Top 9 Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes

#1. You go after crude, rabble-rousing chancers like Ted Haggard, Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, rather than sophisticated theologians like Tillich or Bonhoeffer who teach the sort of religion I believe in.

Richard Dawkins

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #199698
#2. First, they came for the bigots, and I said nothing, because I didn't believe I was a bigot, then ... it was really nice, it turned out it was the bigots who'd been the main issue. We just all went out and had a lovely picnic together.

Robin Ince

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #518880
#3. When I was young, I was reading anything and anything I could lay my hands on. I was a veracious-to-the-point-of-insane reader.

Neil Gaiman

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #550394
#4. I'm more interested in my life than I am in my career. I don't want to not work. I do enjoy working, but not to the point where that's the only thing I focus on.

Rachel Ticotin

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1077119
#5. To fly, we must have resistance.

Maya Lin

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1216038
#6. When you love someone from the bottom of your heart then everyday seems to be like 14th of february

Sachit Shrestha

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1242940
#7. Where trust goes, love follows.

Kevin Wade Johnson

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1630428
#8. Was he the kind of man you wanted next to you in a foxhole? - a saying used almost always by men who had never been in foxholes about other men who had never been in foxholes either.

David Halberstam

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1641241
#9. Don't worry. It'll work out somehow."
" ... Whenever you say that, I get scared things'll actually happen that way."
"Oh? Why would you get scared ?

Keiichi Sigsawa

Darlenes Portsmouth Quotes #1871174

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