Top 15 Cooled Down Quotes

#1. While our pulse beats and we feel emotion, let us put off the business. Things will truly seem different to us when we have quieted and cooled down. It is passion that is in command at first, it is passion that speaks, it is not we ourselves.

Michel De Montaigne

Cooled Down Quotes #186885
#2. As fire when thrown into water is cooled down and put out, so also a false accusation when brought against a man of the purest and holiest character, boils over and is at once dissipated, and vanishes and threats of heaven and sea, himself standing unmoved.

Marcus Tullius Cicero

Cooled Down Quotes #532293
#3. There comes with old age a time when the heart is no longer fusible or malleable, and must retain the form in which it has cooled down.

Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu

Cooled Down Quotes #675250
#4. To behave rightly, we ourselves should never lay a hand on our servants as long as our anger lasts. Things will seem different to us when we have quieted and cooled down.

Michel De Montaigne

Cooled Down Quotes #1450639
#5. Last Christmas they sat beside the hearths
Secure, together, cracking roast chestnuts

Or stale jokes about holies and ivies
As red wines cooled down another hot year

Today, even the vines threaten to stream
The streets with banners of another fire.

Jack Mapanje

Cooled Down Quotes #1467216
#6. I don't fight in chase of an individual. I hear this sometimes where fighters work their whole careers to reach a matchup with a certain individual. I do not think in that way.

Conor McGregor

Cooled Down Quotes #63321
#7. I do like to keep abreast of what the hardcore vocal members of the comics-reading audience are talking about on Internet message boards, but there are so few of them, as a percentage of the buying audience, that I can't allow their opinions to dictate story direction.

Grant Morrison

Cooled Down Quotes #76694
#8. I sit down on the curb, outside the Opera. People passing look at me. I will wait here for a hundred years. Or until the hot meat of romance is cooled by the dull gravy of common sense once more

Donald Barthelme

Cooled Down Quotes #263779
#9. Before such calm external beauty the presence of a vague fear is more distinctly felt - like a raven flapping its slow wing across the sunny air.

George Eliot

Cooled Down Quotes #306351
#10. Good fortune is a god among men, and more than a god.


Cooled Down Quotes #398247
#11. A hundred men, women and children died on that voyage and were dropped over the side; and some of the captives who were dropped over the side had not yet died, but the green chill of the ocean cooled their final fever and they went down flailing, choking, lost.

Neil Gaiman

Cooled Down Quotes #1026101
#12. The only 'Idol' music I've ever purchased is Phillip Phillips.

Crystal Bowersox

Cooled Down Quotes #1033727
#13. Based on something called a 'ping,' where you literally ping a cell phone using an electronic signal that then reflects the location of where that cell phone is.

Jeanine Pirro

Cooled Down Quotes #1318540
#14. Companies and careers have literally been saved or lost due to the success or failure of a single proposal.

David G. Pugh

Cooled Down Quotes #1437483
#15. I kind of got really, really into 'Hill Street Blues' when it came out. I used to leave a class early just to make sure I could watch the episode of 'Hill Street Blues' that day.

Mark Pellegrino

Cooled Down Quotes #1537125

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