Top 11 Cycle Of Defeat Quotes

#1. I was made for more than being stuck in a vicious cycle of defeat. I am not made to be a victim of my poor choices. I was made to be a victorious child of God.

Lysa TerKeurst

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #799774
#2. In the cycle of nature there is no such thing as victory or defeat; there is only movement.

Paulo Coelho

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #274398
#3. Doubt grew only in the fertile darkness of solitude

Michael R. Fletcher

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #553792
#4. Who are we when we leave our families? Who do we become? What are we capable of? That's something that never leaves us. It begins at that point in your life when you leave the nest, and I don't think we stop wanting to explore that question.

Naomi Watts

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #666418
#5. You may think you don't want to throw your life away for mere fleeting euphoria. But, once you get a taste, it doesn't feel so mere.
From then on the planet becomes a waiting room. The rest of your life devolves to no more than the time between highs.

Jerry Stahl

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #733613
#6. Everybody put on masks, including you and me. We all wear masks.

Ama H. Vanniarachchy

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #787987
#7. Desperate love is always the toughest way to do it.

Elizabeth Gilbert

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #1001421
#8. Don't settle for what life gives you; make life better and build something.

Ashton Kutcher

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #1127525
#9. I'm not afraid of you!' The wombat yelled. 'I saw you get stuck in the washing machine once. Round and round you went! Who's afraid of something that can't defeat a rinse cycle?

Catherynne M Valente

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #1443478
#10. I want to feel everything with you, Avery.

Nikki Lynn Barrett

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #1634103
#11. Unfortunately, we don't get a second chance. We've already played them twice.

Trevor Brooking

Cycle Of Defeat Quotes #1692211

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