Top 16 Crazy Quilt Quotes

#1. Today, the law is a crazy quilt of provisions and clauses that very often have little to do with securing general happiness but instead are designed to secure the particular happiness of various advocacy groups, politicians and bureaucrats.

Joel Miller

Crazy Quilt Quotes #769555
#2. When I look back on my career - if that's what it is - it looks a bit like a crazy quilt, and I think it's just really because, when one job has finished, I've never really been in a position where I had three or four options.

Alfred Molina

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1225911
#3. But you can try to read books at the wrong time or for the wrong reasons.

Jonathan Coe

Crazy Quilt Quotes #80573
#4. You know, I'm really starting to think the whole world is just a patchwork quilt of crazy little cults, all with their own secret spaces, their own records, their own rules.

Robin Sloan

Crazy Quilt Quotes #355053
#5. That which is not good for the swarm, neither is it good for the bee.

Marcus Aurelius

Crazy Quilt Quotes #355749
#6. To breathe is to live, but to write unimpeded is to breathe eternal.

M. Clifford

Crazy Quilt Quotes #882530
#7. I'm really starting to think the whole world is just a patchwork quilt of crazy little cults, all with their own secret spaces, their own records, their own rules. On

Robin Sloan

Crazy Quilt Quotes #884616
#8. I come from a democratic world. My world is moderate Democrats, Reagan-type Democrats if you want, the blues or whatever you call them, the Blue Dogs. That's been my world, historically.

Carl Paladino

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1098234
#9. I sit, I think, I make some drawings. As a designer, you cannot retire totally.

Dieter Rams

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1129575
#10. It was psychological trick called empathic listening. You say what the person is feeling so they feel understood.

John Green

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1217345
#11. I shall not, as far as I am concerned, try to pass myself off as a Christian in your presence. I share with you the same revulsion from evil. But I do not share your hope, and I continue to struggle against this universe in which children suffer and die.

Albert Camus

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1439902
#12. We've had a deal of bad poetry, haven't we? Suggesting the climax to this thrilling and literary spectacle. The Olla Podrida, my sweet-hearts, will now be set on the fire.

Dorothy Dunnett

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1457910
#13. So in all human affairs one notices, if one examines them closely, that it is impossible to remove one inconvenience without another emerging.

Niccolo Machiavelli

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1482985
#14. I see that as usual I've gone on too long and that I'm running out of room, but I do hope that you are happy and well, and it's all a little less lonely out there than you may have feared. If there's anything I can do for you back here, or if I can help you in any way, please know that I will.

Donna Tartt

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1581960
#15. It's a lot of fun being dressed by designers and surrounded by publicists.

Luke Evans

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1676776
#16. the look we give back to death when death looks at us.

Rick Yancey

Crazy Quilt Quotes #1822673

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