Top 11 Darbel Montrose Quotes

#1. As she'd walked along this street, a million stars stretched across an indigo canvas, holding all the freedom she'd yearned for every night.

Katherine McIntyre

Darbel Montrose Quotes #348303
#2. If you have too many quotes from other people in your head, you can't create. You have to keep your head empty. That's why I am constantly enjoying the sky, the park, the walk.

Yoko Ono

Darbel Montrose Quotes #401489
#3. All remember about my mother," Nibs told them, "is that she often said to my father, 'Oh, how I wish I had a cheque-book of my own!' I don't know what a cheque-book is, but I should just love to give my mother one.

J.M. Barrie

Darbel Montrose Quotes #420722
#4. I grew up in Louisiana, a lot of carbohydrates, fried foods, all very good. Butter, lots of homemade cakes and cookies. Here I am in Los Angeles and just really educating myself about food. Once you know better, you do better.

Ali Landry

Darbel Montrose Quotes #661801
#5. The great chasm between the thing I say, & the thing I would say, wd be quite dispiriting to me, in spite even of such kindnesses as yours, if the desire did not master the despondency.

Elizabeth Barrett Browning

Darbel Montrose Quotes #716445
#6. Granting amnesty to people who broke the law penalizes the millions of people who are waiting to come to America legally.

Phil Gramm

Darbel Montrose Quotes #733680
#7. I hold Bond dear to my heart. I've traveled the world as an ambassador for that character, and I had a bloody great time doing it.

Pierce Brosnan

Darbel Montrose Quotes #961309
#8. Perhaps we clutch at life only when we have never lived or trusted it. Then death seems the last and greatest defeat, the end of something never felt.

Dorothy Gilman

Darbel Montrose Quotes #1248445
#9. Life is a bunch of 'universal truths', not mine, not anyone else's ...but which exist as a fact..until we 'crack' them for ourselves as 'truths'!

Abha Maryada Banerjee

Darbel Montrose Quotes #1354168
#10. You don't achieve greatness in life being surrounded by mediocre people with mediocre values. Choose your company wisely.

Amy Chan

Darbel Montrose Quotes #1572994
#11. Clocks need a man to keep them in proper subjection.)

D.E. Stevenson

Darbel Montrose Quotes #1774643

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