Top 100 Cooley Quotes
#1. You could never tell if he was with you or not, so Cooley liked to talk to him just in case. Just to remind them both that this was still a human being. He never wanted to catch himself treating Jack like a thing, a chore to be done.
Leonard Pitts Jr.
#2. Seems like everybody has seen 'Cooley High.' That's what put me on the map. Garrett Morris and I go way back, even before the movie. Great guy. We've done theater and stage plays together, Lincoln Center and all kinds of things.
Glynn Turman
#3. Without the blessing of cowardice, the world would long since have been torn to bits.
Mason Cooley
#4. Living in fear is just another way of dying before your time.
Mike Cooley
#5. Passion impels our deeds; ideology supplies the explanations.
Mason Cooley
#6. Always assume that a lucky hit will not be repeated.
Mason Cooley
#7. I win on my merits; my opponents win by cheating.
Mason Cooley
#8. Great men wait for the right moment to abandon caution. The rest of us abandon it when impatience becomes too much for us.
Mason Cooley
#10. The eros of advertising is lurid but not specific.
Mason Cooley
#11. Small faults and virtues are for daily life. The big ones are for emergencies.
Mason Cooley
#12. In new situations, I look carefully at appearances. In familiar ones, I glance.
Mason Cooley
#13. If I can't serve as a role model, let me serve as a warning.
Mason Cooley
#14. Inevitably, almost everything we say is either quotation or paraphrase.
Mason Cooley
#15. Nonsense is socially OK, but not stupidity.
Mason Cooley
#16. Sentimentality is the respect the cold-hearted pay to feeling.
Mason Cooley
#17. Wealth makes the laws that poverty must obey.
Mason Cooley
#18. Children now expect their parents to audition for approval.
Mason Cooley
#19. After rejection - misery, then thoughts of revenge, and finally, oh well, another try elsewhere.
Mason Cooley
#20. When my expectations are exactly fulfilled, I feel that something uncanny has happened.
Mason Cooley
#21. The mind scolds the heart, which makes excuses and goes its own way.
Mason Cooley
#22. The vices of youth now exceed my powers, but not my fancy.
Mason Cooley
#23. When love ends, we cry out against destiny. When friendship ends, we cry out against our friend.
Mason Cooley
#24. 'Be faithful to your roots' is the liberal version of 'Stay in your ghetto.'
Mason Cooley
#25. The self-righteous rule out the possibility that they are what has gone wrong.
Mason Cooley
#26. A restaurant with candles and flowers evokes more reveries than the Isle of Bali does.
Mason Cooley
#29. Mars and Venus are at it again. This time, Hephaestus is standing by with a private detective, a photographer, and a lawyer.
Mason Cooley
#30. Once discover comfort, and there is no turning back.
Mason Cooley
#31. Cruel impulses stir all about my kindly heart.
Mason Cooley
#32. Rule of science: only exclude purpose, and Nature will reveal her causes.
Mason Cooley
#33. No one could be the way I remember my father.
Mason Cooley
#34. Complaining is the favorite pastime of millions.
Mason Cooley
#35. If you do not throw in a few promises of better things to come, gloomy one, I am going to take you back to the library.
Mason Cooley
#36. Somehow the body keeps life going despite the ravaging negations of the mind.
Mason Cooley
#38. Courage overrides self-doubt, but does not end it.
Mason Cooley
#39. Rage against the world, if you like, but quietly, or the Guardians will awake.
Mason Cooley
#40. If youth is the period of hero-worship, so also is it true that hero-worship, more than anything else, perhaps, gives one the sense of youth. To admire, to expand one's self, to forget the rut, to have a sense of newness and life and hope, is to feel young at any time of life.
Charles Horton Cooley
#41. No need to be sentimental to mourn the loss of Paradise.
Mason Cooley
#42. When one ceases from conflict, whether because he has won, because he has lost, or because he cares no more for the game, the virtue passes out of him.
Charles Horton Cooley
#43. The trouble with the young people today is that it is they who are young.
Mason Cooley
#44. Some eras worship infancy; some, the aged. None as yet has adored middle age.
Mason Cooley
#45. Imprudence gets us into more trouble than actual misdeeds do.
Mason Cooley
#47. Pessimists fear becoming the dupes of Hope. Optimists enjoy Hope's company, and consider being duped no great matter.
Mason Cooley
#49. Snarls and sobs show that a love affair is getting serious.
Mason Cooley
#50. The aftermath of joy is not usually more joy.
Mason Cooley
#51. Reason argues the case, but fact may determine the judgment.
Mason Cooley
#53. Self-pity dries up our sympathy for others.
Mason Cooley
#54. A frog in love would not be enchanted to learn that her beloved had turned into Prince Charming.
Mason Cooley
#55. The higher the moral tone, the more suspect the speaker.
Mason Cooley
#56. When love ends, the beloved is no longer standing on a pedestal, but in a hole.
Mason Cooley
#57. The novel avoids the sublime and seeks out the interesting.
Mason Cooley
#59. In youth, love and art. In age, investments and antiques.
Mason Cooley
#61. Every work of art changes its predecessors.
Mason Cooley
#62. Prudence suspects that happiness is a bait set by risk.
Mason Cooley
#63. The human mind is indeed a cave swarming with strange forms of life, most of them unconscious and unilluminated. Unless we can understand something as to how the motives that issue from this obscurity are generated, we can hardly hope to foresee or control them.
Charles Horton Cooley
#65. Reality is the name we give to our disappointments.
Mason Cooley
#66. The psychiatrist's office: the only place I can be sure my story will be treated as sad, but interesting.
Mason Cooley
#67. The literature of the inner life is very largely a record of struggle with the inordinate passions of the social self.
Charles Horton Cooley
#68. Nudity is the costume of lovers and corpses.
Mason Cooley
#69. Home again, I can groan, scratch, and talk to myself.
Mason Cooley
#70. Fulfillment is often more trouble than it is worth.
Mason Cooley
#71. Both faith and cynicism make judgment too easy.
Mason Cooley
#72. Bad faith likes discourse on friendship and loyalty.
Mason Cooley
#73. Aphorisms know the angles, but not the structure.
Mason Cooley
#74. The rich are happier than we are, and should be.
Mason Cooley
#76. Without a little negligence, life would be intolerable.
Mason Cooley
#78. The aim of literary ambition is to demonstrate one's greatness of soul.
Mason Cooley
#80. Shameless: Punish me for my desire if you will. It burns still.
Mason Cooley
#83. In retirement, only money and symptoms are consequential.
Mason Cooley
#84. Sleaze is a point by point refutation of elegance.
Mason Cooley
#85. Guilt agonizes over trifles, ignores habitual wrongdoing.
Mason Cooley
#86. Boredom is the only sure cure for neurosis.
Mason Cooley
#87. To be thoroughly modern, an aphorism should trail off vaguely rather than coming to a point.
Mason Cooley
#88. Loving, not the beloved, is the joy of love. The beloved, knowing this, most resolutely declines to be grateful.
Mason Cooley
#89. Health can be squandered, but not stored up.
Mason Cooley
#90. The more developed sexual passion, in both sexes, is very largely an emotion of power, domination, or appropriation. There is no state of feeling that says mine, mine, more fiercely.
Charles Horton Cooley
#91. I slide down and sit on the shower floor and just let the scalding hot water run over me until I don't have any tears left.
Randi Cooley Wilson
#93. The writer is always courted by invitations from the all-too- familiar.
Mason Cooley
#95. Now that I see you understand me so well, I will avoid you.
Mason Cooley
#98. Symbolism erects a facade of respectability to hide the indecency of dreams.
Mason Cooley
#100. If you are going to break a Law of Art, make the crime interesting.
Mason Cooley
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