Top 28 Created And Produced Quotes

#1. Every once in a while, magicians strike gold. David Regal has created and produced the perfect close-up illusion.

Jim Steinmeyer

Created And Produced Quotes #695298
#2. Thus God alone is the primary Unity, or original simple substance, from which all monads, created and derived, are produced.

Gottfried Leibniz

Created And Produced Quotes #1325940
#3. The deal is in the details.

Michelle Moore

Created And Produced Quotes #1860772
#4. The wants of mankind are supplied and satisfied out of the gross values produced and created, and not out of the net values only.

Jean-Baptiste Say

Created And Produced Quotes #1822505
#5. 80 percent of profits are produced by only 20 percent of the employees, 80 percent of customer service problems are created by only 20 percent of consumers, 80 percent of decisions are made during 20 percent of meeting time, and so on. It

Albert-Laszlo Barabasi

Created And Produced Quotes #1812966
#6. In our dreams, we find the dreams of others, and in other's dreams we find ourselves. No will is separated from others and no dream is in itself isolated from the will of God.

Robin Sacredfire

Created And Produced Quotes #1706793
#7. If my life was a song it would be, 'It ain't that easy being green' from Sesame Street.

Jacob Lusk

Created And Produced Quotes #1697803
#8. I am a visual man. I watch, watch, watch. I understand things through my eyes.

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Created And Produced Quotes #1636883
#9. The distance of the fighting created the illusion of normalcy, but the new rules resulted in an attitude shift that did not suit the Administration's plans. They were going for structure, control, for panic that produced submission - what

Tea Obreht

Created And Produced Quotes #1630699
#10. Work for immortality if you will: then wait for it.

J.G. Holland

Created And Produced Quotes #1617603
#11. We tend by a secret law of the soul to move toward our mental image of God.

A.W. Tozer

Created And Produced Quotes #1558833
#12. Poverty is not created by poor people. It is produced by our failure to create institutions to support human capabilities.

Muhammad Yunus

Created And Produced Quotes #1540057
#13. So I am getting a little bored with defining one type of film as American and the other European or from somewhere else because the division is no longer true.

Wim Wenders

Created And Produced Quotes #1449108
#14. It felt oily in his mind and left an aftertaste in his soul.

James A. Moore

Created And Produced Quotes #1447757
#15. Iran, in its former incarnation as Persia, created the world's first empire, produced titanic figures like Cyrus, Darius, and Xerxes, and is one of the great fonts of world culture.

Stephen Kinzer

Created And Produced Quotes #1439288
#16. The powers of nature are so great, and our power is so inept. So,in order to cope with the incredible anxiety that human self-consciousness produced, I think we created God in our own image, and then portrayed this God as having supernatural power that we didn't have.

John Shelby Spong

Created And Produced Quotes #1272138
#17. What the computer can do in art and design has turned aesthetics on its head ... with the computer, things are not so much created as they are produced, with the producer-director becoming the star and the controlling force of much that was in other hands at other times.

Nicholas Von Hoffman

Created And Produced Quotes #1109314
#18. Reagan's neglect of the inner city is responsible for hiphop. Hiphop is created thanks to the conditions that crack set: easy money but a lot of work, the violence involved, the stories it produced. Crack helped birth hiphop.


Created And Produced Quotes #913834
#19. I cannot be bound to the confines of your rules. I am the exception to them.

Truth Devour

Created And Produced Quotes #808411
#20. Art, although produced by man's hands, is something not created by hands alone, but something which wells up from a deeper source out of our soul ... My sympathies in the literary as well as in the artistic field are drawn most strongly to those artists in whom I see most the working of the soul.

Vincent Van Gogh

Created And Produced Quotes #655806
#21. Smitten kitten? I swear a piece of my manliness just died. "Promise me you wont ever say those words again.

N.R. Walker

Created And Produced Quotes #526751
#22. There is a grand union beyond nationalism which serves all people, and which is rooted in what is real, versus what has been created or produced.

Bryant McGill

Created And Produced Quotes #519672
#23. I did say, at Chicago, in my speech there, that I do wish to see the spread of slavery arrested and to see it placed where the public mind shall rest in the belief that it is in course of ultimate extinction.

Abraham Lincoln

Created And Produced Quotes #413677
#24. There are as many species as the infinite being created diverse forms in the beginning, which, following the laws of generation, produced many others, but always similar to them: therefore there are as many species as we have different structures before us today.

Carl Linnaeus

Created And Produced Quotes #403113
#25. Hillary Clinton and the policies of Hillary and Bill - passed by Bill, but enthusiastically supported and promoted by Hillary - have really created this right-wing extremism that has produced Donald Trump.

Jill Stein

Created And Produced Quotes #375923
#26. I created, wrote, produced, and starred in my first-ever acting gig!

Greg Poehler

Created And Produced Quotes #313063
#27. I've lost much of my heart and the spark or fire that once 'created,' or produced, the art of fiction.

Rick Bass

Created And Produced Quotes #196904
#28. Really successful designs can be created without software produced "special effects." Identities do not NEED bevels, gradations, 3-D imagery, Web 2.Oh-Oh and other oh so "special" treatments to be great design solutions for clients.

Jeff Fisher

Created And Produced Quotes #16586

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