Top 10 Corkins Quotes

#1. The dead bolt made a heavy, satisfying thunk as he turned the lock, and Jake found that he liked that sound. He liked it very much.

Christopher Golden

Corkins Quotes #39691
#2. Sometimes when you have limited resources and you really have to think about creative ways to get around some of these problems, generally the end result is better.

Todd Lieberman

Corkins Quotes #786653
#3. But now the shots began - not many, but one shot is a fusillade if there have been no shots before.

James Blish

Corkins Quotes #943972
#4. If I had to choose between a great acting job and a good directing job, I'd choose the directing job.

Ron Howard

Corkins Quotes #1167384
#5. It follows that at the beginning of his life the individual can accomplish wonders without effort and quite unconsciously.

Maria Montessori

Corkins Quotes #1310680
#6. Its hard to show people everything, you know? You never know what they'll do with it once they have it.

Nick Burd

Corkins Quotes #1314243
#7. I have rendered my country and people an enormous service. They owe me everything.

Mobutu Sese Seko

Corkins Quotes #1461925
#8. I suspect privacy is a very new concept to humanity.

Helen Fisher

Corkins Quotes #1573778
#9. Service to others is the rent yo pay for your room here on earth.

Ali Mohammad

Corkins Quotes #1718762
#10. I see the insurance issue, the coverage of people for healthcare in our country as a huge moral issue. The richest country in the world to have 47 million people without health insurance is ridiculous.

Benjamin Carson

Corkins Quotes #1751744

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