Top 6 Danyael Rosales Quotes

#1. It [voicing animation] is very freeing. Nobody in the cast is doing their voice. No one is talking like they normally talk and it's because, all of a sudden, you're freed from the physical limitations of how you look, which is amazing.

Jason Segel

Danyael Rosales Quotes #114935
#2. There's one thing you can start doing right now that will change how you communicate with any young human: Remember what it's like to be one.

Justin Young

Danyael Rosales Quotes #471508
#3. Drink from the well of yourself and begin again.

Charles Bukowski

Danyael Rosales Quotes #501498
#4. Holding my hands, kissing the palms, his smile is ecstatic, jubilant, adoring, and the song playing speaks for him, Have you ever seen the light ... the way it shines in you.


Danyael Rosales Quotes #556846
#5. The soul wants a body so it can kick up its heels. The soul wants a wide, wide skirt to wear while it swings and sashays all the way down the aisles!

Betsey Beckman

Danyael Rosales Quotes #990218
#6. But all the long speeches, all the interminable days and hours that people had spent talking about my soul, had left me with the impression of a colorless swirling river that was making me dizzy.

Albert Camus

Danyael Rosales Quotes #1499101

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