I want the story to hold and keep our separate strangeness and the broken pieces of all the human beings that do not fit.

Anna Smaill

Days Inn Quotes #901799
#6. The Overhead bears the most powerful Healers in Heaven," Mother began softly. "The Healers - or Guardian Angels, as we were once known as - are given the most power from the sun. Our powers to heal others come from the light and good of the earth - it is what enables us to wake in the morning.

Barbara C. Doyle

Days Inn Quotes #940418
#7. As a lawyer, I could engage in killer litigation with the best of them. It was war, after all.

Megyn Kelly

Days Inn Quotes #946333
#8. Those who never retract their opinions love themselves more than they love truth.

Joseph Joubert

Days Inn Quotes #989243
#9. People are beginning to realise," the doorman of the Stonewall Inn observed a few days after the riot, "that no matter how 'nelly' or how 'fem' a homosexual is, you can only push them so far.

Ann Bausum

Days Inn Quotes #1062735
#10. Yet mad I am not...and very surely do I not dream.

Edgar Allan Poe

Days Inn Quotes #1224479
#11. No one can attack you when you're songwriting; it's you and a song, which is a great place to be.

Gin Wigmore

Days Inn Quotes #1453624
#12. It was my first time in Kansas City. In about two or three days I had a gig at a place called The Monroe Inn.

Jay McShann

Days Inn Quotes #1479374
#13. A few photographers make a killing; the rest can't make a living.

Bill Jay

Days Inn Quotes #1820322
#14. Friends are the support bras of life.

Lisa Kleypas

Days Inn Quotes #1835534
#15. A warrior cannot lower his head - otherwise he loses sight of the horizon of his dreams.

Paulo Coelho

Days Inn Quotes #1866405

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